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15 Ways to Manage Your E-Mail More Effectively
? Are you tired of searching for e-mail messages you know are somewhere? Love it or hate it ? or both! ? e-mail is increasingly the primary method for communicating in today's digital world ? at work and at home. Research shows that introducing e-mail into a company increases printing by 40%. In seminars, I often ask attendees, "How many of you print out your e-mail?" The vast majority raise their hand ? timidly! But let's face it, sometimes paper is highly practical. Complex proposals, for example, often require discussions where you need a printed copy that result in physical notes, making the electronic e-mail less valuable than the printed out version. On the other hand, printing out everything is not likely a good solution. The key to managing e-mail is determining when to keep hard copy and when to keep electronic copy, keeping in mind that sometimes both may be practical. In the case described above, for example, the printed version has value for discussion, and the electronic version has value for creating new versions after the discussion. In either event, the principles of The Paper Tiger methodology will improve communication and increase productivity. 6 Tips for Sending E-mail Your Recipients Will Love: 1. Use the Subject line to clearly describe the topic of your e-mail. This is helpful for the recipient, and for you if you want to find a message you've sent. 2. Include only one subject per e-mail message. This method will greatly simplify e-mail filing and retrieval. 3. For a lengthy or complicated e-mail, create the e-mail in your word processing program and then copy to your e-mail. If you have an e-mail glitch during the sending process, you can easily retrieve your message! 4. When replying to any e-mail, attach enough of the old message for the recipient to remember the content of the original e-mail, but delete unnecessary information or duplication. 5. Avoid sending e-mail attachments whenever possible. Receivers are becoming more reluctant to open attachments due to the increasing prevalence of viruses that can come through attachments. In some instances, you may send an attachment, and include the attachment in the body of the e-mail, with the explanation that the attachment will have better formatting, but the recipient could get the gist of the message without opening the attachment. 6. Consider using your contact management software (such as ACT!) to send all of your outgoing e-mail. With many programs, you can attach your outgoing e-mail messages to the recipients, and other related contacts, and they will automatically appear in the Out Box of your e-mail program. 9 Tips for Managing Your Incoming E-mail: 1. To avoid an overflowing e-mail In Box, create folders. For example, you might have folders for each of your direct reports, for each project, for a committee which you chair, and for subjects of particular interest. (For example, I have a folder "statistics" since I frequently need that info for the media.) 2. Whenever you open your incoming e-mail, apply The FAT System? (File-Act-Toss) to each e-mail. 3. If you aren't sure you need it, toss it! Unlike a paper wastebasket, you can always retrieve e-mail from electronic trash by using the "Find Message" feature available in most e-mail programs. (If the company empties the trash without your knowledge, create a folder called "My Trash.") 4. Apply the "2-Do Rule" whenever possible. If you can reply in 2 minutes, then do it right away. It will take longer to file it and retrieve it again than to "just do it!" 5. For e-mail that takes more time to reply, either leave them in Inbox or file in an appropriate folder such as "Action"or "Reply." 6. If you use Paper Tiger Permanent Action Files for managing your paper (Call, Discuss, On-Line, etc.), you can use it to file the paper copy of e-mail that requires your action, such as "Discuss with John." 7. For e-mail you want to keep in electronic format, drag to the appropriate folder as described in Tip #1. 8. If you need or want a paper copy of an e-mail for future reference, print it out and file it in your paper management system, i.e. Paper Tiger, so you can find it again in 5 seconds or less! 9. After you have finished with an e-mail folder (such as a specific project), you can store it on a floppy or ZIP disk in case you need it later. Do you have some "tricks of the trade" I didn't describe, or have questions about the ones I suggested, feel free to e-mail me - I love to hear from you. © Barbara Hemphill is the author of Kiplinger's Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home and co-author of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. The mission of Hemphill Productivity Institute is to help individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do this by organizing space, information, and time. We can be reached at 800-427-0237 or at www.ProductiveEnvironment.com
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Make Your E-mail Signature File WORK for You You're probably familiar with e-mail signature (or "sig") files -- they're the few lines of contact information that many of us put at the bottom of every e-mail we send. Most e-mail software programs allow you to create and use sig files -- even AOL. Ten Tips for Email Marketers Here are the ten most important tips to ensure you're able to get the maximum return on your investment in permission-based email marketing. Click for Success! Being online for the last five or so years has made me realized that many persons are seeking a magic button to success. What is even more interesting is that they really believe that it exists. Email Marketing Kung Fu Have you ever heard email described as, "the killer Internet Application?" Do you understand why email is the killer app for your business on the Internet, or how to make it that way if it isn't now? Market Your Business through Newsletters Most business people on the web subscribe to at least one newsletter, if not more, that focus on different aspects and markets they are interested in. Because of this, it is important for your company to also have a newsletter that provides viable, relevant, and current information and that also markets your product or service. You might be a bit intimidated when it comes to writing a newsletter, but really all you need is a couple hours and a few good ideas. This should not be difficult if you are keeping up with the constant changes and improvements in your niche market. You will want to be always one step ahead of the rest of the newsletters in order to maintain and build a larger subscriber base quicker. Taking Care of Busines... E-mail In this digital day and age, communicating through email is getting more and more important. This is of course also true for customer service and help desks. The #1 Thing You Must Have Before Even Thinking About Building An Opt In Email List It's not a website. A Lesson In Email: The Money Is In The List... With The Back-End Sales Firstly, back-end sales is eMail Marketing at its best, so for this to work you need to already have a list of customers that have bought from you before. Autoresponders - One Simple Trick That Will Improve Your Results Autoresponders, or responders, are simply programs that allow you to send out pre-written emails which have been pre-loaded into the responder. Prospective customers or recruits either input their email addresses into a signup form on a website or send a blank email to a trigger address. They are then entered into a database and receive your emails at the intervals you specify when you set up the responder. Using Internet Direct Mail To Increase Your Company?s Profits "I want to sell my company's products on the Web, but how do I get potential clients to visit my site," a client asked recently. The answer is a strategy that has proven extremely effective for many different businesses?Internet Direct Mail. Email Etiquette IV Further to my previous issues this subject continues - part IV. This month I'll share on Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) field and the use of backgrounds for your emails. The use of Bad language in emails will also be mentioned. Why Does Nobody Visit My Web Site? After endless hours of writing, designing and programming your brand new web site is ready for prime time. You tested your shopping cart software and you made sure that all your external affiliate links have your affiliate id. You're making sure that you will get the commissions you deserve. This is a very exiting moment. You will expose your writing skills and your ability to design an attractive web site to the whole world. All of you who have a website know what I'm talking about. Why Your Email Distribution List is Your Best Source of New Sales Don't overlook your current customers. After all, they're the ones who give you referrals and potentially come back for future sales. Let The Email Wars Begin Things just got a lot hotter in the hyper-competitive world of online email providers. Use Autoresponders, to Build Relationships In Your Affiliate Marketing It's true that "content is king," but equally important to success in online marketing of any kind is contact. Not just the one time "flash in the pan" type either. You need to form relationships with your potential customers, and maintain it on a day to day basis. Remember, just as with content, good solid contact will get you good solid sales. Real Estate Agents ? What Type of Content Should You Include in Your Newsletter? One of the biggest concerns for Realtors who publish their own email newsletter is determining the type of content that will gain interest from their readership. After all, real estate agents who engage in this endeavor want prospective buyers and sellers to open their newsletter and thus be reminded that the agent is their local real estate expert. Ideally, readers should find the content so interesting that they will even forward the newsletter to their friends or relatives who might be prospective clients as well. This "viral marketing" often leads to a profitable source of income for agents. Use the ?Reply All? Function in Email Judiciously Type "email etiquette" into the search bar of any popular search engine and you'll get over one million hits. Because email is used so broadly, it poses certain problems for the professional who is attempting to communicate well. Any of those over one million hits will tell you the benefits of using email to conduct your business because it is a fast and efficient form of communicating. However, email is often the least preferred method of communicating by many readers. How To Use a Message Sequence to Increase Your Sales If there's one thing I've learnt in over 3 years of web marketing, it is this: you *must* follow up with your visitors. Protect Yourself Legally with an Autoresponder Service Another powerful reason for making the switch from using the unlimited autoresponders that come free with your web hosting account to paying a monthly fee for an autoresponder service is improved legal protection. The Lazy Mans Way To Building a Massive List In Minimum Time As you read every word of this article, you'll be stunned by how quickly and easily you can build a massive list of opt- in subscribers without spending a fortune. (The idea is to make money, not spend money. Right?) ![]() |
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