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Your Newsletters Are Pretty Lame If You Are Doing These 7 Things
I remember the good old days of the internet when it was a real treat to subscribe to someone's newsletter and receive all their wonderful information through the convenience of your email. It's still like this today - for the publishers that are getting it right. I believe newsletter publishers somewhere along the way forget WHY readers subscribe. On their websites we are promised all this wonderful information and instead we receive a sales pitch, email after email. Bad newsletters far out number the effective ones. Here is a list of mistakes I find newsletter publisher religiously make? 1. Sell right off the auto responder When I subscribe to a newsletter and get the sales pitch right off the auto responder, I know my subscription to this newsletter won't last long. The autoresponder is the ideal place to get your subscriber familiar with yourself and your business. It's a great first step in building that relationship with your reader. Get them enthusiastic about receiving your newsletter. Tell them the wonderful things they will come to expect. Welcome them and just leave it at that. Something to take with you: "Don't put the cart before the horse" 2. Talk about how much money you are making ? all the time Hyping is old news. Are you still doing it? The newbie internet marketers love to tell you how much they are supposedly making. They love referring to this time and time again in their newsletters. They haven't yet realized that hype doesn't sell. Information does. If you are making all this money, then help someone who isn't. Give them some intelligent information. Help them make an informed decision about buying your product. Something to take with you: "Uh? Don't hype?" 3. Instead of 80% content and 20% selling you are doing it the other way around Your subscriber didn't give you permission to sell to them. They gave you permission to give them more information. That's what you promised when they signed up. Are you honoring that promise? Subscribers know that you will be doing some selling in your newsletters. They are not stupid. So weave the selling process in with your great information. That way it won't stick out like a sore thumb and your readers won't feel pitched. Something to take with you: "Always give before you ask to take. It rarely works the other way around" 4. Copy and paste an article in your newsletter and hey presto! You have a newsletter? Not There is no double about it. Articles are very effective ? the ones that are well worded and give the reader insider information about a specific topic. One publisher I subscribe to uses the power of articles very well. He is an affiliate and in his newsletter he publishers different people's articles. This is his technique:
I've bought from this affiliate time and time again. Know why? Because his technique works. He puts effort into his newsletters. Readers see that. Through them, I've come to know him, trust him, like him. Not only does he provide me with good articles, he is also knowledgeable in the subject he's involved him and his contributions really help reinforce the information of the article. Unfortunately, most newsletter publishers don't use the power of articles. You see, when you don't put effort into it, I know you went to an article directory, selected an article, joined it's affiliate program and just stuck it in your 'newsletter' with nothing else but your name and contact details. Not good. Something to take with you: "Go the extra mile. It's not crowded." 5. Not telling people abit about yourself Give readers a sense of you. We are curious creatures and want to know abit about people we associate with. You do want to bond with your readers, don't you? Then your name and website address at the bottom of your email won't accomplish much. The best newsletters I subscribe to, without fail, always include a small paragraph in the beginning about themselves. Tell readers something and keep it short and sweet. Don't go to the other extreme and devote your newsletters to talk about yourself. Boring. Something to take with you: "Balance is what we are looking for here." 6. Giving subscribers info that is so basic, they can tell you are new to this Your defense may be that you are catering to newbie internet marketers so your information has to be basic. Okay, let's put it another way. Last time I checked there were 55,000 people looking for internet marketing. Do you believe all those are new to this? There are many types of products to do with internet marketing like ebooks, newsletters, autoresponders etc. An internet marketer needs a variety of products to build and run their business. Consider something else. Who else buys your products? Answer: Affiliates. So at most times you are dealing with people with a higher level of experience. Let me give you an example of what I consider basic information. If you write an article telling me why I need an email service then this won't make an impression on me. I already know this. And if I was a newbie, I would know this too because I would've come across it hundreds of times before from other people who rehash the same information. On the other hand, I may not know what the best email services are and why. So tell me. Something to take with you: "Do some research. It always pays off." 7. The biggest booboo of them all I was stunned. Are people this dumb? About a month ago, I subscribed to a bunch of internet marketing newsletters. I don't remember now from where. Pity. Well, I received the autoresponders, as all newsletters begin. All the same. I received the first newsletters, second newsletters, third newsletters. (then I unsubscribed from them all). All the same. Word for word they were all the same. The only thing that changed was the contact details of these people. I found out later that you can pay for a service and they will write your newsletters and send them off for you, with your name and contract details of course. You join their affiliate program and you make your money that way. Well, that's the theory anyway. Doesn't work. Write your own newsletters. Something to take with you: "Email is a powerful medium. Are you using or abusing its power?" About The Author Copyright © Gina Stathopoulos & Nick Vernon Looking for a gift? Let Gina and Nick show you what we buy for friends/family and each other. At our site you will find popular gifts, gift information and stories from our readers. Come have a look http://www.we-recommend.com
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11 Extraordinary Ways To Expand Your Subscriber List Here are 11 ways to expand your subscriber list: Use the ?Reply All? Function in Email Judiciously Type "email etiquette" into the search bar of any popular search engine and you'll get over one million hits. Because email is used so broadly, it poses certain problems for the professional who is attempting to communicate well. Any of those over one million hits will tell you the benefits of using email to conduct your business because it is a fast and efficient form of communicating. However, email is often the least preferred method of communicating by many readers. Email Etiquette II I had great feedback from my last article, and was asked to write further on the subject; hence my title. How To Use Email Autoresponders to Boost Customer Loyalty Your e-commerce website relies on its customers to become returning customers in order to develop a successful business. The question you might be wondering, however, is how to make your customers become loyal to you and return. There are plenty of ways you can increase customer loyalty, and the use of email autoresponders is but one. Internet Marketing Strategies: 20 Secrets To Using Free Autoresponder Courses To Magnify Your Sales Among internet marketing strategies that most marketers are not using effectively is autoresponder marketing. Autoresponders - Simple Tweaks That will Improve Your Return Rate Autoresponders are, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most powerful and important tools available to anyone marketing on the internet today. They allow you to automatically send out a sequential series of email messages to prospects who have signed up to receive your information and who you therefore know are interested in what you're offering. The Game Is Changing, Are You? It's happening. Again. Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list. Your Money Is Still In Your List - Build It! You are a home business entrepreneur. You have just built a fantastic website, acquired a host of good products but your advertising budget is small. How do you go about enticing people to your website? I know exactly how you feel because, like lots of small home business entrepreneurs, I have been right where you are now. The Power of a Referral Script The key to the success of e-commerce is in the combination of the power of viral marketing, permission marketing and one to one marketing. unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses! 5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses! (c) Copyright S. Kumar 2004 http://www.learnhomebusiness.com Newsletters that Work Offer a newsletter in a time frame that will be easy for you to manage. Automatic Responder - The Secret of Super Affiliates Success Congratulations, you just made a sale! The Flu and List building Go Hand In Hand! What does the flu have to do with building your list? Email Marketing 101 - What You Must Know Before Starting an Email Marketing Campaign Before you start an e-mail marketing campaign it is important for you to know what e-mail marketing is, the benefits of e-mail marketing, and whether or not e-mail marketing is right for your business. Once you are educated on the finer points of an e-mail marketing campaign, you will be poised to either learn more and get your campaign going or else find another means of marketing your products. How to Start A Money Making Newsletter Writing and publishing a successful newsletter is perhaps the most competitive of all the different areas of mail order and direct marketing. Save Time By Creating Email Signature Templates If you're like me, there are certain types of email that you send out regularly that follow a set form (client follow up notes, meeting notes, email article submission, etc). These can be irritating to have to recreate from scratch every time, but the tried and true method of creating a seperate document-file template, then sending that out as an attachment, may not always be appropriate. For example, email-based article submissions generally accept only plain text in-message formatting and require rigorous adherence to detailed submission guidelines involving the placement of bylines, the structure and length of the article body and the arrangement and length of bio-boxes and other inclusions - any deviation from which will result in a refusal of submission. Aggravatingly enough, these submission requirements are often so completely different from one submission site to another that it is difficult if not impossible to keep them straight without an entire set of templates. Choose The Right Business For You In Less Than 15 Minutes 3 Characteristics Of "The Right Business" Model Does Punctuation Really Matter in Email? So much depends on choosing the correct mark of punctuation at the correct time. Each little period, each hyphen, each dash conveys meaning to the reader. And when the conventions of punctuation are ignored, readers tend to become confused. As I teach every single one of my clients, the point of all business writing is clarity. If a document--whether email, letter, memo, or report--isn't clear, no business is going to get done. Period. EMail Newsletter Marketing Essentials If Gutenberg were alive today he would be in publishing heaven! Forget the printing press, the web has fast-forwarded self-publishing in ways that are evolving so rapidly it's becoming difficult to integrate technology and process to leverage the opportunities. Any company, regardless of their size and marketing resources should be publishing an opt-in e-mail newsletter - it's a very low cost way to build community with customers, keep suppliers/partners/other informed and generate new business. ![]() |
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