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Keep Your Work From Home Newsletter From Being A Spam Filter Casualty
It's hard to get your email through to clients, friends and family with all the Spam Filtering going on these days. If you are a Home Based Business owner that sends out a newsletter regularly you'll want to keep the following tips in mind to make certain your Work At Home Newsletter is getting through all the Spam Filters. Spam is defiantly a problem. At one time I was receiving almost 300 per day, spending a good part an hour sifting through the mass of junk was more than I could tolerate. So I too enlisted the help of a Spam Filter ? Spam Arrest. I do worry about losing out on emails that are important and interesting, but this is the price we all have to pay for those Spammers that have abused and are abusing the Internet. Most Spam Filters use a Blacklist ? these are clusters of email addresses and domain names that are known for sending out a lot of Spam. Recipients of Spam generate most Blacklists'. So your newsletter could fall victim to a click happy Spam identifier that clicks your email into the dreaded Blacklist vault. Spam Assassin, Cloudmark's SpamNet and Spam Arrest all use different methods of blocking spam. Spam Assassin uses a point system to conclude whether or not an email is Spam. If your Newsletter scores high it will surely be treated as spam and blocked. SpamNet blocks Spam two ways; the first, filters email based on keywords like "Free", and the second allows users to mark email and submit identified Spam to be blocked to other users of SpamNet. My personal favorite is Spam Arrest, because it offers you total control over your inbox. You can decide who is allowed to send you email by importing your personal address book, or entering your known and approved contact addresses directly into the system. Emails from unknown senders will receive an auto-reply message containing a "challenge" -- if or when the sender completes the challenge (the response), their email is forwarded to your inbox, and they are then added to your authorized sender list. The challenge is easy for people, but impossible for automated systems (i.e. spambots) to complete. The Spam Arrest challenge/response system effectively blocks all the spam while still allowing friends, family and trusted contacts to email you without the risk of being filtered out by imprecise software systems. So How Do You Keep Your Newsletter From Being Blocked? Here are some tips to help your Newsletter reach your subscribers: DO NOT send your newsletter unsolicited. Be sure your customers have requested to be on your subscriber distribution list ? using an auto responder, like Aweber, that requires your subscribers to opt-in and confirm that then have requested your Newsletter will help keep you off the blacklists. Use your Newsletter's name in the subject line. Your subscribers should recognize your Newsletters name. Using subject lines that are full of hype and so called trigger words may get your Newsletter blocked by the Spam filters. NEVER TYPE IN ALL CAPS. This will surely get the Spam filter red flags raised and your email forwarded to the dreaded blacklists. Words like "Free", "Limited Offer", "Money" even "home business" will engage most Spam filters. The simplest words like "remove" should be avoided as well. Use "unsubscribe" in your directions to subscribers that want to stop receiving your Newsletter. Spammers most often use free email addresses ? so you should avoid using them at all costs. Send your Newsletter from a reputable domain name ? one that matches your own website would be best. Never send attachments with your Newsletter. Attachments put a fear in most email recipients and will tag your email as Spam. Your Newsletter will most likely have words within the text that trigger Spam filters ? these words like "Free" and "Home Business" can be easily disguised by adding a period or hyphen between two letters ? do not over do it though. It will not be long before this tactic will be a trigger for the top Spam filters, so keep up with all aspects of the best Spam filters so your Newsletter will reach your subscribers. Copyright 2005 ? Tim Somers, 3G Enterprises, LLC Tim Somers "The Home Biz Honcho". Changing Your Life, Helping You Make Money While You Work From Home. Get Tim's Top Ten Home Biz Opportunities ? Free Report at: http://www.Home-Based-Business-Opportunity-Honcho.com If you are ready to start building a Residual Income ? Tim will build you your very own Money Generating Website for FREE! http://www.Free-Make-Money-Site.com
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How To Improve Your Open Rates And Click-Thru Rates In Your Email Campaigns In this article I will give you several tips that can help you in improving your open and click-thru rates. How To Write E-mail Messages For Phenomenal Results Would you be interested in getting 10 times better results from your current e-mail marketing campaigns? How to Do an E-mail Interview in 9 Easy Steps Need a fresh idea for your e-zine content? Do an interview! 10 Netiquette New Years Resolutions Happy New Year! New attitude? New habits? How about 10 Little New Year's Netiquette Resolutions? A Guide To Using an Automatic Responder It's unbelievable....that many people do not know, that an automatic responder in your first few months of promoting your service, product or opportunity, is the most important tool in your box! Introduction to Autoresponders If you've reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep up with answering the mountain of emails that threatens to bury you alive every single day, you're ready to learn about autoresponders. Some Simple Sure-fire Strategies to Construct a Responsive Opt in List! A responsive opt in list is an unbelievably powerful money-maker on the internet. With responsive opt in list you can guarantee yourself a steady income. A responsive opt in list will make money through you advertising other people's products, through affiliate sales and of course through sales of your own. However, responsive opt in lists are not found commonly on the internet, primarily because owners of opt in lists do not put the time into building strong relationships with their list members. Strong relationships with your list members are essential because they will begin to trust you and will seriously consider what you have to say. Other webmasters will notice the great response rate of your list and will beg to be able to advertise with a solo mailing. Of course if your list is in high demand for advertising, you can push the price of ad space up, which will lead to additional profits. Here are some great ways to build great relationships with your list members without you spending hours of your time. Email Etiquette: How To Send Emails People Will Read You may remember a time before there was email?a time when communications within most organisations were more formal and followed strict lines of protocol. Email has done wonders to break down some of the communication bureaucracy and hierarchy within organisations; today virtually anyone can speak to anyone (and everyone) within an organisation with the click of a mouse ? which can have both exciting and devastating implications! Email has brought with it a new informality to business communications and a new short-hand vocabulary and style of communication ? but it didn't come with instructions. Overtime, a generally unspoken email code of communication has emerged. Master email etiquette, and you'll not only be on safe ground but people will enjoy reading and responding to your emails. Attract New Subscribers With Magnetic Ads One of the most effective methods of advertising your e-zine is placing ads in OTHER e-zines! Increasing Email Deliverability Most email marketers know that it is important spam-check email messages before sending them out, as this may identify potential issues that cause emails to be marked as spam. Keep Your Work From Home Newsletter From Being A Spam Filter Casualty It's hard to get your email through to clients, friends and family with all the Spam Filtering going on these days. If you are a Home Based Business owner that sends out a newsletter regularly you'll want to keep the following tips in mind to make certain your Work At Home Newsletter is getting through all the Spam Filters. How to Start Your Own Mailing List I remember reading time and time again when I first begun my Internet Marketing adventure that a mailing list was one of "the" best ways to generate larger amounts of money online. So I wasted no time in implementing a mailing list for my businesses. Or business (to start with). How to Build Your Mailing List 1. USE POP-UPS Pop-ups are one of the most common methods you can use to capture email addresses and build your email list quickly and with ease. Simply construct a web page containing code for a form and set the page to open (pop up) when visitors ENTER OR EXIT your site. Make sure the pop-up offer is something that`s valuable enough to motivate visitors to take time to give you their contact information. Your offer can be a complimentary report, download, or ebook that arrives instantly through your autoresponder to their email inbox when they give you their email. How to Deal With Rude E-mailers Rude and crass e-mail seems to be at an all time high. E-mails blurting out demands or questions without the courtesy of a decent subject field or a thank you to follow. Questions or requests that are demanding a reply without the courtesy of a hello, or a closing that notes their name. 11 Creative Ways You Can Use Autoresponders 1. Pick 4 or more articles you've written that have a common theme and put them in an autoresponder series. Announce it on your site as an e-mail course on the go. Make Your E-mail Signature File WORK for You You're probably familiar with e-mail signature (or "sig") files -- they're the few lines of contact information that many of us put at the bottom of every e-mail we send. Most e-mail software programs allow you to create and use sig files -- even AOL. 10 Tips for Effective Email Sales Letters 1. Write Your Objective - Before you write your sales letter, write down your marketing objective. Is it to generate inquiries about your products? Is it attract subscribers to your ezine? Is it to find a joint venture partner? Having an objective will help you focus your copy. People Accusing You of Sending sp*am? Five Email Marketer Must Know Tips People tend to forget their subscriptions. Sometimes they don't even know why they subscribed to your newsletter. Especially if the person is seeking for information, he/she will subscribe to every ezine or ecourse that will come across their search. They don't remember it after a while. If you send email to them after few months, they simply accuse you of sending spam. Using Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) For Email Privacy Need for Privacy E-mail Whitelist Etiquette A big-time dilemma is brewing online. In an understandable attempt to bypass all that annoying spam, e-mails that onliners want to receive are getting lost in the shuffle. Newsletter subscription requests are not being completed and important e-mails are not getting to their intended parties. ![]() |
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