The Best Way To Promote Your Website, or Anything Else!

Have you ever wondered how some websites get so many hits, while you struggle to get even 10 a day? I used to think about this all the time when I first started my website. I looked all over the internet for ideas to promote my website, and I found that they all had one major thing in common. They all required that you spend money! Now I don't know about your, but I don't have money to spend, so I continued searching for a way to get people to see what I had to offer and eventually I stumbled across a very powerful tool that consists of two words.


For those of you that are unfamiliar with this term, a mailing list is exactly what it sounds like. It is a list that allows you to add email addresses to it, and then to send the people on that list a message with the click of one button. This is a very powerful tool I'm sure you will agree.

There are many mailing list hosts on the internet where you can start your own mailing list for Free. I love these services, as seeing that they are free, they don't try and sell you anything. Some of the better ones provide you with a way to build up your list to thousands of members in a few days. I have personally had great success with these types of services, and I can now communicate to thousands and thousands of people with the click of one button, and my list is growing everyday.

My advice to you would be to search for a unique mailing list, or to simply follow my lead and use the ones that I do listed below in my short biography.

The mailing list is an incredibly powerful tool that gives you a chance to communicate with thousands and thousands of people all at the click of a button. This number one marketing technique really should not be ignored.


You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the by-lines are included.

Murray Whelehan runs a very successful home business website and relies on the power of to provide his website with thousands of hits every day.

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