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Email Marketing - The End Is Nigh!Robert Palmer Consider if you will the resources, the time and the financial investment given to attracting new web traffic. Banner advertising, link exchanges, search engine ratings, affiliate schemes and the list goes on. Yet when it comes to retaining a customer’s future business or even a return visit, we simply hope that they will opt-in to a newsletter mailing list and everything will be okay. Of course the truth of opt-in email marketing is far from okay. For a start, people, especially private individuals, frequently change their email address. For many people, email addresses are a disposable accessory, which should be replaced every few weeks when the Spam starts rolling in. I don’t know about you, but I have enough trouble keeping up with the email changes of my friends and family, let alone a list of a few thousand customers and potential customers. Typing “email marketing” into Google will return literally thousands of software products and services all promising to make your email campaign more successful and slick. Of course it doesn’t matter how much or how little you expend on your email newsletter, it will still be one subject line of possibly hundreds, all screaming for attention. Average email click through rates fell from 5.4% in 1999 to just 1.8% in 2003 Source eMarketer 27% of emails never get opened and of those that are opened only 23% are read thoroughly Source: J Neilsen Average open rate for B2B emails has fallen by 42% since 2001 Source eMarketer Although such statistics make grim reading, worse is yet to come. Some industry experts are predicting a total collapse of the email infrastructure within the next five years due to the shear volume of traffic. A technology dating back to the 1960’s, email was developed as a means for geeks to communicate with other geeks, about something they had seen in the alt.freakygeek newsgroup. It was never designed to cope with the demands of mass marketing which have been inflicted upon it since the arrival of the WWW. So with that in mind, it is something of a miracle and a credit to the technology of yesteryear that it continues to work at all. Recent research commissioned by Yahoo revealed that the average British PC has nine “sick days” a year, two more than the average for human workers. Six of these days are lost battling against Spam, while a further three are taken up combating viruses. The Yahoo findings went on to reveal that nearly half of British computer users find dealing with junk e-mails more stressful than traffic jams and the majority want service providers to act. But I’m no Spammer, I hear you cry! No, but your legitimate email is going to have to share the same inbox as the volumes of Spam and with only a Subject Line to stand out from the crowd, is it any wonder that email is becoming so ineffective as a marketing tool Clearly, alternatives to email marketing need to be developed. One emerging technology being pioneered by three software houses in the UK is that of One-2-Many Broadcasting. Already employed by the BBC, Visa, and many other blue-chip Net companies, One-2-Many Broadcasting offers a far-improved method of communicating with customers than opt-in email marketing or newsletters and already being hailed as the THE next big marketing tool. One-2-Many Broadcasting involves the customer downloading a small client onto their PC. The customer can filter and influence what information they receive from within the software client. Once installed the website can then communicate directly with that customer by broadcasting information in a wide range of formats, all of which is attractively presented directly onto the customer’s screen. Sounds frighteningly, intrusive doesn’t it Well, not according to the millions of people who are already receiving information from the latest news through to film clips of the latest movie releases. One London based soccer club, Arsenal, has reported a phenomenal take-up of their One-2-Many Broadcasting Service, with over 100,000 subscribers in the first 12 months of operating. So will One-2-Many replace email marketing Who knows, I suspect that over the coming years a variety of marketing alternatives will appear, of which One-2-Many will hold a share of the market. In developing alternatives to email marketing one of the major factors will and is that of price; emails are extremely cheap. Any alternative therefore, if it is to be successful, needs to be competitively priced and rich in unique features. To date, One-2-Many Broadcasting has been relatively expensive and financially not an option for most small to medium sized businesses. As the concept of One-2-Many marketing is developed, more and different software is likely to emerge, which will in itself introduce competition and hopefully lower prices. For more information and reading on One-2-Many Broadcasting:
To experience One-2-Many Broadcasting:
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A Lesson In Email: The Money Is In The List... With The Back-End Sales Firstly, back-end sales is eMail Marketing at its best, so for this to work you need to already have a list of customers that have bought from you before. There Are Many Free Web Hosting Options On The Web, But Do Some Research Before You Use One For Your Online Business Where can I find free web hosting Why you need to and How to Follow up Your visitor or customer. The person who comes to your web site seeking products or information is a visitor. A person who bought a product or service of yours is a customer or client. Internet Marketing Basics Almost all of the articles on Internet marketing lacks coverage on all the basics and all the avenues of Internet marketing because there is just too much information to cover in a few words. Here I am going for an attempt which will be an overview, not an in depth affair. A Guide To Automated Email Marketing Youve probably heard the expression, the money is in the list. Its become a bit of a cliché - but its the key to successful web marketing. How To Generate Targeted Traffic...and Cash In On It. We all know that generating traffic to your site is creating a flow of visitors, but what is targeted traffic Targeted traffic simply refers to visitors who are actually interested in the topic of your product or service. Targeted traffic will greatly out produce non-targeted traffic in terms of open rate, click through rate, and sales conversions rates. Email Marketing Losing Its Effectiveness The Alternative Is Desktop Marketing! Youve heard of email marketing, but it isnt what it used to be. With todays abundance of spam and even opt-in email solicitations, your messages are competing against hundreds of incoming messages daily. How are you ever supposed to stand out Plain Jane Email Equals Flat Results Years ago, when email was just emerging as the incredible marketing tool it is today, everything was done in plain text. Since not everyone uses the same email program, and not all of them are compatible with the others, messages often ended up looking like nothing but jumbled pieces of nonsense. Besides that, they were boring. 14 Ways To Boost Customer Response In A Tough Economy Things are rough today for online businesses. The economy is struggling to get back on track. Spam is clogging up the inboxes of everyone, making email marketing less effective. And anti-spam software seems delighted to target legitimate email as junk. Search Wars! - MSNs Opening Salvo With all the recent publicity given to Google as the Internets number one search service, its hardly surprising that Microsoft has already started work on re-vamping their MSN search service. Okay, its still powered by the Yahoo engine, but according to Microsoft it has been "cleaned up" and the new service mirrors much more the kind of "non-commercial" results which are currently displayed by Google. Why The Plugin Profit Site Is Still Relevant After 2 Years A little over 2 years ago Stone Evans "The Home Biz Guy" started offering free websites as a way to get people to join him in a few select affiliate programs. Out of that became what is now known as "The Plugin Profit Site" Program or "PIPS" for short. Eddie the Erroneous E-Marketer Poor Eddie the e-marketer has been plagued by errors in judgment all his life. From always picking the longest line at the toll booth to buying lots of dot com stocks right before the bubble burst, he constantly struggles with making the right choices. >From disagreeing that a car really needs oil changes every three thousand miles to insisting that the eight-track is going to make a comeback, Eddie bumbles through life perplexed. One area that particularly suffers is his e-marketing efforts. Resources For Staying Current of IT Advancements For Online Business Owners The internet and associated technology changes at a relatively fast pace. For anyone working in fields that make extensive use of IT technology, it is crucial to always stay one step ahead of the game. Keeping up the pace can be challenging and seem utterly impossible at times without the help of resources to pull from. Look Into My Eyes - New Webcam Technology If a new webcam technology from Microsoft get the go-ahead, then instant messaging could get a whole lot more interesting. Email Marketing - The End Is Nigh! Consider if you will the resources, the time and the financial investment given to attracting new web traffic. Banner advertising, link exchanges, search engine ratings, affiliate schemes and the list goes on. Yet when it comes to retaining a customer’s future business or even a return visit, we simply hope that they will opt-in to a newsletter mailing list and everything will be okay. Email Microtargeting Email marketing is undergoing rapid changes. Now, more than ever, both the creative and demographic selection and targeting of a message must be highly relevant and qualified. Software Piracy - Global Increase Pirated software is on the increase and now accounts for over one third of the software installed on the worlds computers and its cost the software industry a staggering, $28bn £12bn last year in lost revenues. Thats the startling claim of the UK based, Business Software Alliance. Their annual survey of global software piracy shows that some 36% of software applications were illegally installed and being used during 2003. When Internet Marketing Gurus Sell Their Soul If youre just getting started in Internet Marketing, you may be awed by the amount of "Internet Gurus" out there, each one making millions of dollars or so they claim and for some reason seem more than willing, for a fee, to teach you their biggest, most intimate secrets. Taking E-mail marketing to the next level Many types of Internet advertising dont work as well as they once did. People have gotten used to banners and dont click on them. Some ezines have failed to keep their readers interest and ads sometimes get less response. Make your 2005 Email Marketing Plan Successful - Six useful tips Email Marketing is growing more and more every year. Many small E-business owners have already made marketing plans for 2005. Email marketing is a very popular tool these days but often not utilized correctly to reach out to prospective customers. E-mail is very effective and inexpensive tool than regular mail to attract prospective customers, grow relationships with current customers, gain mindshare among affiliate partners and resellers and increase brand awareness. Below are six useful tips to make your 2005 email marketing successful: ![]() |
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