Interactivity Is Key

Karen Fegarty

How to use the latest in Interactivity tools to increase sales and provide exceptional customer service

Many companies are trying to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Imagine the power of your site or marketing message if you include ways for your customers or potential customers to interact with you on a personal level, immediately.

Studies have shown that if you can address customer questions or concerns at the point of initial contact or at a buying decision point on a site, conversion to buyer is greatly increased. In addition, customer satisfaction is truly enhanced

Take a look at the following great tools that will allow you, to become Interactive.

Live Person � Live Person�s �Click-to-Chat� functionality can be quickly added to your website. All that is required is that you download a small file and insert a couple of lines of code to your HTML page. Your visitors will not require any plug-ins or software to chat with you.

Features include:

Chat with your visitors � You can accept or decline the request to chat you may also �call� a visitor on your site and ask them whether they would like to chat. If operators are unavailable or offline, the customer is given the option to email your company.

Statistics � you will see complete info on all your visitors. Where they came from, what pages they are looking at and how much time they spend at your site.

Sounds � You can hear notification of a visitor to your site or a request to chat.

Multiple Operators � You can assign multiple operators to handle incoming chats.

Simplicity � Easy to establish, you can be up and running in minutes

Pricing at this time ranges from no charge for the FREE version, Express $19.50/month and $89.50/month for the Pro. All features listed above are included in all versions. Additional features and functions are available with Express and Pro services.

InfoSystems � Info Systems offers a number of web-based interactive products.

Browse-N-Talk tm is a �Click to Call Me� button that, strategically positioned on a web page, allows visitors to click on it and immediately connect via the regular telephone to a customer support or sales person.

Call Mail tm allows subscribers to send e-mails with a �Click to Talk to Me� button in the signatures. The recipient of the e-mail clicks on the button and is immediately connected via regular telephone with the sender

Vox2eMail tm is an indispensable tool for business travelers, managers, staff or customers. It allows them to send an e-mail with a voice message attachment from any touch-tone phone in the world.

Pricing ranges from Free for the Vox2eMail service to various pricing structures for the other services.

Broadc@stHTML Broadc@stHTML from MailWorkZ is an email marketing software product that has fully integrated the Human Click technology. Customers using Broadc@st to create, manage and send email marketing campaigns can also include the �Click-to-Chat� button right within their email campaign.

Pricing is $249 to create and send multiple campaigns, each with up to 500 emails, $795 to manage multiple campaigns of up to 5000 emails, and $2495 to manage multiple unit limed size campaigns. Human Click costs are extra.

About The Author

Karen Fegarty is a professional marketer working with both MailWorkZ and ezTrackZ. Check out the ezTrackZ ad tracker product at and MailWorkZ�s flagship email marketing tool., Broadc@st at

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