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The Lowdown: How To Create And Send HTML EmailSteve Shaw I am frequently asked how to create and send HTML email, usually with regard to how to broadcast it to a mailing list. This article presents the various options available to you. How to create HTML email: Creating the content of an HTML email is very similar to how you would create a basic web page. Just use your normal web page editor, such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver or even Notepad can be used, in conjunction with a browser to preview the code, and construct a web page in the normal way, saving it as an .html or .htm file. You may consider creating an HTML email template that you can use as a basis for all your future HTML emails. If so, once youre happy with the basic look, save it and then just open and re-edit for your future emails. There is an important difference that you need to remember between writing HTML for your web site, and writing HTML for email. All the URLs in your code need to be absolute, rather than relative, for all links and images, eg. http://www.yourdomain.com/image.gif, rather than something like just image.gif. This also means of course that any images used in your HTML email need to be stored on a web server, the same as when you use images on a web site. How to send HTML email: To send the HTML email to an individual, such as to yourself in order to check on its appearance, you can open the web page i.e. the HTML email you have created in the latest version of IE File -> Open..., and then click File -> Send. However, if youre creating HTML email for use in email marketing, you will normally want to use a completely different tool in order to send it to numerous recipients. There are two main options to enable you to send email to a mailing list - you can either use some special software on your own computer; or use a web-based solution, either on your own web site, or via a service run by a third party. If you are looking for software, you can find a variety of solutions by going to somewhere like download.com, and searching for send email. You can also install some software onto your own web site, which can give you more control but also gives you all the responsibility for maintenance of the software/script if things go wrong. However, I personally have a preference for using a third-party web-based service when sending out my newsletter. For one, it means my broadcasts are not reliant on my own Internet connection or PC, and it also lets someone else take care of delivering my messages to several thousand recipients. There are literally hundreds of third-party web-based services available, all varying widely in quality and ease of use, and suiting different budgets and email requirements. One of the best ways to do your research on this is to check out your competitors or your favourite newsletters and ezines, and, if they send out HTML email, find out what service they use. Often the unsubscribe link, that should be at the bottom of their messages, will point towards the relevant web site. HINT: By signing up to my own newsletter at http://takanomi.com/newsletter, you will be able to find out which service I personally use. Finally, and importantly, should you send out HTML email It entirely depends on the preferences of your own list. But, in general, look towards big business. Most big businesses tend to send out HTML email, and theres only going to be one main reason for that - response rates. But you do need to ensure that your HTML email is professional, easy to read, and has an attractive layout. Copyright 2004 Steve Shaw Steve Shaw creates systems and software for effective e-marketing. His powerful PopUpMaster Pro software creates popups that beat the popup blockers and can significantly increase your conversion rates. For more information: http://www.popupmaster.com
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Ten Free Ways to Promote Your Site 1. Free Publicity. Lead Me On - Learn About Internet Marketing Leads Every business is engaged in selling something, whether a product, service, information, or something else. And sales usually begin with sales leads. As an offline example, new insurance and car sales people are frequently asked to compile lists of their friends, families, acquaintances, and so on. This list is used then as a lead builder - something to get the ball rolling towards that first big sale. The online world is no different. Every for-profit web site needs a steady flow of internet marketing leads. A big part of any online marketer*s job is to generate the leads that will ultimately be responsible for another sale. In particular, in the highly competitive online marketing arena, someone selling products and services to other marketers will need a steady flow of fresh internet marketing leads to fuel their sales. Make your 2005 Email Marketing Plan Successful - Six useful tips Email Marketing is growing more and more every year. Many small E-business owners have already made marketing plans for 2005. Email marketing is a very popular tool these days but often not utilized correctly to reach out to prospective customers. E-mail is very effective and inexpensive tool than regular mail to attract prospective customers, grow relationships with current customers, gain mindshare among affiliate partners and resellers and increase brand awareness. Below are six useful tips to make your 2005 email marketing successful: When Internet Marketing Gurus Sell Their Soul If youre just getting started in Internet Marketing, you may be awed by the amount of "Internet Gurus" out there, each one making millions of dollars or so they claim and for some reason seem more than willing, for a fee, to teach you their biggest, most intimate secrets. Software Piracy - Global Increase Pirated software is on the increase and now accounts for over one third of the software installed on the worlds computers and its cost the software industry a staggering, $28bn �12bn last year in lost revenues. Thats the startling claim of the UK based, Business Software Alliance. Their annual survey of global software piracy shows that some 36% of software applications were illegally installed and being used during 2003. The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer Which email format is more effective to use, Text or HTML Different Models For Making Money On The Internet There are several strategies for making money on the net. Here are some possible options: Direct Marketing Strategies for Holiday Email Promotions Tis the season to leverage customer interest data for successful email marketing. 14 Ways To Boost Customer Response In A Tough Economy Things are rough today for online businesses. The economy is struggling to get back on track. Spam is clogging up the inboxes of everyone, making email marketing less effective. And anti-spam software seems delighted to target legitimate email as junk. Resources For Staying Current of IT Advancements For Online Business Owners The internet and associated technology changes at a relatively fast pace. For anyone working in fields that make extensive use of IT technology, it is crucial to always stay one step ahead of the game. Keeping up the pace can be challenging and seem utterly impossible at times without the help of resources to pull from. Youve Got a Mailing List. Now What You thought that if you could just get people on your e-mailing list, you�d be on Easy Street. Part of that thought is right because without a mailing list your email marketing strategy is irrelevant. If you�ve got a mailing list, my hat is off to you. But now that you�ve got them, how do you keep track of them Why Stick With Email Clients Like Outlook Trying to figure out a stream in banning one email client or another is no easy job. As soon as somebody rises up saying Outlook is bad, somebody else comes saying its good and the other one is bad. And the story goes on and on. Internet News Services Explode Online It seems no matter how much information comes available online, people thirst for more. Who�s Watching What You Type If someone entered your home, uninvited and installed numerous cameras and listening devices in order to monitor your activities, you would quite rightly be outraged. While such a situation, unless you are living in the Big Brother House, would be considered ridiculous, the same cannot be said for the humble home computer. The Biggest Problem With Your Marketing Is... What is the biggest problem most marketers have Who knows. We dont, and they certainly dont either. That is exactly the problem. Most marketers dont know whether or not their campaigns are working because they dont know how to track the results. Got Blog In 1999 I asked my friends and colleagues if they blogged. The responses I received ranged from odd looks to questions about the blogging practice. The end results of my findings was �Blog� was a new term and not highly recognized. That was then, a half million blog users ago. Eddie the Erroneous E-Marketer Poor Eddie the e-marketer has been plagued by errors in judgment all his life. From always picking the longest line at the toll booth to buying lots of dot com stocks right before the bubble burst, he constantly struggles with making the right choices. >From disagreeing that a car really needs oil changes every three thousand miles to insisting that the eight-track is going to make a comeback, Eddie bumbles through life perplexed. One area that particularly suffers is his e-marketing efforts. 10 Best Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Home Business Picture this! There Are Many Free Web Hosting Options On The Web, But Do Some Research Before You Use One For Your Online Business Where can I find free web hosting My Emails Are Not Being Delivered. Black Lists and White Lists Explained. Over 40% of all emails within your marketing campaign are not being delivered. You may not even be aware of this, as many ISPs will not send back a bounce message. In fact if you are sending messages to AOL customers, AOL is now blocking over 80% of the messages that come into their servers. ![]() |
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