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Internet News Services Explode OnlineJim Edwards It seems no matter how much information comes available online, people thirst for more. To illustrate this point, just take a look at all the online news services sprouting up on the web like garden weeds. With the click of a mouse you can instantly search thousands of news sources for specific and timely information on virtually any topic you choose. Heck, if youre a real news junky, you can even get up-to- the-minute news emailed straight to your desktop! Now, Im the first one to say that nothing beats a good old-fashioned newspaper you hold in your hands. Few things rate as relaxing as a cup of coffee, a quiet morning, and todays newspaper ready for my inspection. In fact, my day doesnt officially start until I walk to the end of my driveway to retrieve the paper occasionally from under a bush. But as much as I love the paper, it rarely contains stories on highly-specialized subjects such as the latest email marketing laws, html parsing, and search engine promotion. Of course, it doesnt make sense for virtually any local newspaper to carry news about email marketing laws other than how they affect consumers because the market demand simply doesnt exist on that level. However, around the world, thousands of people just like me want to know the instant a news story breaks on the latest "Can Spam" legislation, and thats where online news services come into play. Log on to http://news.google.com, http://news.yahoo.com and www.news.com to search thousands of different news sources from around the world.
On these sites you can dig up information on anything from current world events and your favorite Spanish soccer team, to cattle tagging regulations in Argentina no kidding and the exploding online auction markets in mainland China.
News from around the world on virtually any subject waits literally just a few keystrokes and a mouse-click away.
An incredibly useful feature offered by many of these sites includes email notification based on your keyword search criteria.
So instead of paying a "clipping" service to find articles and send them to you, these websites will do it free.
Now how could you use this type of news notification service
Well, imagine you own stock in a specific company. You could subscribe to a number of different news services and have them send you breaking stories about the company, CEO, affiliated companies and anything else you choose.
Or, lets say you deal in a very specific industry, such as real estate investment publishing.
You could sign up to get notified any time a news story gets published about changing regulations, interest rates or other factors affecting your business.
All this online news certainly does not rate a substitute for morning coffee, local and national news, and an important ritual to start the day, but it has a place, especially for extremely specialized areas of interest, hobbies, or business news.
Watch for many new services, software, and opportunities to arise from this growing and dynamic area of online publishing.
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The Future of WebSite Ranking The recent shakeup in Googles search results, which set the SEO search engine optimization community buzzing and saw tens of thousands of webmasters watch their site ranking plummet, was in many ways inevitable. Almost all SEO companies and most savvy webmasters had a fairly good handle on what Google considered important. And since SEO, by definition, is the art of manipulating website ranking not always with the best interests of searchers in mind, it was only a matter of time until Google decided to make some changes. Are You Hitting Your Target Interesting question huh Im not talking about hitting target sales, hitting your target budget, or hitting your target margin. Im talking about hitting your target market. If you can find your target market and hit them dead on then the sales and margin will be sure to follow. The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer Which email format is more effective to use, Text or HTML Who’s Watching What You Type If someone entered your home, uninvited and installed numerous cameras and listening devices in order to monitor your activities, you would quite rightly be outraged. While such a situation, unless you are living in the Big Brother House, would be considered ridiculous, the same cannot be said for the humble home computer. A Cost Effective Way to Advertise Online. . . A Permission E-Mail Marketing We all hate e-mail spam, right I even have the coolest software program that will help you combat spam and actually bounces the spam e-mail straight back to the user. http://www.mailwasher.net Got Blog In 1999 I asked my friends and colleagues if they blogged. The responses I received ranged from odd looks to questions about the blogging practice. The end results of my findings was “Blog” was a new term and not highly recognized. That was then, a half million blog users ago. Why The Plugin Profit Site Is Still Relevant After 2 Years A little over 2 years ago Stone Evans "The Home Biz Guy" started offering free websites as a way to get people to join him in a few select affiliate programs. Out of that became what is now known as "The Plugin Profit Site" Program or "PIPS" for short. Building an Email Marketing List Theres a marketing estimate that it takes something like seven contacts with a potential client before they purchase. Email is a wonderful way to handle these contacts for a variety of reasons: Not Sure If Your Online Advertisement is Working Without tracking, your online advertising is just a shot in the dark. Many new and seasoned marketing individuals spend significant dollars on banner advertisements, ezline ads, and other online media but do not know which ads have brought them the greatest success. Do You Make These Link Building Mistakes Many people know that link building plays a vital part in high search engine rankings. But it must be done right. Otherwise, sites with fewer links will rank higher than yours ! How is that possible Let me explain. Search Wars! - MSNs Opening Salvo With all the recent publicity given to Google as the Internets number one search service, its hardly surprising that Microsoft has already started work on re-vamping their MSN search service. Okay, its still powered by the Yahoo engine, but according to Microsoft it has been "cleaned up" and the new service mirrors much more the kind of "non-commercial" results which are currently displayed by Google. How To Evaluate A New Business Opportunity If you are searching for ways to earn an income using the internet, you must have already come across many programs with unbelievable claims of overnight income. This article outlines 7 criteria that I use to evaluate any opportunity that presents itself before me. Writing e-Newsletters – Tricks of the Trade Follow 10 simple rules of thumb, and you’ll soon be writing great e-newsletters and reaping the rewards. Email Marketing - The End Is Nigh! Consider if you will the resources, the time and the financial investment given to attracting new web traffic. Banner advertising, link exchanges, search engine ratings, affiliate schemes and the list goes on. Yet when it comes to retaining a customer’s future business or even a return visit, we simply hope that they will opt-in to a newsletter mailing list and everything will be okay. Look Into My Eyes - New Webcam Technology If a new webcam technology from Microsoft get the go-ahead, then instant messaging could get a whole lot more interesting. Ten Free Ways to Promote Your Site 1. Free Publicity. The Lowdown: How To Create And Send HTML Email I am frequently asked how to create and send HTML email, usually with regard to how to broadcast it to a mailing list. This article presents the various options available to you. Resources For Staying Current of IT Advancements For Online Business Owners The internet and associated technology changes at a relatively fast pace. For anyone working in fields that make extensive use of IT technology, it is crucial to always stay one step ahead of the game. Keeping up the pace can be challenging and seem utterly impossible at times without the help of resources to pull from. My Emails Are Not Being Delivered. Black Lists and White Lists Explained. Over 40% of all emails within your marketing campaign are not being delivered. You may not even be aware of this, as many ISPs will not send back a bounce message. In fact if you are sending messages to AOL customers, AOL is now blocking over 80% of the messages that come into their servers. Search Engine Keywords - What Do People Search For Do you ever wonder how people search for things on the Internet What if you knew exactly what words they typed when using a search engine If youre marketing a product or service its extremely insightful to know what are the most popular search terms relating to whatever youre marketing. ![]() |
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