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Lead Me On - Learn About Internet Marketing LeadsMal Keenan Every business is engaged in selling something, whether a product, service, information, or something else. And sales usually begin with sales leads. As an offline example, new insurance and car sales people are frequently asked to compile lists of their friends, families, acquaintances, and so on. This list is used then as a lead builder - something to get the ball rolling towards that first big sale. The online world is no different. Every for-profit web site needs a steady flow of internet marketing leads. A big part of any online marketer*s job is to generate the leads that will ultimately be responsible for another sale. In particular, in the highly competitive online marketing arena, someone selling products and services to other marketers will need a steady flow of fresh internet marketing leads to fuel their sales. Selling to internet marketers is a tough market segment to compete in. New products and services are released at an amazing rate. These new products and services are sometimes driven by new technology, other times by changes in market conditions or search engines, and still others are variations of existing products. Some of these products are themselves designed to help capture internet marketing leads! There are several basic ways to capture new leads online. The most commonly recommended method is to build an email list. There*s an old direct marketing axiom *The money is in the list*, and this has held true on the internet as well. Email marketing may not work as well as it used to, due to spam filtering, but that*s not to say it*s not effective. After all, other than your time, it*s free to send, and response rates for email that does reach the intended recipients have remained steady. The theory of this type of internet marketing leads generation is that an email list works as the first part of a funnel system, whereby subscribers get some incentive to sign up for the list. It may be a free product, program, or report, or some other incentive that will then *funnel* responsive customers to your main products and services. Other common lead generation techniques include using pay-per-click PPC advertising, adding information about a site, product, or service to an email signature file, and posting and answering questions on marketing related forums. Just think, for someone selling to other marketers, what better free way is there to generate internet marketing leads than posting in forums where other marketers *hang out* Whatever the lead generation techniques a marketer uses, the most important thing to remember about finding internet marketing leads is this: to be effective, they must be targeted. This means that the leads you generate must be generally interested in the product or service you offer. For an extreme example, it probably wouldn*t make sense to try to generate leads for a knitting product on a site that is football-related. The target audience of a football site isn*t generally going to be interested in knitting products. As you begin to build your marketing-related web business, be sure to plan a good internet marketing lead strategy from the outset. It shouldn*t be an afterthought that you*ll take care of someday - Give it a lot of consideration early on.
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Got Blog In 1999 I asked my friends and colleagues if they blogged. The responses I received ranged from odd looks to questions about the blogging practice. The end results of my findings was “Blog” was a new term and not highly recognized. That was then, a half million blog users ago. Bulk Email, Spam, and Email Marketing Excerpted from PlanetLinks Enews - an email newsletter delivered for FREE to your computer. To subscribe, go to www.planetlink.com Internet News Services Explode Online It seems no matter how much information comes available online, people thirst for more. Email Microtargeting Email marketing is undergoing rapid changes. Now, more than ever, both the creative and demographic selection and targeting of a message must be highly relevant and qualified. Email Marketing Losing Its Effectiveness The Alternative Is Desktop Marketing! Youve heard of email marketing, but it isnt what it used to be. With todays abundance of spam and even opt-in email solicitations, your messages are competing against hundreds of incoming messages daily. How are you ever supposed to stand out Lead Me On - Learn About Internet Marketing Leads Every business is engaged in selling something, whether a product, service, information, or something else. And sales usually begin with sales leads. As an offline example, new insurance and car sales people are frequently asked to compile lists of their friends, families, acquaintances, and so on. This list is used then as a lead builder - something to get the ball rolling towards that first big sale. The online world is no different. Every for-profit web site needs a steady flow of internet marketing leads. A big part of any online marketer*s job is to generate the leads that will ultimately be responsible for another sale. In particular, in the highly competitive online marketing arena, someone selling products and services to other marketers will need a steady flow of fresh internet marketing leads to fuel their sales. Youve Got a Mailing List. Now What You thought that if you could just get people on your e-mailing list, you’d be on Easy Street. Part of that thought is right because without a mailing list your email marketing strategy is irrelevant. If you’ve got a mailing list, my hat is off to you. But now that you’ve got them, how do you keep track of them “Improve Your Email’s Deliverability“ With SPAM accounting for over 50% of the email that is delivered to our inboxes many corporations and ISPs have implemented solutions to deal with this growing problem. SPAM filters, IP blocking, domain blocking, and legislation are in place, but often messages that are, in fact, wanted by the recipients, are filtered and not delivered. What do legitimate marketers need to do to ensure that their clients receive their messages We have collected a number of rules that, if you employ, can greatly increase the number of emails that are delivered and opened by your customers or prospective customers. Creating Demand with Email Newsletters Youve launched your web site. Youve implemented a public relations campaign and spent oodles of money advertising in trade journals, magazines and newspapers. But your sites daily visitors are still in single digits and your sales are...well lets just say that early retirement is no longer an option. How To Generate Targeted Traffic...and Cash In On It. We all know that generating traffic to your site is creating a flow of visitors, but what is targeted traffic Targeted traffic simply refers to visitors who are actually interested in the topic of your product or service. Targeted traffic will greatly out produce non-targeted traffic in terms of open rate, click through rate, and sales conversions rates. 8 Tips to Increase Response in Email Opt in email marketing is no different than normal direct marketing in that small simple changes will increase your response and success. These tips will help with both plain text and html email: The Future of WebSite Ranking The recent shakeup in Googles search results, which set the SEO search engine optimization community buzzing and saw tens of thousands of webmasters watch their site ranking plummet, was in many ways inevitable. Almost all SEO companies and most savvy webmasters had a fairly good handle on what Google considered important. And since SEO, by definition, is the art of manipulating website ranking not always with the best interests of searchers in mind, it was only a matter of time until Google decided to make some changes. A Guide To Automated Email Marketing Youve probably heard the expression, the money is in the list. Its become a bit of a cliché - but its the key to successful web marketing. Interactivity Is Key How to use the latest in Interactivity tools to increase sales and provide exceptional customer service More Marketing Dope Direct marketing can make you very successful, but you’ve got to understand the basics. Here are some more gems of the industry that can take you from being a diamond in the rough to the luminous bling-bling. When Internet Marketing Gurus Sell Their Soul If youre just getting started in Internet Marketing, you may be awed by the amount of "Internet Gurus" out there, each one making millions of dollars or so they claim and for some reason seem more than willing, for a fee, to teach you their biggest, most intimate secrets. The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer Which email format is more effective to use, Text or HTML How To Evaluate A New Business Opportunity If you are searching for ways to earn an income using the internet, you must have already come across many programs with unbelievable claims of overnight income. This article outlines 7 criteria that I use to evaluate any opportunity that presents itself before me. Different Models For Making Money On The Internet There are several strategies for making money on the net. Here are some possible options: Why Stick With Email Clients Like Outlook Trying to figure out a stream in banning one email client or another is no easy job. As soon as somebody rises up saying Outlook is bad, somebody else comes saying its good and the other one is bad. And the story goes on and on. ![]() |
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