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Lessons Learned from Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are a special breed of high achievers. They create things, get things started: businesses, clubs, churches, associations, even nations. Their motivations vary. Not all want to be rich. Not all want to produce a Fortune 500 company. Some are motivated by pleasure or civic pride or the desire for fame. Mary Madden, president of Information America, told me she and Burton Goldstein started their company because it gave them freedom and flexibility. Entrepreneurs see a world that is incomplete. It probably does not yet have what they intend to create. If it does, it needs something else they just thought of. They differ markedly from one another. But there are similarities. One of the most prominent similarities is the ability to perceive clearly. The ability to perceive clearly is important to many high achievers, but essential for the entrepreneur. Here is what the entrepreneur perceives: Voids. A college student, Frederick Wallace Smith, conceived of a dependable overnight delivery system for letters and small packages. It would require a vast network of planes, trucks, messengers and electronics that did not then exist. That perception led to Federal Express. Defects. A cartoonist perceived that most amusement parks of his day were shabby and boring. Why not create something that was improved ? a theme part that was sparkling clean and exciting? That perception led to Disneyland. Opportune time. Ted Turner was watching Home Box Office one evening and realized that time had come for his small Atlanta-based station to go on satellite too. That perception led to the SuperStation and later to CNN. Syntheses. Parker H. Petit, CEO of Healthdyne, say his success as an entrepreneur comes from his ability to synthesize data. Petit believes he "can look at a set of circumstances, the market, a product or whatever and see order and opportunities in those variables that other people seem to see and just don't piece together." Continuing education. When Burton B. Goldstein, chairman of Information America started the company, one of his board members told him: "If you are still in business three years from now, you'll be in a different business." Goldstein says that observation has turned out to be true. "You have to be comfortable with the fact that you are on a road, a learning curve and you are going to learn stuff and you are going to change." Continuing education is really is an extension of the process that brought about the entrepreneurial venture in the first place. That first vision may be 20/20, but it is more likely that the first vision is only a rough approximation or the "shape of the answer," as author Horace Freeland Judson puts it. Continuing education is essential because of changing technology. A group of managers recently told me that the technological competence of the average college graduate today will be obsolete within three years or less. What they said is true in most fields because of the pervasive impact of the information revolution. If you don't keep on learning, somebody else will, and put you out of business. Continuing education is essential because the target audience is changing. No creative activity is more audience-driven than entrepreneurship. If people do not buy the new product or patronize the new store or join the new organization, the venture dies. The target may be a moving one or a fickle one. Tastes may change. People may move physically. So, the entrepreneur must keep on learning about the target audience. Still another similarity: the ability to do mundane tasks well. What separates entrepreneurial activity from other creative acts is its emphasis on the practical. Entrepreneurial activity is a creative act, and, as such, is cerebral. It may even grow out of pure research. But entrepreneurs must do the thousand-and-one tasks involved in transforming an insight into something tangible. Xavier Roberts of Cabbage Patch fame told me that people continually approach him with ideas they believe will make a fortune. "I don't need more ideas," he said. "I need people who can implement ideas." He knows from experience, Roberts was selling his loveably ugly little creatures at flea markets and financing his business on credit cards long before the idea became a national craze. "Think small," an entrepreneur by the name of Fred P. Burke once told me, "Many people who have these grand visions never can take their eyes from the sky and put them down to the little-bitty takes that have to be done right here, right now, this minute." Gene Griessman, PhD, is an Atlanta-based author, workshop leader and speaker. His books include Time Tactics of Very Successful People and The Words Lincoln Lived By: 52 Timeless Principles to Light Your Path. To learn more about Dr. Griessman's products and speaking engagements, visit him online at www.presidentlincoln.com.
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Before the Business Plan Purveyors of conventional wisdom would have you believe that the very first thing you ought to do when setting up a new business is to create a business plan. Differentiation Strategies for Franchise Companies With the growing number of franchise offerings recently it is difficult for the smallest franchise companies to compete. They generally do not have the advertising budgets to pick and choose which markets the franchise prospects will be calling from. Many rely solely on Internet Marketing; unfortunately 80% of such leads are not so good. On top of this obstacle they must compete with sales departments of larger franchise companies, which have lots of experience. Franchises - A Proven Business System Franchises offer the first time business owner a proven and successful business opportunity. If you are looking to start your own business for the first time, franchises provide you with the greatest opportunity for success. When you purchase a franchise from the "Franchisor", and become a "Franchisee", you are not only purchasing a business, but a complete business system. Entrepreneurial Hate, its out there Today, I got an email from a lady who hates all business people and entrepreneurs, because they are Greedy, Arrogant and a Host of other atrocities. She was replying to an article I wrote about entrepreneurs and how they bring to the civilization; everything you see, everywhere you go and without us, you would have nothing. Here is the email I received: Youve Found Your Guru, Now What? In my last article, "Follow That Guru", I told you about the one (1) simple technique I used when starting my home business, "A Name". The Entrepreneurs Prayer As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for the tasks at hand, I offer up this most ardent prayer: Abstract Business Marketing Strategy for the Entrepreneur If you look at those Corporations in franchising today you see the great companies that use these systems to move markets and deliver products and services to America. Franchising is obviously a power play in the marketing strategy game book. General Motors uses the franchise system or special teams, dealerships, to move their products in each market. Now take your mind to the "Family and friends Program" in Telecom, that is still being done by all those selling mobile communications. Think of some of the ways hyper type marketing has been done in so many areas and market sectors with so many different niches or market segments. Think of the new term appropriately named as viral marketing thru the use of ezines, forwarding emails and adhoc networks of friends and acquaintances within one's email box. Look at the organic evolution of a real virus and how it gets what it needs within your body; virus vector modeling is fascinating as it is so close to grass roots political campaigns, referral marketing or Internet link exchanges. Questions For The Entrepreneur To Be Entrepreneurial e-gnorance Lessons Learned from One Entrepreneur on Vioxx For the past ten-months, I tried every drug from the popular Vioxx, Celebrex and Aleve, to the long-standing Percocet, Ibruprofen 800, with some other fabulous ones like Fexeril, Ulltram, Naproxyn, and Antevert. (And, this is my short list). Securing Second and Third-round Venture Capital Financing Widget sales are booming ? the competition is scrambling, demand is up, and the books are finally treading water. Your core management team has big ideas for the future of Widget Inc. Opportunity is abundant; but how will you fund that next big leap? Work On, Not In Your Business Are you busy? Everyone's busy! Ask anyone they'll tell you how busy they are. But how many people are accomplishing real results? Judging Entrepreneurial Ideas Most entrepreneurs constantly come up with new ideas. Whether they are working on another project, driving, or lying in bed, their minds are constantly churning out new products, services and ways of doing things. For these entrepreneurs, the startup challenge shifts from coming up with ideas to choosing which idea to execute. Secrets of My Favorite Government Auction I love bargains. And there's no better place to find bargains than an auction. And there are no better auctions than government surplus auctions. My favorite government surplus auction takes place the 3rd week of September every year in the County Park. I won't tell you which county park as this is my best-kept secret! Even though the auction is advertised in the local papers (as required my law), I usually find the same 20-30 people mulling around, looking at all the lots. And many of them I know are not high-bidders! Cross Polination of Innovations in the Cleaning Industry According to the latest edition of Pool and Spa news; the costs of maintaining a pool, maintenance service averages about $30.00 to $150 per month depending on competition, size of pool and area you live in. This seems similar to maintenance costs associated with cleaning of the family cars if you hire out a mobile detailing service or mobile car wash. For this reason we have been studying their industry for parallels and ways to incorporate some of their methodology, software for scheduling and other anomalies associated with that industry for ideas to incorporate into ours. Can You Make Money Without Money? When I ask why you don't start your own business, I always hear, "I don't have money to start a business." Entrepreneurship Story; Over Regulation in Franchising Final Chapter Sally and Jim have launched their automotive franchise business and are now selling franchises; problems arise as lawyers and over regulation threaten to ruin their life's work, see how it ends; tragedy or success. A realistic story of modern day franchising. . . Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Secret to Discovering Your Purpose in Life!© Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! How To Get More Clients and Customers; Dont Sell Be of Service Whether you are just starting your business or focusing on growing it, I'm sure you are like most small business owners you are looking for ways to get more clients and customers. There is a lot of information out there on selling, persuasion tactics, and gimmicks to get people to buy. I am suggesting a radical shift in perspective when thinking about the question: How do you get more clients and customers? How to Start a Franchise Franchising Information Focus is the Key to a Successful Startup The definition of a startup means you have very few resources to employ and little time to get them to do something valuable. The clock is always ticking, and the money (if you even have any) is running out by the day. With so little to leverage, you need to make sure that the focus of your company's product offer is as razor sharp as possible. ![]() |
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