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A Startup Never Closes
When it comes to a startup, the luxuries shared with established companies are few and far between. Chief among them is the luxury to close at the end of the day. Big companies have the benefits of capital, customers and receivables. Startups, on the other hand, have jack squat. They need to work twice as hard to make half as much, and even then they're not working nearly enough. If you had any delusions going into this new venture that things were going to be easy and you were going to be on your own schedule then let me serve as your wake-up call. A startup runs like a casino ? it's all about making money, it's a huge gamble, and no matter what, a startup never closes! Your new business hours: every waking moment Working like a slave is the norm in a startup company, not the exception. When I started my first company, Blue Diesel, I didn't see my family, celebrate Christmas, or take a weekend day off for three years. After a while I forgot that people go home on the weekends and sick days shouldn't be considered a vacation. Sure, I was demented, but I wasn't alone. Startups realize that in order to get ahead they need to trade their time (and their lives) for the good of the company. You can only accomplish so much by working smart ? the rest just comes down to lots and lots of hours. Even if you've go the stamina to put this kind of time in, it doesn't necessarily mean the rest of your team does. Make sure that everyone is well aware of what is expected of them and what they're signing up for. Set Clear Expectations, And Live by Them It's always helpful to let people know what they are getting into before they get started. Inform potential employees during the interview that the demands of a startup are far and beyond anything of a regular 9?to-5 job. Let them know that you don't think twice about working weekends or into the evening and that you expect the same of them. You'll find that the clock-punchers won't return your phone calls and the truly insane will show up on Monday with a case of Red Bull. It's a twisted form of "natural selection". And remember, the pace of a startup starts with you, so it's important that you set a tone by consistent example. Don't expect your team to show up before you and leave after you. You need to demonstrate that if sacrifices are going to be made, that you are as willing to make them as anyone. Action speaks a whole lot louder than words. How to know you're working for a startup Let me give you some indicators to let you know when you're truly working for a startup. I'll give these to you Jeff Foxworthy style. If you really don't know what day it is, you're probably working for a startup. If you know the number for pizza delivery to your office by heart, you're probably working for a startup. If you look forward to holidays because you'll miss traffic and get to work ten minutes sooner, you're probably working for a startup. Welcome to your new life. Send 5:01 home Not everyone will be on board with this "every waking hour" schedule. In fact, you'll inevitably hire the guy who will quickly become known as "5:01". We call him 5:01 because when the clock strikes 5:01, his stuff is already packed up and he's heading out the door. This is a problem because startups don't close at 5:00 - they leave when the job is done. When the rest of the team is working around the clock and forgoing all sleep, 5:01 is going to be about as popular as cancer. This isn't to say that 5:01 isn't a good guy who can do good work. There's plenty of room for him - just not in a startup. The Star that Burns Brightest Burns Fastest There's a real downside to this schedule and that's burnout. You can only run the engine at red line for so long ? eventually it's going to explode. Knowing this, you need to give you and your team a well-deserved break from time to time. When your performance slows down all the extra hours in the world won't make up for it. Don't be afraid to take a pit stop from time to time and refresh. Get as far away from work as possible and just unwind. It better be worth it Needless to say, if you are going to make a sacrifice this great, you had better feel extremely passionately about what you are doing. In the end, when you make your dream a reality, the payoff will be worth it. Until then, put this column down, chug another Mountain Dew, and get back to work! - Wil Wil Schroter is a serial entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. Wil has been recognized as U.S. Small Business Person of the Year, twice as the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year (1999 & 2004), and is a member of the Business First Top 40 under forty. Connect directly with Wil at wschroter@yahoo.com. Visit http://www.goBIGnetwork.com.
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5 TIPS for Home-Based Business Entrepreneurs Have you ever heard that only a small part (5%) of 'all' Home-Based Business entrepreneurs achieve success? Differentiation ? Smart Marketing Strategies for the Solo Entrepreneur Are you ever frustrated or hesitant when you talk to prospective customers because you can't readily explain why they should come to you rather than go to your competitors? Sure, you might have your 30-second elevator speech, but then they ask you that dreaded question, "So what makes you different?" Then, all those self-doubts creep in, and you just aren't sure what to say. Differentiation can boost confidence--yours in yourself and that prospective customer's confidence in you! Expand Your Resourcefullness! The success and failure for the entrepreneur is largely dictated by the ability to gain access to resources, both personal as well as those of others. Entrepreneurial Ongoing Education Advice I would like to give some advice to all the up and coming entrepreneurs; if you really want to be a superstar not only do you have to work harder and smarter than the competition, but you must always keep learning. I built a company from a bucket of water and a sponge into a National Car Wash Franchise System in 23 states. To do this you need to know more than what they taught you in school and you can never turn off your brain. Every person is different and has different interests. But I would like you to read thru my recommended reading list. This is a list I hand out to MBA and Entrepreneurial Students when I give speeches. It is a list of recommended book, biography, audio tapes and movies. Questions For The Entrepreneur To Be Entrepreneurial e-gnorance Documenting Partnerships in Your Business Plan Forging partnerships to improve market penetration has become commonplace, particularly for "new economy" businesses. And, most companies proudly mention their many partnerships in their business plans. Double Down on Marketing If you want to compete in the world of high growth startups, you better know how to play the marketing game. Marketing has become a big stakes game where companies are betting fortunes on the success of their products. Nowadays if you can't play the big marketing game you may not even get the attention of the customers you need to grow your business. From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money Selling Info Products The term "Infopreneur" is a relatively new industry buzz word that is making waves because it opens doors for entrepreneurs to generate new streams of income. Simply put, an infopreneur sells information. The New Paradigm for Entrepreneurial Success Entrepreneurship is a great magnet to deliver new ideas, unique approaches and innovative technologies. When conducted in a proper way, turning people into entrepreneurs improves a country's economic situation and aids sustainable progress. However, transition to become an entrepreneur is not that aspiring to all. Risks and uncertainties involved in starting a new business coupled with stagnant economy discourage people to step up the plate and take a swing. Oil Change Guys History; Part III Studying the history of franchise companies is interesting is watching all the ways they grew and all the partnerships, vendors and mergers along the way. It is a myriad of deals and team building, which makes it all possible. Continuing Part III of the saga: If It Was Easy Everybody Would Do It Q: I started my business about a year ago and everything is going fine. We're growing and making a profit, but the stress of running the business is really starting to get to me. I spend more time worrying than working. Sometimes the pressure is almost more than I can take. I'm starting to think that I'm not cut out to run my own business. Do you have any advice that might help me decide what to do? -- Steven S. Competitive Edge In his book, The Road Ahead, Bill Gates of Microsoft writes of "friction-free capitalism" made possible by developments in communications, chief among them the Internet and its World Wide Web. In this context, "friction" is everything that keeps markets from functioning as the "perfect competition" of economics textbooks. This friction can be a function of distance between buyer and seller, costs of overcoming this distance, and incomplete or incorrect information. Seven Key Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs A recent poll conducted by Forbes magazine shows that majority of its readers would prefer to become a billionaire rather than a Nobel peace prize winner, a great scientist or a famous athlete. There is no secret that most of the average people dream about getting rich albeit very few makes any real effort to become one. Entrepreneurs: Benefits vs. Features-Know the Difference! Entrepreneurs know their business. They know their product, their service. Many of them write creative Web sites. But, one thing they are not as adept at is promotional copy. Corporate Espionage in Franchising Franchising Trade Journals do not do well, because today with all the industry regulations only about 1800 active franchise actually exist in the US. Down sharply over the past five years. Why? Over-regulation. Now you have a Bank Cooperative, which owns a company that collect data, FranData of Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, which are the industries required disclosure documents to new franchise buyers. The company sells it to attorneys and to competitors of which many probably are financed through that bank. My God can this be real. Then they work with industry Trade Journals to do Top 50 franchises lists, but to be qualified to be reviewed they of course wish to see your UFOC; Uniform Franchise Offering Circular. Starting Your Business By The Book I've gotten several questions recently about the legalities of starting a business. So, this week I thought I would address a few of the more common legal issues most new businesses face. But first, let's get the mandatory legal disclaimer out of the way: the advice dispensed by this columnist is probably no better or worse than the advice dispensed by other columnists. Do not take the following advice as gospel or bet the future of your business on any advice given herein by said columnist. Rambling Confessions of a Recovering Entrepreneur I told my family that I finally accepted that my passion had become an ob- session, and you could even call it an addiction. They all laughed. What had taken me 25 years to accept, they had known for years. My wife detected my addiction as early as our honeymoon in Paris. All I wanted to do was spend time at the Bourse trading francs on the spot market. She kept on nudging me to see some old picture in the Louvre. Youve Found Your Guru, Now What? In my last article, "Follow That Guru", I told you about the one (1) simple technique I used when starting my home business, "A Name". Be an Entrepreneur The Department of Labor predicts that the #1 employer in 2010 will be "self." A recent Internet poll of 25-44 year olds revealed that 90% of them hoped to own their own business. A survey conducted by Ernst & Young found that 75% of influential Americans believe that entrepreneurship will be the defining trend of the 21st century. Some of the factors that have attributed to the rise of the modern day entrepreneurial spirit are access to technology, a global economy, and corporate stagnation. Starting Your Business: It All Boils Down To Making Money and Saving Money Bootstrapping in the context of business start-ups refers to the use of creative financing approaches such as leveraging personal savings, credit-card debt, loans from friends and family, bartering, and other means to launch a business. Some business founders use bootstrapping because they have no other choice. Just about anyone who has approached a bank has learned that "only established businesses need apply." Bankers typically look for cash flow, assets, an established customer base, and a successful track record on the part of the business that is seeking a start-up loan. Obviously, this is a short list that is impossible to fulfill when you are just getting started. ![]() |
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