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Yoga traditionally conjures up images of long hair, loin cloths and incense burning in a darkened room with strange music playing! It had an almost cultish persona. Nowadays your gran is quite likely to tuck her Yoga mat under her arm and head on down to the local gym for an hour of Yoga and meditation. Yoga is coming out of the darkened room and is being embraced in it many forms by old and young alike. Yoga originated in India. It is considered one of the most ancient forms of self-improvement exercise in history. Yoga was formally documented around 200BC by one of India's most famous Yoga masters, Patanjali, who wrote the 'Yoga Sutras'. Traditionally though, the ancient art of Yoga is passed down from Master to student and so on.However, throughout the years, Yoga has undergone many changes and new streams of Yoga have been developed from the original sources. Also, during history, when India was invaded, many texts that documented Yoga techniques and teachings were destroyed.It was not until the early 1900 century that Yoga was revived by Yoga Master Tirumalai Krishamacharya, known as a 'Yogi'. Following this time, Yoga began to become a World Wide exercise that has since been embraced by millions of people as a way of life. Essentially, traditional Yoga is made up of eight limbs that represent ethics, the physical body, breathing, consciousness, concentration, meditation and God. There are also five 'Yamas', which a 'Yogi', Yoga teacher, must adhere to, which are, non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, fidelity to God and non-grasping, meaning not being attached to material possessions. Lorna Mclaren has more information regarding more alternative methods of working out at http://www.a1-workoutworld.com
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10 User Friendly Habits for Successful Home Gym Training Are you dissatisfied with your current training program? Are you not achieving the results you had hoped for when you started training? If you are you stuck on a fitness plateau and are in need of some tips on how to start seeing progress then keep reading. Workouts That Travel A vacation can do wonders for reducing stress levels, but it can derail a healthy fitness regimen. Even some of the most die-hard exercisers find it difficult to stick with a workout program when away from home. Sure, many have good intentions. They may even pack their workout attire. Unfortunately, their gear never makes it out of the suitcase until they're back home. Exercises You Probably Dont Do But Should! This is going to be kinda short and sweet. . . . Maybe not too sweet. How to Find a Gym and Start Exercising There is hardly a week that passes without an article or study touting the benefits of exercise. Exercise to cure cancer, exercise to lose weight, feel better, livelonger, and stop dementia, the list appears endless. The benefits of exercise sound fantastic but there is just one problem. You have to exercise to gain the benefits! For many, this is a big problem. Exercise Program The exercise program you choose depends entirely on your fitness goals. The exercises you will be doing and the approach you take in performing these exercises will depend on whether you wish to gain muscle and strength, tone and lose weight or just stay in shape and be healthy. I will briefly describe a sample exercise program that can be adapted for all people regardless of their age or fitness objectives. Bodybuilding and Exercise ? The Ten Commandments in Making of a Champion! 1. Fill your life up with different hobbies! ? Bodybuilding Champions realize working out is not everything there is in life. Your life does not center on the gym. Experience other activities. Get a hobby; join a group; do outdoor activities in order to stay mentally strong. One day you will realize, your identity is not built on the sport of bodybuilding. How To Gain An Avalanche Of Energy! For many people out there trying to become more energised and active they are terrified of committing to daily activity. It is so engrained in their minds that they might over train that they literally shy away from daily physical training and instead follow the herd and train two or three times per week. The Importance Of An Active Lifestyle Over the past 15 years or so, we have been told that a healthy lifestyle is important. Scientists recommend we should be accumulating on average 60 minutes of exercises a day in order to maintain healthy levels. What exactly does that number mean? Over the course of a regular day, we should be doing some sort of physical activity that adds up to approximately 60 minutes. Whether it is in the gym on the treadmill or just in the garden for the afternoon, adding physical activity is vital. The Truth about Spot Reduction At any point, we can pick up the latest fitness magazine or see a television ad for the newest "abdominal reducer" exercise. These gimmicks are feeding on society's obsession with a "six pack" and everyone is searching for the answer to lose those love handles. Fitness Focus: Overcoming Obstacles If you're like me, the quest to be in shape, manage weight and overall well-being, at times, feels overwhelming. And, as if the quest to be fit isn't hard enough, there's often other obstacles to overcome: health issues, time management, mustering up courage or energy. Even if you've been exercising for a long time, there's always new barriers to be broken. So, how to put all of this into perspective? According to Tom Turner, executive liaison for the Spina Bifida Association that's exactly it: Perspective. And also, according to him, there's no mountain too high to climb. Tom would know. Paralyzed from the waist down since birth he's now 33 and trains about three times a week. In fact, he tells me, he just couldn't get along without exercise. Lance Armstrong?s Training Tactics ? The Tortoise or the Hare? I have been counseling people on weight loss, exercise efficiency and nutrition for over twenty years. Every time I go to the gym I observe people, their training tactics and their workout habits. Over the last few years I have noticed something about certain people in the gym that has been interesting. You would think more people would do this but they don't. What I have noticed is certain people have a habit or process they go through when they workout that most do not. What is interesting is, before I even realize that they do it, I can tell by the way their bodies look that they have this habit. They are leaner, healthier looking, and stronger than most. 10 Best Workout Tips Top Trainers share their secrets to getting slim, toned and strong in record time. It guarantees that you will see results in no time. Pilates: A Challenging and Motivating Exercise Regimen Pilates is named after its creator Joseph Pilates. It is an exercise regimen that uses machines and special stretches. This exercise puts emphasis on flexibility and overall strength over body bulk. One of the principles of Pilates is concentration. Your mind wills body into action and you should pay attention to how the body responds to the actions. What's important in Pilates is technique and you should really use your mind to get the movement right. It focuses on training the mind and the body to work together in order to attain the desired goal to be fit and healthy. It also challenges the interior muscles of the body to develop inner strength. Just like yoga, Pilates can also be a physically active form of meditation. Breathing techniques can be done. With the deep breathing and the complete focus required to perform each exercise correctly, one can feel relaxed and fall into a Zen-like peace. Exercise Is a Key to Good Health for All of Us There's plenty of evidence that an essential component of a healthy life is physical activity. It has been shown that exercise has a positive effect on both your body and mind. Weight Loss and Fitness - Facts not Fiction The world of weight loss and fitness is certainly vast, and the American consumer can absolutely get lost in the thousands of easy effortless and ostly useless ads if not careful. With my books and research I want to clear the air about the various myths and false statements regarding our health and fitness that have clearly muddied the waters for many Americans. Weight Loss & Low Body Fat ? High Calorie Burning Techniques During Workouts! My name is Greg Ryan. I am a fitness expert, professional bodybuilder, personal, trainer to movie stars, and former employee of Kathy Smith. For twenty years I have been able to continually make progress and keep my body fat below normal. I accredit this to being able to work smarter than most not harder. Debunking Common Exercise Myths, Part 1 Myth #1: Heavy weights make you "bulky" 5 Mistakes People Makes When Doing a Workout Program When you start out with a workout program - whether the purpose is weight loss exercise or another - you have started a training process that hopefully is going to last for a while. It is important that you are aware of some factors that can decrease your motivation for the exercising or even damage your health - while you are executing your training program. Even a few minor mistakes in your workout can easily accumulate to bad habits over time, kicking you off track, and that is not the purpose with good exercise. Below I'll go through a few of these. What is the Best Exercise for Weight Loss? It is a common misconception that aerobic exercise tones/firms muscles. Actually it accomplishes very little toning/firming. Resistance exercise (weight training) is where real toning/firming of muscles occurs. Incorporating Physical Activity into Your Daily Routine Not as Hard as You Think You already know that getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each and every day is good for you, but putting that assertion into actual practice is an entirely different matter, right? Contrary to what you might think, making physical activity an everyday habit isn't rocket science. There's no secret code for success waiting to be cracked. In fact, it's something that can be worked into your usual routine with minimal, sometimes no, interruption or adjustment. ![]() |
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