Exercise & Fitness Information Site Map
3 Steps To Starting a Successful Fall Exercise Program
Finding Time to Exercise
Interval Training
Top 10 Tips For Finding Time For Exercise
Top 10 Reasons To Exercise In The Morning
The Abs... More Important Than You Think
Overcoming Resistance to Exercise
7 Ways To Guarantee You Stick To Your Workout Program
4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried
The Power Workout:
Fitness the Goddess Way: Movement vs. Exercise
The New Lover Approach to Starting an Exercise Program
Mom, How F.I.T.T. Is Your Workout?
Arthritis Exercise ? One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 1)
Arthritis Exercise ? One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 2)
Arthritis Exercise ? One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 3)
How to Get The Most From Your Home Workouts
How to Supercharge Your Energy Levels through Exercise
Doing vs. Performing: The Difference Between Exercising and Getting Results
People Walking: How Some People Enjoy Their Exercise Walking
Exercise: Why YOU Should Do It
How NOT to Return from an Exercise Break
Workouts That Travel
Life Walking: Dont Walk Just For Exercise - Change Your Life
After Exercise Headache - More Serious Than You Think?
4 Steps To More Effective Aerobic, Streching, and Weight Training Exercise
Exercise and the Time Clock
Stretching Exercises
Anywhere and Anytime Exercises
Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the Office
Exercising In Heat
A 30-minute, Or Less, Full Body Workout
Movement That Matters: Exercise With a Greater Purpose
Top 5 Exercise Plateau Breakers
2 Exercises to Avoid
Warning! Lack Of Exercise Could Be Harmful To Your Health
Struggling To Keep Your Workout Schedule? So am I!
Finding The Right Exercise Intensity
The Right Exercise Intensity
Great Summer Workouts: Just Add Water
How To Overcome Workout Plateaus
Salsa Dancing for Fitness is Hot
Exercise Tips: Move Your Body - Boost Your Productivity
When to Exercise
Workout Without a Gym
Exercises You Probably Dont Do But Should!
The Many Benefits of Exercise
Exercising With Kids -- Tips For Parents
Sports Specific Exercise
Weight Training: The Real Weight Loss Exercise
Exercise Nutrition: How To Keep That Energy Up!
Success Versus Failure in the Exercise Department
Fitness Focus: Overcoming Obstacles
The Different Types of Treadmills
Attention, Ladies!
Want To Get In Shape? Watch Another Infomercial!
A Great Way To Spice Up Your Workouts -- Interval Training
Easy and Effective Home Workouts
Top 10 Most Outrageous Exercises I?ve Ever Seen
Unstable And Proud Of It! Power to the Push-Ups!
Got A Cold - Should You Work Out?
Get Out and Play: Top 7 Outdoor Exercises
Super Secret Exercise Tips for People with Arthritis
How to Maximize Your Fitness Results
Integrating Core Stabilization into Your Workouts
How To Get Started With Exercise: The Magic Pill Of Your Weight Loss Program
Get a Health Screening Before You Start Training
Double Calories Burned With Five Minutes Of Exercise Each Morning!
Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts: Part 4
Basic Abdominal Exercises
The Benefit of Back Exercises
The Importance of Stretching Exercises
Benefits of a Good Training Journal
The Degradation of Fitness Science
3 Great Weight Loss Exercises
Planning An Exercise Program
What is the Best Exercise for Weight Loss?
Home Gym Workout Routines
6 Things A Norwegian Fable Teaches Us About Healthy Perseverance Part 1
6 Things A Norwegian Fable Teaches Us About Healthy Perseverance Part 2
Take a Break
Performing Potentially Dangerous Gym Exercises
Exercise Program
Weight Loss and Exercise in Tough Environmental Conditions
How to Pick a Good Personal Trainer
Incorporating Physical Activity into Your Daily Routine Not as Hard as You Think
Thirty Minutes of Exercise a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Lower Back Extension Exercise
Speed Training With Intensity - Bound To Get Faster
10 User Friendly Habits for Successful Home Gym Training
How To Gain An Avalanche Of Energy!
Why Do My Feet Hurt So Much When I Run?
Exercise - Anxiety & Panic
Exercise: How To Keep Your Kids Moovin and Groovin
Who Else Wants To Get In Shape in 35 Minutes?
After WLS: Walking for Wellness
15 Quick Tips for People Who Dont Like to Exercise
Debunking Common Exercise Myths, Part 1
Programming Brief: Exercise Order
Top 3 Back Pain Risk Factors
Exercise Tips
How to Find a Gym and Start Exercising
Optimize Your Exercise: Maximizing the Time Spent Working Out
No Pain, No Gain Isnt True For Arthritis, But Exercise Is Still Important
Dangerous Shoulder Exercises
Rotator Cuff: Exercises and Strategies to Prevent Injury
Debunking the Myth of Spot Reduction
The Truth About Exercise and Why Its Not Always Good for You!
The Two Greatest Myths About Abdominal Exercises
How to Avoid Using Your Home Gym as a Clothes Rack
Stretching for Health
Stretching and the Warm up ? Are You Confused?
Athletics and Winning
Exercise Intensity
An Introduction to Tennis
Your Guide To Exercise
How to Choose a Good Jogging Stroller
Toning Your Abs - Common Exercising Myths
Strategies for Alleviating the Boredom Associated with Exercise
Keep Exercise Journals For Real Results
Stay Mentally Focused When Training
Have a Detailed Exercise Plan Before Training
Try Different Forms of Exercise for Success
Monitor Your Body Fat Levels For Results
Forget Exercise - Go Play
5 Little Known Benefits of Warming Up & Cooling Down After Exercising
Great Exercises To Tone & Tighten Your Butt
Elements of Exercise
Calf Cramps - How To Get More Gain For Less Pain!
When Exercising Right Looks Wrong
Triathalon Racing, It Starts At The Beginning
The Cool Down - Recover Faster & Avoid Injury!
Professional Triathlon Training Taking You To Your Best
Exercising for life ? The magic is in the synergy!
Bodybuilding Training Tips ? To be a Champion!
Exercise ? More is NOT Better!
Best Flat Tummy Exercises for Great Female Abs
Exercising - Ways of staying motivated!
Reviewing Weider Home Gyms
Get Moving...The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime!
Precision Abdominal Training
Home Gyms with Free Weights
Benefit of Pilates
Do You Want To Be A Bodybuilding Champion ? The Power Behind The PEN!
Why Core is Key
Diet and Exercise ? Without Going to the Gym
Online Fitness Coaching
When Exercising Right Looks Wrong II
Exercise Equals Fun!
Get Your Exercise ? Without Actually Exercising
Current Recommendations are 30-60 Minutes of Exercise, Everyday?
Use an Exercise Training Diary to Keep Your Workouts on Track
Flattening Your Stomach in Four Easy Steps
Warming Up Properly
Physical Fitness - Is Your Workout Missing Something?
Is Exercise Making You Feel Worse?
How to Start a Walking Program
When Exercising Right Looks Wrong III (Back)
Sweating Vacation
Exercise and Diet ? For Your Waistline
Strength Training FAQs
10 Best Workout Tips
Exercise Smarter Not Harder ? 10 Ways to Make Consistent Progress in Your Exercise Plan!
See How Trampolines Can Be Part Of Any Exercise Program
Weight Loss, Bodybuilding, and Exercise Tips ? Keeping Your Body-fat Low: Part 2 of 10
Will Your Personal Trainer Help You Achieve Your Goals?
Weight Loss & Low Body Fat ? High Calorie Burning Techniques During Workouts!
Bodybuilding, Weight Loss, and Exercise Tips ? Goal Setting for Long Term Results
Exercise and Losing Weight for Life ? Avoid the #1 Mistake Everyone Makes!
Weight Loss, Bodybuilding, and Exercise Tips ? Keeping Your Body-fat Low; Part 1 of 10
Want a Flat Stomach? - Heres the Best Exercise
Complete Physical Transformation Using The Purposefully Primitive Fitness Methodology
2-Minute Fitness
Lance Armstrong, Exercise, and Will Power? Characteristics that Make a Champion!
Lance Armstrong and Exercise - From Denial to Desire!
Lance Armstrong?s Training Tactics ? The Tortoise or the Hare?
Should You Train Before Bedtime?
An Ab Exercise For Everyone!
Tone Up While at Work
The Importance Of An Active Lifestyle
The Amazing Health Benefits of Walking for Exercise
Different Exercises Schedule to Combat Diabetes, Arthritis, and Obesity!
Different Exercises Schedule to Combat Hypertension, Obesity, and Asthma!
Tour of Diet ? Cycling for Your Health
Sets And Reps - The High And Low Weight Workout
The History of Pilates ? It All Began With One Sickly Child
Pilates Exercises ? Can They Give You The Body Youve Always Wanted?
Essential Power Walking Tips
Strength Training After Fifty
Are You A One-Dimensional Trainer?
The Great Forgotten Exercise -- Parallel Bar Dips
Do You Have A Fitness Battle Plan?
Metabolism: How to Increase Your Metabolic Rate?
10 Workout Mistakes Cheaters Make
No Time For The Gym?
Physical Activity Versus Exercise: Is there a Difference?
Exercise and Kids: The Difference between Training Children and Adults!
5 Ways to Fit Fitness In
Best Abdominal Exercises to Get the Sexy Six Pack You Deserve
How to Get Better Exercise Results By Improving Hydration
Exercise Motivation: 7 Sure-fire Tips
Exercise and Heart Health: A Life Giving Marriage
Your Guide to Joining the Right Gym
Invest in Your Health
Lose Weight - Stay Fit and Stick With It!
Exercise Fun
Mixing Things Up
What is the Right Home Exercise Program for You?
Thick Today Is Fat Tomorrow
The Fundamentals of Pilates
Recognize Your Motivation to Exercise
5 Essential Walking Exercise Tips
What is Pilates?
5 Mistakes People Makes When Doing a Workout Program
7 Reasons To Start Up With an Exercise Program
The Truth about Spot Reduction
Exercise For Any Size
The Bad Workout: Some Advice for Female Bodybuilders
Get Fit From Home-Part 2
Core Strength Limits Arm and Leg Power
Banish Your Lower Back Pain Permanently Without Drugs or Surgery
Get Fit From Home!
The Lactate Threshold ? Reality or Fallacy?
Discover the Best Weight Loss Exercise Ever!
The Top 10 Reasons Why Your Dog is a Great Workout Partner
Exercise And Stress
Pilates: A Challenging and Motivating Exercise Regimen
Weight Loss and Fitness - Facts not Fiction
Core-Principles: The Function of Functional Training
Bodybuilding and Exercise ? The Ten Commandments in Making of a Champion!
VO2 Max- Exposing the Myth
The Science of Carbohydrate Loading
Some Great Ideas on Staying Fit
The Importance of The Fibonacci Numbers in Fitness Training
Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Exercising the Abdominals
Tips To Deal with Exercise Induced Asthma
Lance Armstrongs Training Tactics: #1 Rule - Greatness Needs NO Explanation!
A Fitness Mothers Time
Working Out - Its Good For You
Defeating Back Pain Forever
Wise Up and Invest in Your Workout Success - Six Top Fitness Faux Pas
Arthritis Exercise for All Levels
Tai Chi, NOT Chai Tea!
Exercise Is a Key to Good Health for All of Us
How to Keep Your Body Fit
Is It Safe To Start An Exercise Program?
How Exercise and Beta-Glucan Help the Immune System
Why You Should Learn Tai Chi
What the Philosophy of Tai Chi Can Do For You
Muscle Cramps and Exercise
3 Exercises for Good Posture and a Six-Pack
The New Discovery That Makes It Possible To Get An Effective Workout In Less Time
Avoid These Top 5 Workout Myths
Burn that Fat - The Most Efficient and Effective Exercise Yet Devised by Man!
Top 10 Exercise Mistakes and How To Fix Them
Super Charge Your Metabolism
The Truth About Lactate and Exercise
Exercise & Motivation, Part 2: Overcoming Inertia & Getting Started
Six Simple Strategies to Turn Your Walks into Workouts
4 Steps To More Effective Aerobic, Streching, and Weight Training Exercise
We all know that well-balanced diets include the different nutrients we need to maintain health and well-being. But did you know that your exercise program needs to be well-balanced, too? There's three types of exercise to include in your work-out diet.
An Ab Exercise For Everyone!
I don't have much of a problem with belly pouch or bulge, since I've been doing one ab exercise or another for most of my life to make my abs flat.
Get a Health Screening Before You Start Training
So, you have decided to hire a personal trainer to help you with your workouts. If your trainer is reputable and following proper certified techniques he/she will probably ask that you go through a Health Screening exam before begging your program. Many people resist this essential part of their training program because they feel it is unnecessary or that it will be embarrassing for them, however, these worries are untrue and skipping your health screening can result in a lower quality program design or even an increased likelihood for injury on your part.
Exercising - Ways of staying motivated!
The number one reason people say they do not exercise is lack of time. Not long ago, a twenty-year study was completed centering on the theory that, "There is not as much time in the day as there used to be." The study concluded that just the opposite was true. It showed that with all the technology today, we have 1.5 more hours in a day than we did twenty years ago. In other words, with all the gadgets out there to help us communicate and manage our time, we should have an hour and a half more time for ourselves. What is the solution? With a little prioritizing and some time management, we can find the time to exercise!
5 Mistakes People Makes When Doing a Workout Program
When you start out with a workout program - whether the purpose is weight loss exercise or another - you have started a training process that hopefully is going to last for a while. It is important that you are aware of some factors that can decrease your motivation for the exercising or even damage your health - while you are executing your training program. Even a few minor mistakes in your workout can easily accumulate to bad habits over time, kicking you off track, and that is not the purpose with good exercise. Below I'll go through a few of these.
Warning! Lack Of Exercise Could Be Harmful To Your Health
You know it's bad when the Surgeon General issues a warning that lack of exercise is hazardous to your health. And that was back in '96. Since then, the stats haven't improved much, either: 25% of the American population is still sedentary and 60% do not exercise regularly (Reference: http://www.cdc.gov).
4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried
1. Lunges with a barbell. Properly executed, this exercise is the king (or queen) of total body reshaping exercises.
VO2 Max- Exposing the Myth
VO2 max is defined as the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to extract and use to support work performed by the body. It is therefore an indirect measure of the aerobic power of the body, which is controlled by complex interactions between neural (brain and nervous system), cardiovascular (heart and lungs) and skeletal muscle factors. The equation for VO2 max it is equal to the product of stroke volume (the maximum volume of blood the heart ejects in a contraction) and the arterio-venous difference (the difference between the saturation of the arterial blood and that of the venous blood). The aerobic power of the body will change constantly throughout a well-designed running program due to physiological changes and therefore its usefulness in designing a program and determining running capabilities is questionable. This article aims to explain the reason VO2 max is a better indicator of fitness levels than running potential and conditioning program design.
Exercise & Motivation, Part 2: Overcoming Inertia & Getting Started
In the first article in this series (http://tinyurl.com/8ztbo), we gave you an overview of the stages of change in Prochaska's Transtheoretical model. The first three of these stages are all about getting started. They apply to anyone who's not actually regularly exercising at the moment. If you were active in the past, but don't now (i.e. you're in the "Relapse" stage), then, motivationally speaking, you're in one of these stages. Just as a reminder,
the stages are:
Get Moving...The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime!
The benefits of physical activity are numerous and very well documented. Aside from substantially reducing the risk of dying of a heart attack, regular physical activity decreases the risk for stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer. Regular physical activity helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints and reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Regular physical activity helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis and degenerative joint disease and reduces the falls among older adults. Regular exercise has even been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As overwhelming as these benefits are, the sad fact is that less than half American adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Less than 25% of adults are not active at all in their leisure time. The good news is, it's never too late to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.
5 Ways to Fit Fitness In
Five points to consider when you want to fit fitness into a hectic life
Muscle Cramps and Exercise
Quite often runners and exercisers experience painful muscle cramping either during or immediately following a strenuous exercise bout and as a result, these types of cramps have become known as Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps or EAMCs. Much confusion surrounds the causes of EAMCs including dehydration to electrolyte imbalances. This article aims to explain the latest model for describing EAMCs, how to prevent them and how to deal with them once they occur.
The Different Types of Treadmills
When we usually think of treadmills, we tend to think that
there is only one type on the market. However, this is
very far from the truth as there are a couple of different
types of treadmills.
Best Flat Tummy Exercises for Great Female Abs
Are there flat tummy exercises that are the best for great female abs? Abs-olutely! To make this list, the female abs exercises must be safe, effective and can be done nearly anywhere. Your abs can be worked out every day. Here are great flat tummy exercises:
Triathalon Racing, It Starts At The Beginning
Long before you can enter into triathalon racing, you will need to prepare. You will need to prepare your mind and your body for the competition and the fight.
Strength Training After Fifty
Strength training after fifty is no longer for those people who are having some sort of mid-life crisis. In fact, doctors are literally writing prescriptions to get this generation up and moving. They are taking out the pen and prescription pad, writing something barely legible, ripping it off the pad and handing it to more and more of their patients. So what's the result? Well the result is lots of people strength training after fifty years of age. It's magical. A doctor writes a prescription to strength train! No pharmacy necessary.
Lose Weight - Stay Fit and Stick With It!
Health and nutrition experts continually advise us that the more we exercise the healthier we will be. In magazines, the doctor's office or on television we are never far from information showing us how to exercise, what to eat and how to lose weight. One constant rule, in the expert's opinion, is that regular physical activity is an essential element to successful weight loss and fitness maintenance.
Forget Exercise - Go Play
Can't seem to get the energy or motivation to exercise? Forget exercise - go play. For most of us exercise is a chore. So many people hate to exercise, or just can't get motivated to start an exercise program. If you are one of those, forget about exercise, go play.
Exercise - Anxiety & Panic
Yes, all I'm afraid this does play a part in reducing anxiety and depression. As much as you may not like doing it (I've never been a huge fan of it myself) but once you get into it, you certainly feel better for it afterwards.
The Truth about Spot Reduction
At any point, we can pick up the latest fitness magazine or see a television ad for the newest "abdominal reducer" exercise. These gimmicks are feeding on society's obsession with a "six pack" and everyone is searching for the answer to lose those love handles.