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Strategies for Alleviating the Boredom Associated with Exercise
Just about every expert in the ADD field will tell you that exercise is one of the best ADD management strategies there is. According to the book Delivered from Distraction: "When a person exercises, she sets in motion a cascade of events that her brain loves. She sends more blood to her brain. With more blood comes more oxygen. Exercise also stimulates the release of a plethora of nutrients, hormones, chemical precursors of neurotransmitters, growth factors and cleansing agents that bathe the brain in precisely what it needs to function at its best." From Delivered from Distraction by Edward Hallowell, M.D. and John Ratey, M.D. Copyright 2005. Page 219. And in addition to the health and focus benefits, exercise feels good. So why don't we do it more? For many adults with ADD, the answer to that question is "boredom". When exercise becomes boring for an ADDer, it becomes something to avoid. Here are 4 strategies for alleviating the boredom associated with exercise: 1. Get out of the Gym Many ADDers join gyms with a lot of excitement, only to find that their enthusiasm wears out quickly. Being on a stationary bike, treadmill, or stair climber for 30 minutes begins to seem like torture after a while. Instead of feeling forced to get your exercise at this gym, take these activities outside. Walk or bike around the neighborhood, or find some real stairs to climb! Change of scenery goes a long way in alleviating boredom. 2. Follow the Seasons Find seasonal activities that you might enjoy. In the winter, skiing, ice skating and snow showing are great forms of exercise. In the summer, the choices are almost limitless: team sports, swimming, rollerblading, biking, etc. 3. Join an Activity Club or Take a Class A great way to ensure that you get regular exercise is to follow some pre-set structure. Exercise classes that meet once or twice a week for an hour or so will really help you shape up. Try dance or martial arts classes for a good workout! Or, if there is a physical activity that you really love, but never allow yourself the time to enjoy, give yourself permission to join an activity club. You'll meet new people, spend more time on what you enjoy, and get your exercise in the process. 4. Use Music If you must go to the gym, bring along some headphones and some fun music. It will keep your energy level up, and will allow you to focus on something a little more interesting than the wall in front of your exercise equipment. Exercise is an excellent tool for managing ADD. It offers many physical and mental health benefits, and it can be a lot of fun! Remember, when an ADDer starts to get bored with exercise, it's time to mix it up. Note: Always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine. Jennifer Koretsky is a Professional ADD Management Coach who helps adults manage their ADD and move forward in life. She encourages clients to increase self-awareness, focus on strengths and talents, and create realistic action plans. She offers a 90-day intensive skill-building program, workshops, and private coaching. Her work has been featured in numerous media, including The New York Times Magazine and The Times (UK). To subscribe to Jennifer's free email newsletter, The ADD Management Guide, please visit http://www.addmanagement.com/e-newsletter.htm
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The Importance of The Fibonacci Numbers in Fitness Training "Things do not change; we change." ?Henry David Thoreau Burn that Fat - The Most Efficient and Effective Exercise Yet Devised by Man! Rebounding: Health and Fitness Benefits Top 10 Exercise Mistakes and How To Fix Them This is a list of ten common mistakes made during exercise. Quite often the exerciser and even the personal trainer or coach is unaware of these mistakes, decreasing the effectiveness of the exercise and even risking injury. This list describes each "mistake" but follows with a suggested "correction". You may find this list helpful in grading yourself or even your personal trainer. Tone Up While at Work I know better than anybody that sitting at a desk all day can take a toll on your body. You don't get much movement and you can get what I like to call "spread butt" Fitness Focus: Overcoming Obstacles If you're like me, the quest to be in shape, manage weight and overall well-being, at times, feels overwhelming. And, as if the quest to be fit isn't hard enough, there's often other obstacles to overcome: health issues, time management, mustering up courage or energy. Even if you've been exercising for a long time, there's always new barriers to be broken. So, how to put all of this into perspective? According to Tom Turner, executive liaison for the Spina Bifida Association that's exactly it: Perspective. And also, according to him, there's no mountain too high to climb. Tom would know. Paralyzed from the waist down since birth he's now 33 and trains about three times a week. In fact, he tells me, he just couldn't get along without exercise. Want To Get In Shape? Watch Another Infomercial! You know I have always wondered how people of yesteryear, like Eugene sandow, John Grimek, Steve reeves, Jack Lalanne, Joe Louis, Charle Atlas, and many others that i could mention could possibly get into such fantastic shape without all these gadgets, gizmos, and late night exercise machines being touted all over your favorite TV stations. The Two Greatest Myths About Abdominal Exercises If you have ever read a fitness magazine... Exercise And Stress "Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet." Is It Safe To Start An Exercise Program? I think the real question is "How safe is it for you not to exercise?" Did you know that obesity has just replaced smoking as the number one cause of health related problems? That's incredible! Sorry to say, but that means we are a bunch of fat, inactive people! Back in the day when people milked cows and planted their own food for exercise, you would never hear of something like this. Think about that the next time you can't exercise because of a hard day at the office! O.k. before I tear off too far into a rant lets look at some of the real concerns you should tend to before you start an exercise program. Home Gym Workout Routines Home gym workout routines can take the hassle out of staying healthy. How often have you claimed your busy schedule as the reason you could not get to the gym? How many times have you skipped a workout you knew would make you feel better because the fatigue of traffic and the pace of a gym with trainers were too much for your work weary mind? Exercise Program The exercise program you choose depends entirely on your fitness goals. The exercises you will be doing and the approach you take in performing these exercises will depend on whether you wish to gain muscle and strength, tone and lose weight or just stay in shape and be healthy. I will briefly describe a sample exercise program that can be adapted for all people regardless of their age or fitness objectives. STRETCHING; Why Should I? This short article looks at some of the tips, tricks and helpful hints you can use to help prevent sports injury and do-away with stiff, aching muscles & joints. It's been put together to answer some of the more common questions we get regarding stretching and sports injury, and details a number of useful sports injury prevention techniques. I hope it proves useful to you. Arthritis Exercise for All Levels Exercise can be very beneficial for arthritis sufferers, often relieving stiffness in joints, strengthening muscles thereby reducing stress on joints, keeping bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy, and increasing flexibility. A recommended 30-minute minimum of daily activity is the norm. Before starting any exercise program, it is vital that one speak to their doctor to ensure there are no unseen risks, however you will find that most doctors recommend exercise for their arthritis patients either on their own initiative or when asked. How To Gain An Avalanche Of Energy! For many people out there trying to become more energised and active they are terrified of committing to daily activity. It is so engrained in their minds that they might over train that they literally shy away from daily physical training and instead follow the herd and train two or three times per week. 3 Steps To Starting a Successful Fall Exercise Program Ah, the crisp cool breeze, the invigorating feel of the outdoors as the leaves start to turn colors, the sound of kids laughing on their way to school. How to Maximize Your Fitness Results What I am about to reveal to you can make a drastic change in the out come of your fitness results. Many of us are willing to dedicate a decent number of hours each and every week to our workout plan. But quite often we do not always see the results we had hoped for. Looking at the big picture, the average fitness enthusiast only has about 3 to 6 hour per week to dedicate to their workouts. In a 168 hour week 3 to 6 hours is not really a large number of hours. We can drastically increase the number of hour we are exercising by practicing what is called multitasking. In the fitness industry combining exercise with your daily tasks is referred to as Accidental Exercise. Sport In our modern day society we have moved away from walking anywhere and think nothing of jumping into the car for a quick trip to the corner shop. We live life at such a fast pace that we feel we dont have time to walk anywhere and as a result we are probably the most unfit that we have ever been. Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the Office Many women's lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: "You can do this exercise in your office!" What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) that's not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube. Debunking the Myth of Spot Reduction Do you ever wonder how to shrink the fat on your thighs or reduce the flab on the back of your arms? Ever wake and up and dream about wearing your favorite pants from the glory days of college? Well, short of plastic surgery, there is no way to simply eliminate certain problem areas. How to Supercharge Your Energy Levels through Exercise Your energy levels will depend on several factors, including genetics, nutrition, sleep habits, and emotional stress. Some of these you have no control over But there is one VERY important factor that you do have control over and that is your ability to take part in physical exercise. ![]() |
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