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The Importance of The Fibonacci Numbers in Fitness Training
"Things do not change; we change." ?Henry David Thoreau The following article is a chapter from my new book, The Da Vinci Fitness Code. Professor Stanley Plagenhoef, one of my greatest mentors, introduced me to the Fibonacci number series in the early 1980's. He encouraged me to think of those numbers in the ideal relationship of health and fitness. I took his advice and bought books that spoke of the Fibonacci numbers, and the link between those numbers and The Golden Mean Ratio. The first and best book I ever bought is titled, The Curves of Life, written by Theodore Andrea Cook, ISBN # 0-486-23701. The publisher is Dover Publications in New York. Interestingly, this publication mentions on its title page, that the book includes special relation to "The Manuscripts of LEONARDO DA VINCI." I learned many details from this insightful; brain penetrating book (and others I later read). Some I will reword from memory. Leonardo said: "?you cannot be a good master, unless you have a universal power of representing by your art, all the varieties of the forms in Nature. . . . . Do you not see how many and how varied are the actions performed by men alone ? how many kinds of animals there are, of trees and plants and flowers ? how many kinds of springs, rivers, buildings and cities, of instruments fitted for man's use, of costumes, ornaments and arts? All these things should be rendered with equal facility and brace by anyone deserving the name of a good painter". What finally became clear to me was how all the factors Leonardo declared are connected in nature, propose, and carefully worked-out precise proportions, and shapes. Generally, the shapes are a series o that are the Fibonacci Numbers, which can eventually take compared to the shapes of spirals, and curves. Spiral shapes and curves are visible, in the night skies of our Universe. In the shapes of our Galaxy, and the Milky Way, as well as in the structure of clouds. On earth the shapes, curves, and proportions and the numbers agreed to these properties are "The Formula for Growth." These shapes take the form of many aspects of Nature, prevailing in the Galaxy, on land in the curves of the ocean waves and sea shells, to the flowers and the trees and in the proportion and beauty of the legendary paintings, sculptures, and achievements of the great architects, such as Frank Lloyd Wright. Because this is a book matched to excellence in fitness training, I must focus on examining fitness as it is about the human body. When involved in learning the specific ways that the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Numbers, represent a part in all aspects of our daily lives, I propose that you use a computer to explore the World Wide Web. All you need to do is type in either, "The Golden Mean Ratio," or "The Fibonacci Numbers," and you will be presented with thousands of pages of outstanding, original research choices. You will be amazed! As you will discover, the Golden Mean Ratio and the Fibonacci Numbers clearly connect to the shape and proportions of the human body. Nature is also guiding us in our physical development. You are presumably aware of the drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci of "the Vitruvian Man." This drawing outlines the ideal proportions, size, shape, and symmetry of the ideal human body. Some of us inherit ? genetically ? that shape. Many of us do not. Nature is not continually perfect. It became clear to me that the Fibonacci numbers and by continuation, the golden Mean Ratio, could have value when shifted to a legitimate total fitness protocol, as well as physical therapy, work conditioning, and bodybuilding protocols. Apparently, the numbers, known as the Fibonacci numbers, were, first, discussed by an Italian mathematician of the thirteenth century, Leonardo Da Pisa. The numbers, interpreted again, and it became apparent that certain ratios, and formula principles of these numbers, about growth, symmetry, proportion, and beauty appeared virtually everywhere. The numbers verified to refer to a specific ratio, often discussed as The Golden Mean Ratio. A ratio used by Master artists, sculptors, and architects, to create their visions, in perfect balance and harmony. Beginning in the outer cosmos, where spiral shapes prevail in great abundance, and the relationship of the planets distance from each other, is in a Fibonacci balance and Golden Mean Ratio. Apparently, the architect-Source of the unified universe, formulated these proportions before anyone else did. On earth, the proportions of the Fibonacci numbers, compose life forms, such as the human body. The Golden Mean Ratio aligns with the representations of the human body (and many other creations) by the great artists, such as Leonardo Da Vinci. The spiral formations, produced within the Golden Mean Ratio are the same as the ratios of the Fibonacci numbers are to each other. The growth and beauty of these spiral proportions appear on earth in the forms of flowers, branches and leaves on trees, the curves of ocean waves, the shape and proportions of animals. In humans, they emerge as the length of the torso to the lower body. The size, and shape of all body segments and their relationship to each other, and to the body as a whole. This illustrates in the famous drawing of Leonardo, called, "The Vetruvian Man." It interprets the ratios just mentioned, and shows patterns how the body is sectioned, illustrated as balanced, and agreeing with each other. One interesting sidelight to thinking of the relationships of certain shapes and the inherent superiority of their use on planet earth is that the shape of the Nautilus Sea Shell. It highlight's for instance as the essence of a superior, proportionate shape. From my point of view, the invention of Nautilus Exercise Equipment, in 1970, marked a major breakthrough in the evolution of fitness training. It is interesting to me that Arthur Jones (the architect of Nautilus) chose the name Nautilus for his fitness equipment. The major component of his invention is an apparatus called "the cam," which to him looked as the shape of a Nautilus Sea Shell. Thus, the name Nautilus was given to the advanced, High-Tech equipment. It is possible that using a perfectly shaped device, in exercise equipment, is what produces the surprising improvements of those who used Nautilus. I believe so! Although professionally involved in the health field for 25 years, before 1980, I never heard of the Fibonacci numbers or the Golden Mean Ration. Generally, during those years, I carried out in my exercise programs, as I told to clients. Bear in mind that many research programs I developed guided much of my exercise knowledge. Therefore, in one sense, these programs were not the same as other "experts" recommended. During the middle 1980's, I started to use the Fibonacci numbers in various fitness protocols. I did not explicitly explain to my patients why I was recommending various number systems, for their programs. Like most fitness clients, they were not versed in the procedures used in the typical fitness programs. All they expected was the best results possible. I held in reserve, all the workout cards of those I adequately worked with, and eventually, the cards numbered in the thousands. Unfortunately, those cards were destroyed a few years ago, in a basement flood in a house I owned in New England. Since all effects, of fitness training base in the initial, baseline fitness levels, I was lucky to develop the "Units of Muscular Contraction formula." This consistent approach, as mentioned in this book, can separate real results, from imagined results. I suggest you use it as the definitive appraisal tool to measure improvement. Without fail, everyone greatly improved using the Fibonacci numbers. Again, correctly measured using the Units of Muscular Contraction system and by comparing the past and present day bodyweight, and the muscle to fat ratio. Until recently, I have not publicly discussed using specific numbers, compared to harmony, proportion, and beauty, growth, combined with strength. flexibility, muscle endurance, and cardio-endurance, incorporated in one workout. This book is an effort to help you simplify your fitness quest by introducing you to the ease of using the same power that Nature uses to create the proportionate health of the Universe. This Universal power is in the Fibonacci Numbers. Contact author at: joemullen.org@mac.com www.thedavincifitnesscode.com
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Core Strength Limits Arm and Leg Power Core training has become such a hot topic in the exercise field recently and rightly so. Ask just about anyone what they understand about the body's core and you're likely to get an answer as it being the abdominal muscles. While this is not an entirely false statement, the word "core" signifies a collection of muscles that act to stabilize the body and allow functional and powerful movements. This article aims to give a very brief explanation of the core and its significance in human movement. After WLS: Walking for Wellness Step for step, mile for mile, walking is the best cardiovascular activity you can include as part of your weight loss surgery success story. Walking is easy, accessible, inexpensive, individual and effective. It is the gold-star sport for real people with real lives. Formerly stigmatized as cheap transportation and a senior citizens' sport it is now a credible and fashionable form of exercise. And it's been around for a long time ? anthropoids stood upright and put one foot in front of the other thousands of years ago and we haven't looked back since. Exercise Program The exercise program you choose depends entirely on your fitness goals. The exercises you will be doing and the approach you take in performing these exercises will depend on whether you wish to gain muscle and strength, tone and lose weight or just stay in shape and be healthy. I will briefly describe a sample exercise program that can be adapted for all people regardless of their age or fitness objectives. How to Start a Walking Program Did you know that walking is the number one participation sport in the world? Walking is one of the best things you can do for overall health and wellness. When you walk you use more muscles than any other sport. In fact, walking uses almost all of the 650 muscles and 203 bones found in the human body. So what are you waiting for? Sport In our modern day society we have moved away from walking anywhere and think nothing of jumping into the car for a quick trip to the corner shop. We live life at such a fast pace that we feel we dont have time to walk anywhere and as a result we are probably the most unfit that we have ever been. Muscle Cramps and Exercise Quite often runners and exercisers experience painful muscle cramping either during or immediately following a strenuous exercise bout and as a result, these types of cramps have become known as Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps or EAMCs. Much confusion surrounds the causes of EAMCs including dehydration to electrolyte imbalances. This article aims to explain the latest model for describing EAMCs, how to prevent them and how to deal with them once they occur. 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If you were active in the past, but don't now (i.e. you're in the "Relapse" stage), then, motivationally speaking, you're in one of these stages. Just as a reminder, the stages are: Exercise Is a Key to Good Health for All of Us There's plenty of evidence that an essential component of a healthy life is physical activity. It has been shown that exercise has a positive effect on both your body and mind. Exercise For Any Size Do you feel that you can barely do any activity at all? 2-Minute Fitness Why would I want to write about yet another fitness program? There are so many out there. There is no escape from fitness programs whether you watch TV or read a magazine or newspaper. Arthritis Exercise ? One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 2) Even when you cannot make it out to walk or to an aquatics or yoga class, there are exercises you can do daily to improve flexibility, strength and conditioning when you suffer from arthritis. You can flex your legs while sitting in a chair facing forward, simply by moving your leg outward while keeping your foot on the floor and holding it there for a few seconds, then retracting it until your foot is behind you, then alternating to the other leg. Interlocking your fingers and slowly flexing your wrists to the left and the right for a few minutes a day can help tremendously to increase flexibility and reduce pain in the wrist area. Get Moving...The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime! The benefits of physical activity are numerous and very well documented. Aside from substantially reducing the risk of dying of a heart attack, regular physical activity decreases the risk for stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer. Regular physical activity helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints and reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Regular physical activity helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis and degenerative joint disease and reduces the falls among older adults. Regular exercise has even been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As overwhelming as these benefits are, the sad fact is that less than half American adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Less than 25% of adults are not active at all in their leisure time. The good news is, it's never too late to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle. The Great Forgotten Exercise -- Parallel Bar Dips When it comes to building lower pectorals, triceps and frontal deltoids, dips are without doubt one the best exercises I've ever used. They are seldom used nowadays and the reasons are plain to see: you have to be able to handle your own bodyweight for reps ? unless you have access to one of those fancy-dan machines that allow you to dip (or chin) with less than body weight. Wise Up and Invest in Your Workout Success - Six Top Fitness Faux Pas Already dedicated exercisers make small but costly mistakes regularly in their workouts, and one tiny change can have a huge impact on their results. Time is valuable, and for each precious moment invested you want to ensure the best possible return. If your body is not yet as lean or toned as you would like, it is likely that you are committing some key training mistakes. These errors can sabotage the efforts of even veteran exercisers. By learning about the most common fitness faux pas and their fixes, you will mistake-proof your exercise and see tremendous payoffs. Six of the biggest fitness faux pas are? Core-Principles: The Function of Functional Training Okay?okay?okay! Enough already!!! It seems like with every new term, every new invention or just about anything that is seemingly not "Everyday" that we all become flustered and assume we know nothing, which is both a testament to our lack of faith in ourselves and also a reflection of our ever-growing dependence on externals to give us a little reassurance where our natural instincts should be in high gear. Get a Health Screening Before You Start Training So, you have decided to hire a personal trainer to help you with your workouts. If your trainer is reputable and following proper certified techniques he/she will probably ask that you go through a Health Screening exam before begging your program. Many people resist this essential part of their training program because they feel it is unnecessary or that it will be embarrassing for them, however, these worries are untrue and skipping your health screening can result in a lower quality program design or even an increased likelihood for injury on your part. Top 10 Most Outrageous Exercises I?ve Ever Seen In the course of my experience working and training in gyms, I've seen people doing some incredibly "interesting" exercises. Unfortunately, it's usually because these people have not been properly instructed in exercise technique. ![]() |
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