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Core Strength Limits Arm and Leg Power
Core training has become such a hot topic in the exercise field recently and rightly so. Ask just about anyone what they understand about the body's core and you're likely to get an answer as it being the abdominal muscles. While this is not an entirely false statement, the word "core" signifies a collection of muscles that act to stabilize the body and allow functional and powerful movements. This article aims to give a very brief explanation of the core and its significance in human movement. The "core" is a complex of 29 muscles that act to stabilize the connection between the hip, pelvis and low back (also called the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex). While the core may include the "six pack" abdominals (rectus abdominis and obliques) to a degree, the most important muscles of the core are the transversus abdominis, deep spinal muscles and the glutes (butt muscles). The transversus is the deepest of all the abdominals, and when it contracts, acts like a natural corset, bracing and stabilizing the area of the low back. The core is of primary importance since it stabilizes the region of the body where the center of gravity is located and where all human movement begins. It acts as the primary anchor for almost every muscle in the body to "pull off" and as the bridge between the upper and lower body. The powerful leg muscles attach to the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC) directly via the hip, while the muscles of the arms and shoulders attach indirectly via the spine and trunk. The muscles of the core stabilize the spine, so essentially the strength and power of the arms and legs are limited by the strength of the core. In other words, the strength of the extremities (arms and legs) can never exceed the strength of the core as it defies the natural rules of science. For example, an individual can have the upper body of Arnie Schwarzenegger but if his lower core acting as the ultimate anchor is weak and fails to stabilize the spine, functionally speaking he is weak too. An individual like this simply cannot transfer the strength of the upper body muscles into a powerful movement - like trying to fire a cannon from a canoe Athletes and exercisers in general spend far too much time training the arms and legs or racking up hundreds of miles of running distance to condition their bodies but essentially ignore the strength and integrity of the core stabilizing muscles. This practice leads to postural deviations, muscle imbalances and wasteful/inefficient movement that inevitably lead to injury. As Bruce Lee knew, the secret to a truly conditioned body begins by training from the "inside out" not from the "outside in". David Petersen is an Exercise Physiologist/Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and the owner and founder of B.O.S.S. Fitness Inc. based in Oldsmar, Florida. More articles and information can be found at http://www.bossfitness.com NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information and all LIVE website links as above.
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5 Essential Walking Exercise Tips Walking exercise is one of the easiest ways to get in shape and burn fat. In fact, mile for mile, you can burn as many calories walking as you would jogging. It's also one of the best stress relieving exercises that anyone can do, regardless of fitness level. Six Simple Strategies to Turn Your Walks into Workouts If You are already fitness walking several times a week ? great! Now its time to step it up a bit. Here are 6 ways to turn your walks into workouts. They involve adding a little creativity but with these few simple techniques you can maximize the benefits of your walk and get more of an overall body workout. Tips To Deal with Exercise Induced Asthma For approximately 80-90% of people that suffer from asthma, exercise can be a strong stimulus for an attack. This syndrome has become known as exercise induced asthma or EIA. The likelihood of an attack is further increased when exercising in cold weather, so this article offers some basic information on exercise-induced asthma and how to prevent or minimize the severity of an attack. Yoga Yoga traditionally conjures up images of long hair, loin cloths and incense burning in a darkened room with strange music playing! It had an almost cultish persona. Nowadays your gran is quite likely to tuck her Yoga mat under her arm and head on down to the local gym for an hour of Yoga and meditation. Yoga is coming out of the darkened room and is being embraced in it many forms by old and young alike. Burn that Fat - The Most Efficient and Effective Exercise Yet Devised by Man! Rebounding: Health and Fitness Benefits Lance Armstrong?s Training Tactics ? The Tortoise or the Hare? I have been counseling people on weight loss, exercise efficiency and nutrition for over twenty years. Every time I go to the gym I observe people, their training tactics and their workout habits. Over the last few years I have noticed something about certain people in the gym that has been interesting. You would think more people would do this but they don't. What I have noticed is certain people have a habit or process they go through when they workout that most do not. What is interesting is, before I even realize that they do it, I can tell by the way their bodies look that they have this habit. They are leaner, healthier looking, and stronger than most. What the Philosophy of Tai Chi Can Do For You Taoist PhilosophyTo understand the purpose of the form it is important to understand its basis and roots.The origins of Tai Chi go back over 5,000 years and are based in Taoist philosophy developed and refined by the great Taoist thinkers such as, Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.The core concept of Taoism and Taoist philosophy is that everything in the universe is subject to change and when dealing with this change we should act not to fight it but work with it and avoid conflict.The core Of Taoism is that action should always be effortless and come from spontaneous creativity, but this should not require mental or physical effort.According to Taoist philosophy change is constant but, by understanding change and acting in accordance with the laws that govern it, we can work effortlessly to achieve our aims.Taoism is about working within the laws of change, not struggling to oppose them, this is seen as futile and a waste of energy.In Tai Chi this manifests itself in that a posture will always be difficult and a struggle, unless there is union of mind and body, to make the move an effortless interaction.Yin and YangAnother concept in Chinese philosophy related to change is yin and yang.These two opposing, yet complimentary forces are constantly at work in the universe and in our lives.Yin and yang are the basis of change but they also come together in harmony to create a balanced whole.The simplest example of this is breathing. We breathe in and we breathe out - an opposing action that comes together to create balance and harmony. Change and harmony, is the basis of yin and yang and of Tai Chi.The principles of yin and yang are reflected in the form the sequence of movements that make up the Tai Chi discipline.The form is actually a sequence of movements that flow continuously representing both change and harmony. A movement begins, grows completes and empties then another begins until the sequence is completed.The Tai Chi PhilosophyThe aim of the Tai Chi form is to create streams of energy to flow through the body.In the philosophy of Tai Chi, it is said Chi (life energy) follows the mind; each posture and movement creates a different energy flow, which, has a beneficial overall affect on overall well-being.Tai Chi stimulates circulation, aligns the skeleton and joints correctly, stimulates the organs of the body and helps digestion.It increases muscle tone, strength, improves balance and co ordination and improves breathing.Tai Chi does not just provide physical benefits; by raising energy levels, it also affects the mind and the spirit.Tai Chi focuses thought, so that mind and body energy works together as one.Tai Chi reflects both Taoism in terms of effortless interaction and yin and yang in terms of reconciling two opposing forces, to create harmony and equilibrium. This combination is the very essence of the Tai Chi philosophy. The Lactate Threshold ? Reality or Fallacy? For many years exercise science has perpetuated the concept of a lactate threshold - a point during exercise where a sudden, sharp increase is noted in the concentration of lactate in the blood. This phenomenon is supposedly noticed when blood samples are taken from subjects performing incremental to max exercise tests much the same as a VO2 max test. Traditionally, it has been noted that when concentration of lactate is plotted against running speed (or %VO2 max) on a graph, as the individual runs faster the quantity of lactate in the blood remains constant up to a certain speed, after which a sudden inflection in the gradient occurs. This inflection point has been dubbed the lactate threshold - the point during intense exercise where the muscles become increasingly anaerobic, generating vast quantities of lactate. 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Your life does not center on the gym. Experience other activities. Get a hobby; join a group; do outdoor activities in order to stay mentally strong. One day you will realize, your identity is not built on the sport of bodybuilding. Exercise Motivation: 7 Sure-fire Tips So you've begun an exercise program to get in shape and loose weight. Congratulations! You've taken a big step towards making big improvements in your life. However, you may be faced with the challenge of waning enthusiasm for your exercise program after the initial thrill of starting something new wears off. Don't despair! Here are 7 sure-fire tips to keep your exercise flame alive! Finding The Right Exercise Intensity We've all heard the exercise guidelines that recommend we participate in 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 3-5 times per week. That seems easy enough to implement. Or, does it? The duration and frequency guidelines are very straight-forward and easily defined. 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It also challenges the interior muscles of the body to develop inner strength. Just like yoga, Pilates can also be a physically active form of meditation. Breathing techniques can be done. With the deep breathing and the complete focus required to perform each exercise correctly, one can feel relaxed and fall into a Zen-like peace. Weight Training: The Real Weight Loss Exercise So you want to lose weight? Chances are, you'll spend the next few days "pigging out" while in the back of your mind you resolve that ...Starting Monday, no more fried foods, no more between meal snacking, no more whatever it is you think is causing you to pack on those ugly pounds. So Monday rolls around and sure, you start out strong, eat right all day. Next day same thing, maybe you'll make it a week. 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