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Fitness the Goddess Way: Movement vs. Exercise
I was excited to hear the esteemed speakers at the Fall 2004 Omega Institute Conference. The "biggies" of the women's movement such as Gloria Steinem, today's best-selling authors and who's who of empowering women doing inspiring work were. Lucky me! During one of the panels on body-image, Jane Fonda, the American icon of fitness, who we all look at and wonder what it must be like to have such a "perfect" body, said it has taken her until age 61 to grow to love her body. I was dumbfounded. "Good God, I don't want to wait that long!" I thought. And hot damn! If SHE has body image issues, and her body is "perfect" by today's standards, then this is really pointless. (By the way, Ms. Fonda doesn't look a day over 44 with a body of a 20 year old aerobics instructor) Powerful and successful women of all ages shared the same thing; their complete lack of love and gentleness toward their body leads them to spend a large part of their lives in a constant struggle and battle with it. The young women in the crowd of nearly 2000 also nodded their heads in amazement and familiarity. Somehow it was comforting to see these icons sharing real things about their real bodies. Something's Gotta Change Have you seen the movie, "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson? There's a scene where he goes to see his therapist's office and on his way out, he stops to ask the patients waiting in the waiting room ? "what if this is as good as it gets?" The entire room breaks down and starts crying. Kinda funny, but it makes a great point. Unless you are going to start working out like you say you've been meaning to, unless something changes pretty damn soon, unless you do something different, the odds are stacked in favor of your body being as good as it gets right NOW. Two choices: 1. Accept that you'll never exercise regularly and be happy with what it looks like now 2. Choose to take on exercise, but in a whole new way. Don't exercise. Instead just moooove your body. Exercise conjures associations such as "I have to", "I should", "I will one day, someday, maybe," to name a few. When was the last time we leaped joyfully towards that!? None of those feel good, right? So cut yourself some slack and consider a few things: 1. Get rid of shoulds 2. Go for movement vs. exercise Delete the word "should" from your vocabulary. Immediately. Right now. Do it. Have your friends forbid you to use it! Do whatever it takes! It does you no good. Choose the word "could" instead. Could vs. Should Using the word "could" vs. "should" implies choice. After all, isn't that the truth? You do have the choice, you can choose to move your body and you can choose to take responsibility for not shaking your thing. You made the choices that got you here. Sorry, it's bad news, I know. The good part is that once you get clear what's happened and acknowledge what IS, you can move forward. I had a client who just wouldn't exercise, despite her incessant talking and complaining about it. So I decided to not call it exercise anymore and take a different approach. She instantly lit up. Together we created a "movement menu." Ah? sounds delicious and curiously inviting, yes? Now you know you're on the right track if your feeling a bit piqued. You want to know more, don't you? You'll have to wait. In Part Two of this article, I'll show you how to create a movement menu of your own. One so good you'll want to brag to all of you're sister goddess friends on how you got moving through pleasure vs. pain. Action Tip: For now, just swim around in the concept of "movement vs. exercise". Let yourself really get it. Get how you are perfectly capable to discover and create ways to move your body that feel good and are good for you. You may find that you'll be drawn to ways you already move your body ? walking, dancing, morning stretch, taking the stairs. It's all good. You are good. You are beautiful just the way you are. Read that again. For today, just revel in the idea of uncovering your favorite ways to move your body. Bonus Tip: For the raring to go and advanced ladies. Your duty for all womankind and sisters worldwide, is to dance to a favorite tune. Dance wildly, as if no one was looking and your were inventing a new style of dance. Get silly, shake your thing. Just move. It only takes 3 minutes to dance to your favorite song. Channel NIKE, the ancient Goddess of Victory and JUST DO IT. Karin Witzig of Wild Woman Wellness? Health Coaching has been in a private practice and a Speaker in the New York metropolitan area for nearly five years and has a national clientele of courageous women breaking out of their food ruts and energy-lulls. She specializes in making getting healthy highly pleasurable, practical and fun. She can be reached via http://www.wildwomanwellness.com
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Exercise and Losing Weight for Life ? Avoid the #1 Mistake Everyone Makes! Do you ever feel like you are working out so hard and nothing seems to happen? You just can't seem to lose that last few pounds, increase your benchpress or tighten up those triceps. Why? Will Your Personal Trainer Help You Achieve Your Goals? Hiring a personal trainer can be a significant investment ? even with hourly rates differing vastly across regions and countries ? you are still paying a fair amount of money for the expert knowledge that will help you achieve your health and fitness goals and look after one of, if not, THE most important assets you have ? your body. Exercise Motivation: 7 Sure-fire Tips So you've begun an exercise program to get in shape and loose weight. Congratulations! You've taken a big step towards making big improvements in your life. However, you may be faced with the challenge of waning enthusiasm for your exercise program after the initial thrill of starting something new wears off. Don't despair! Here are 7 sure-fire tips to keep your exercise flame alive! Strength Training After Fifty Strength training after fifty is no longer for those people who are having some sort of mid-life crisis. In fact, doctors are literally writing prescriptions to get this generation up and moving. They are taking out the pen and prescription pad, writing something barely legible, ripping it off the pad and handing it to more and more of their patients. So what's the result? Well the result is lots of people strength training after fifty years of age. It's magical. A doctor writes a prescription to strength train! No pharmacy necessary. Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the Office Many women's lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: "You can do this exercise in your office!" What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) that's not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube. 2 Exercises to Avoid If you want a good night, then avoid two of these old school moves. Interval Training Are you in an exercise rut? Do you want to kick your fitness level up a notch and increase your endurance? Would you like to add more intensity to you workout? Interval training is a good way to achieve all of these goals in a safe and systematic manner.Interval training is simply a matter of alternating high intensity exercise and low intensity exercise. It allows one to get the benefits of the high intensity work while giving the body some rest time. It allows one to extend a workout time period and build endurance gradually.Running on a flat surface burns calories and gives your heart and lungs a great cardiovascular workout. Running up hill challenges your muscles, heart, and lungs, burning more calories and providing additional toning. But taking a 30 minute run up hill or on a steeply inclined treadmill would quickly exhaust most of us, or likely force us to stop early. However, running up hill then back down, or up hill then on flat ground would allow for high intensity work counter balanced by intervals of slower periods of active recovery. Interval training burns more calories and pumps more blood than continuous lower intensity exercise because it includes intervals of energy and oxygen-hungry work.Because interval training burns a lot of calories and provides good muscle work, it may help you save time. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks. Likewise, running one mile burns the same number of calories as walking one mile. But walking one mile takes a lot more time. If your goal is calorie burning and toning, and you are short on time, then interval training does more, faster. Just remember that improving cardiovascular health requires aerobic exercise of 30 ? 60 minutes, so don't make all of your workouts quickies, save those for when you're in a rush. Interval training can also be helpful if your goal is to move yourself up to the next level of endurance and fitness. Maybe you have been trying to start a running program, but can't seem to maintain such a demanding exercise. Interval training is, in fact, one of the most effective ways to train the body. Marathoners commonly use this method to train for an up-coming race. A good program is to run for 4 minutes then walk at a good clip for 1 minute, or do a 3/2 interval. Your body will work hard then rest (while remaining active), work hard then rest. Your heart, lungs and muscles will make the transition to running, running farther, or running faster in a safe and productive manner. There are a lot of ways to add intervals to your workout. If you are already a runner add hills or speed segments. If aerobics classes are your genre, add explosive moves like jumps or sprints. Include segments of speed walking in your normal walking routine or take the incline of your treadmill up a little higher at timed intervals.Interval training is productive and can add excitement to your ho-hum exercise routine. Doing interval work in place of your normal routine, once a month, once a week, or once a day, is a good and effective plan. E-mail me if you need suggestions on how to intensify, endure and enjoy. You'll be glad you did. Top 10 Most Outrageous Exercises I?ve Ever Seen In the course of my experience working and training in gyms, I've seen people doing some incredibly "interesting" exercises. Unfortunately, it's usually because these people have not been properly instructed in exercise technique. The Truth About Lactate and Exercise For years exercise scientists and physiologists have preached that lactate/lactic acid build-up in the muscle is the direct cause of muscle fatigue and a decrease in performance. It is proposed that lactate builds up in the muscle cells during intense exercise and literally "poisons" them, essentially shutting down activity biochemically by reducing the pH or increasing the acidity level. Lactate has therefore been dubbed a metabolic by-product or dead end and as the enemy of human exercise and performance. This may be far from the truth as this article explains. Get Moving...The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime! The benefits of physical activity are numerous and very well documented. Aside from substantially reducing the risk of dying of a heart attack, regular physical activity decreases the risk for stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer. Regular physical activity helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints and reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Regular physical activity helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis and degenerative joint disease and reduces the falls among older adults. Regular exercise has even been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As overwhelming as these benefits are, the sad fact is that less than half American adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Less than 25% of adults are not active at all in their leisure time. The good news is, it's never too late to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle. 3 Great Weight Loss Exercises It's a given that effective weight loss is much more then simply going on a "diet". To really lose weight and (hopefully) keep that weight off, you need to add exercise to the equation. For Most people, weight loss exercise means aerobics ? running, jogging, kickboxing or some other type of routine where you get your heart racing for 30 to 45 minutes. Life Walking: Dont Walk Just For Exercise - Change Your Life "Life walking" is more than walking for exercise and fitness objectives. It's the larger ideal of using walking to change your life. Fitness the Goddess Way: Movement vs. Exercise I was excited to hear the esteemed speakers at the Fall 2004 Omega Institute Conference. The "biggies" of the women's movement such as Gloria Steinem, today's best-selling authors and who's who of empowering women doing inspiring work were. Lucky me! Lower Back Extension Exercise This is an excellent exercise for the lower back that is very simple to perform. This exercise requires no equipment and it can be performed almost anywhere, even at your office. Many people neglect to do exercises that focus on your lower back. Your lower back, Erector Spinae, supports your upper body and affects almost every sport and every day activity that you do. It is important that you exercise this part of the body. The lower back extension is probably the best exercise for strengthening your lower back as well as eliminating or preventing lower back pain. Precision Abdominal Training It's almost impossible to turn on the television or open a magazine without being barraged by advertisements for washboard abs, the best abdominal training machine ever designed or a 'magic' pill specifically designed to remove fat from problem areas. In my previous articles I alluded to the fact that most machines do not work, in fact they actually can increase the risk of injury. Many of the most common machines and devices that are designed to 'scientifically' target the abs actually place up to 1000 lbs. of compressive forces on the spine. Metabolism: How to Increase Your Metabolic Rate? Metabolism is a process by which the body burns the calories and convert them into useful energy. High metabolic rate uses up the energy stored in the form of fat. Metabolism to some extent depends on: What the Philosophy of Tai Chi Can Do For You Taoist PhilosophyTo understand the purpose of the form it is important to understand its basis and roots.The origins of Tai Chi go back over 5,000 years and are based in Taoist philosophy developed and refined by the great Taoist thinkers such as, Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.The core concept of Taoism and Taoist philosophy is that everything in the universe is subject to change and when dealing with this change we should act not to fight it but work with it and avoid conflict.The core Of Taoism is that action should always be effortless and come from spontaneous creativity, but this should not require mental or physical effort.According to Taoist philosophy change is constant but, by understanding change and acting in accordance with the laws that govern it, we can work effortlessly to achieve our aims.Taoism is about working within the laws of change, not struggling to oppose them, this is seen as futile and a waste of energy.In Tai Chi this manifests itself in that a posture will always be difficult and a struggle, unless there is union of mind and body, to make the move an effortless interaction.Yin and YangAnother concept in Chinese philosophy related to change is yin and yang.These two opposing, yet complimentary forces are constantly at work in the universe and in our lives.Yin and yang are the basis of change but they also come together in harmony to create a balanced whole.The simplest example of this is breathing. We breathe in and we breathe out - an opposing action that comes together to create balance and harmony. Change and harmony, is the basis of yin and yang and of Tai Chi.The principles of yin and yang are reflected in the form the sequence of movements that make up the Tai Chi discipline.The form is actually a sequence of movements that flow continuously representing both change and harmony. A movement begins, grows completes and empties then another begins until the sequence is completed.The Tai Chi PhilosophyThe aim of the Tai Chi form is to create streams of energy to flow through the body.In the philosophy of Tai Chi, it is said Chi (life energy) follows the mind; each posture and movement creates a different energy flow, which, has a beneficial overall affect on overall well-being.Tai Chi stimulates circulation, aligns the skeleton and joints correctly, stimulates the organs of the body and helps digestion.It increases muscle tone, strength, improves balance and co ordination and improves breathing.Tai Chi does not just provide physical benefits; by raising energy levels, it also affects the mind and the spirit.Tai Chi focuses thought, so that mind and body energy works together as one.Tai Chi reflects both Taoism in terms of effortless interaction and yin and yang in terms of reconciling two opposing forces, to create harmony and equilibrium. This combination is the very essence of the Tai Chi philosophy. How to Get Better Exercise Results By Improving Hydration Water and Exercise Weight Loss & Low Body Fat ? High Calorie Burning Techniques During Workouts! My name is Greg Ryan. I am a fitness expert, professional bodybuilder, personal, trainer to movie stars, and former employee of Kathy Smith. For twenty years I have been able to continually make progress and keep my body fat below normal. I accredit this to being able to work smarter than most not harder. Lance Armstrong, Exercise, and Will Power? Characteristics that Make a Champion! The Tour De France, arguably may be the hardest sport of all time, and Lance Armstrong probably one of the most conditioned athletes ever. But, how is it possible for a man on the door step of death to be able to overcome cancer, return and win seven races in a row? Only in the end, retire on top as a winner he so right fully deserves. ![]() |
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