Exercise Fun

Do you consider exercise fun? Everyone wants to be fit and look good but what separates those that stick with it from the ones who call it quits within a month?

If you think of exercise as fun or an enjoyable experience you are more likely to make a commitment to make exercise a habit. People who exercise regularly also know the health benefits of being fit and that becomes a big motivating factor.

Exercise is what you perceive it to be and if you think of it as boring and a chore you won't stick with it. But if you consider exercise fun, you can come up with lots of creative ways to make it something you look forward to each day and it will become a habit.

Here are some things to consider to help get you started:

1. Choose activities you enjoy. (example: swimming, walking, dancing or aerobics classes)

2. Exercise with a friend, it is always more fun to have an exercise buddy.

3. Vary the activities. Walk one day and swim the next, it will help eliminate the boredom.

4. Make regular exercise fun by listening to music or even singing out loud.

Exercise comes in many forms. Dancing is a wonderful way to exercise. Tangos, waltzes, and foxtrots are all good forms of exercise and will help burn calories.

Take your children for a walk through the zoo or learn to play tennis. Take swimming classes or just go shopping with a friend. These are all good forms of exercise and will help get you moving. Remember the best exercise is something that you will continue to do.

You don't have to go to the gym and workout to get exercise. And don't think of exercise as boring and inconvenient. Enjoy fun activities and reap the benefits of a regular exercise routine.

Close your eyes and picture yourself looking great. Just knowing that exercise makes you feel better physically, emotionally and mentally should help to keep you motivated.

Exercise usually has a perpetual position at the bottom of your to-do list. You know you should do it and you would be better off if you did it but some of us just hate to exercise.

Next time you find yourself in this position, turn things around and think of it as a fun way to look and feel healthier. Exercise fun is all a state of mind so smile, relax and reap the rewards.

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