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Do You Want To Be A Bodybuilding Champion ? The Power Behind The PEN!
IT ALL STARTED ON A TYPICAL NOVEMBER MORNING back in nineteen eighty seven. Life was changing for me quickly; I just didn't realize it at the time. I had been successful in some bodybuilding contests as a teenager, but that was really as far as I wanted to go in the sport. I worked at a local construction company as an architect. Each day in the office started out the same; grab a cup of coffee and sit down at my desk. Being a designer, you either had a mouse, pencil or cup of coffee in your hand. It all began that morning when I looked over at a sheet of paper that lay next to my computer with these words that read; I AM MR. MICHIGAN 1988. At the time I thought it was funny and threw it away. Two weeks later, I realized I had written it again. Only this time the words were written more than once. I threw it away and forgot about it,again. A few days later, I caught myself doing it, again. I stopped and just shook my head and said, "Could I? No, I'm not doing it again." I thought, "I have accomplished all I wanted to. But, what if I could win? Are you kidding? Stop kidding yourself Greg!" This conversation went on in my head for days. I found myself over the next three weeks writing the same thing, I AM MR. MICHIGAN 1988. Could I? Well, if I do I have to make a decision by January 1, 1988, due to the contest date in April.This would give me four months to prepare. What I am saying? I thought I was finished. I kept writing and writing and writing every day through the month of December. Then I just decided, Ok, one more time, I'll do it. I don't know when it happened, but it did. You see in the sport of bodybuilding there are many variables involved. You can not predict what will happen. Contest preparation is mostly the science of nutrition and mental preparation. And of course doing your time in the gym. However, even if you do all the hard work, when you're dealing with the human body and are judged on your looks, anything can play a part in what the final product will look like. Changes can come at the last minute due to nerves, water retention, sickness, over-training, presentation flaws or in a lot of cases, mental fatigue. But this time, something began to happen with my body along the way. I continued to write that simple statement over and over again. Day after day, after day, and with that what started out as a denial now became a dream. So I wrote and wrote and worked hard and ate right. It was now the beginning of March and I had three weeks left. At this point, my mental training had kicked in. Time and time again, I saw athletes fall to the demons in their heads. The self sabotaging thoughts of food depervation, self esteem issues, only to crack at the very end. I was no exception. I had many bad days. Some days were per hell. I didn't want to get out of bed at times. I just didn't have the energy. But I found a way. I kept writing, and writing until my hand could write no more, I AM MR. MICHIGAN 1988. The days continued to pass, getting closer and closer to the contest day. I have to admit, by two weeks from the contest I just wanted it to end. But, I could not quit. I had made a promise to myself never to quiet. Goals change decisions do not. The contest was on Saturday, so by Monday training wise I had done all I could do. Now I prepared for the day, keeping my nutrition finely tuned and absolutely did not break down mentally. I stayed focused on the bigger picture. Due to my fatigue level, my training partner and his wife drove me up to Detroit on Friday so we could spend the night and get a good night's sleep. I never said bodybuilding was not an extreme sport. Part of the goal to achieve success was through training and human physiology manipulation. I needed to get rid of as much fat and water as I possible could and still stay functional. The fat came off through diet and training over the past four months and if all was fine in my body, the water would go in the last few days. Now let me tell you, through all of this I kept writing, and writing and writing. Friday evening I went to bed about three pounds over what I thought I should be on competition day. My weight class was 154 to 176 pounds, Friday evening I weighed 174 cool, but not good lean enough to win. You see, it was not good enough for the judge's criteria just to be lean; you had to resemble a medical anatomy chart. This required, on a temporary basis, for you to lose as much water around your muscles as possible. This was science, luck, and faith at its best. I awoke early around five. My friends were still sleeping in the same room. I didn't feel any different as I went into the bathroom to weigh myself. What I saw on the scale didn't seem possible. I stepped off and back on at least a half a dozen times. It just could not be. My contest check in time was five hours away, but it was time for my roommates to get up, so I yelled. Still not believing the scales I dropped all my clothes and at the same time dropped my jaw. It just was not possible. Without going to the bathroom for eight hours, it was not possible to lose four pounds of water. The water in my body, under the skin, covering the fine tuned muscle fibers had out of thin air disappeared. My training partner, his wife and I walked into the theater in preparation to the check in. As we entered my friends wife stopped leaned over and said to the both of us, "Can you feel that?" I looked at the both of them and said, "Feel what?" That thick ego filled air. Honestly, I turned to her and said, "I matters not what I receive today in trophies or recognition. I have already won. No one can take away what I have received over the last few years." I thought of Pumping Iron and Arnold it was then I realized what he new before the show. It just didn't matter what place I recieved, there was no pressure. As I checked in, it was interesting and comical to see affects of transferring internal pressure to your fellow competitors. They looked at you like little boys who lost there best friend. It was night time now, I final time out on stage in front of thousands. Yes, this was it. My career was ending no matter what the results would be. My journey was now complete. As I heard my name called as the winner of not only my weight class, but the overall winner it was announced you are MR. MICHIGAN 1988. It was at that moment I realized the Power behind the Pen. What started out as a slip of the ink, four months later had transformed my mind and now my body into the very words that had been written so many times before. I can not explain it, but to this very day I know in the bottom of my heart, if it was not for power behind the pen, and that deep desire to win I would not have accomplished so much in so little time. I don't care what it is in life, if you want it, write it down. Everyday, all the time. Sooner of later your mind will help you achieve it. Never, ever underestimate the power behind the pen. Greg Ryan is a high profile fitness expert and former employee of Kathy Smiths. Body building champion, public speaker CEO. He is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT through real behavior change, smart eating and effective exercising. For FREE MINI COURES click here http://www.resolutions.bz
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Success Versus Failure in the Exercise Department Success is what you are prepared to make of yourself every single day. That one cold morning when you want to roll over but instead get up and go to workout, is a defining moment. Success boosts self-confidence and is self perpetuating. We all know it, thrive on it and love it. Six Simple Strategies to Turn Your Walks into Workouts If You are already fitness walking several times a week ? great! Now its time to step it up a bit. Here are 6 ways to turn your walks into workouts. They involve adding a little creativity but with these few simple techniques you can maximize the benefits of your walk and get more of an overall body workout. VO2 Max- Exposing the Myth VO2 max is defined as the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to extract and use to support work performed by the body. It is therefore an indirect measure of the aerobic power of the body, which is controlled by complex interactions between neural (brain and nervous system), cardiovascular (heart and lungs) and skeletal muscle factors. The equation for VO2 max it is equal to the product of stroke volume (the maximum volume of blood the heart ejects in a contraction) and the arterio-venous difference (the difference between the saturation of the arterial blood and that of the venous blood). The aerobic power of the body will change constantly throughout a well-designed running program due to physiological changes and therefore its usefulness in designing a program and determining running capabilities is questionable. This article aims to explain the reason VO2 max is a better indicator of fitness levels than running potential and conditioning program design. Workout Without a Gym You may also have no access to a commercial gym, home gym or are on business trip, but there can be a solution, a strength-training workout without the need of expensive machines. Do You Have A Fitness Battle Plan? In fitness, as in war, you want to be on the offensive, not the defensive and this means that rather than reacting to maladies as they occur, far better to be in good general physical condition; preventive maintenance is preferable to remedial effort every time. One general rule of thumb I use is energy is the basic coin of the fitness realm and without it is damned difficult to mount any kind of serious fitness effort. See How Trampolines Can Be Part Of Any Exercise Program When the trampoline was invented by a young boy intrigued by the ability of aerialists to bounce in a net and perform artistic maneuvers while they did so, it literally became the "springboard" for a whole new sport. Lance Armstrong?s Training Tactics ? The Tortoise or the Hare? I have been counseling people on weight loss, exercise efficiency and nutrition for over twenty years. Every time I go to the gym I observe people, their training tactics and their workout habits. Over the last few years I have noticed something about certain people in the gym that has been interesting. You would think more people would do this but they don't. What I have noticed is certain people have a habit or process they go through when they workout that most do not. What is interesting is, before I even realize that they do it, I can tell by the way their bodies look that they have this habit. They are leaner, healthier looking, and stronger than most. The Abs... More Important Than You Think What comes to your mind when I say the word "abs"? Do you think of the infomercials advertising "6 second abs" or the latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue? Most people focus on training their abs to look thinner or sexier. But, do you realize the importance of your abs in everyday activities? Most yoga instructors do. And that's why one of the focuses of yoga is to build your core abdominal strength. Sweating Vacation It seems like everyone is concerned about putting on the pounds over the annual holiday season, but what about summer vacations? We spend the greater part of the new year trying to shed the weight gained from an over-indulgence of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies and various other sweets in order to slip into that new bikini or eliminate the gut before shedding the shirt at the beach. What happens when you reach your destination of summer frolicking? Toss your diet out the window and reward yourself with excess? Stay loyal to your eating and exercise plan? Somehow manage to find a happy medium? I was faced with these questions when I embarked on a weeklong excursion of bliss to Kona Village on the Big Island of Hawaii. Exercise Fun Do you consider exercise fun? Everyone wants to be fit and look good but what separates those that stick with it from the ones who call it quits within a month? The Truth About Lactate and Exercise For years exercise scientists and physiologists have preached that lactate/lactic acid build-up in the muscle is the direct cause of muscle fatigue and a decrease in performance. It is proposed that lactate builds up in the muscle cells during intense exercise and literally "poisons" them, essentially shutting down activity biochemically by reducing the pH or increasing the acidity level. Lactate has therefore been dubbed a metabolic by-product or dead end and as the enemy of human exercise and performance. This may be far from the truth as this article explains. Tour of Diet ? Cycling for Your Health The last seven years, or so, at the Tour de France has shown a success story that is very uncommon. Winning seven Tour de France championships is a feat that will be extremely hard to duplicate. Lance Armstrong knew it could be done, even overcoming a life threatening bout with cancer. Lower Back Extension Exercise This is an excellent exercise for the lower back that is very simple to perform. This exercise requires no equipment and it can be performed almost anywhere, even at your office. Many people neglect to do exercises that focus on your lower back. Your lower back, Erector Spinae, supports your upper body and affects almost every sport and every day activity that you do. It is important that you exercise this part of the body. The lower back extension is probably the best exercise for strengthening your lower back as well as eliminating or preventing lower back pain. Get a Health Screening Before You Start Training So, you have decided to hire a personal trainer to help you with your workouts. If your trainer is reputable and following proper certified techniques he/she will probably ask that you go through a Health Screening exam before begging your program. Many people resist this essential part of their training program because they feel it is unnecessary or that it will be embarrassing for them, however, these worries are untrue and skipping your health screening can result in a lower quality program design or even an increased likelihood for injury on your part. Rotator Cuff: Exercises and Strategies to Prevent Injury Have you ever experienced a dull ache or sharp pain in your shoulder or upper arm? Maybe you are unable to sleep on one side because your shoulder wakes you up at night. Perhaps, you have discomfort reaching behind your back to tuck in your shirt or grab your wallet. If so, you may be suffering from a rotator cuff injury. Super Charge Your Metabolism 1. Cardio in Combination with Strength Training- If you need to combine your cardio with Strength training then do your Cardio AFTER your Resistance Training workout. You need that extra energy for the Hi Intensity Strength training and you also want to pump blood into your muscles after you have just broken them down from a heavy resistance training program... So Pump it up first then do your Cardio. Performing Potentially Dangerous Gym Exercises How do you know that the exercises you are performing are safe? Found below are some potentially dangerous exercises with suggestions on how they should be done correctly or avoided completely. 3 Exercises for Good Posture and a Six-Pack These days many people spend a significant part of their day slaving away over a hot computer and as a result, their posture is not what it should be. Bad posture can result in short-term discomfort such as neck stiffness and headaches and also lead to more serious problems in later life. It is therefore worth spending some time to counteract the damage we may be doing to ourselves every day. But how about this - did you know that some of the same exercises that you can do to maintain good posture are the very same exercises, which if done regularly, can help you to achieve a six-pack? I am totally serious ? this is something I discovered recently while looking at different exercise routines because I wanted to do something about my own bad posture. As well as sitting and standing up straight, you will also look good on the beach next summer. Kill two birds with one stone! Great Summer Workouts: Just Add Water With warm weather season now in full gear, exercisers want to take their workouts outside and breakout of their indoor fitness ruts. But, when temperatures reach record highs and humidity levels soar, traditional outdoor workouts become less appealing. So how can you stay cool while still enjoying outdoor physical activity? One word ? water. Water exercises are the perfect way to workout under the sun without overheating. You can get a total body workout without even breaking a sweat! Tone Up While at Work I know better than anybody that sitting at a desk all day can take a toll on your body. You don't get much movement and you can get what I like to call "spread butt" ![]() |
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