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A Fitness Mothers Time
So you've been a mother for a while. Good for you, mothers are important. I know I have one! But you know what? I've seen my mother get so tied up from taking care of Dad, me and the house that she had very little time to take care of her fitness. Boy, the things you see in retrospect. Anyway, my mother used to be a beanpole; fitness came from all kinds of activity. I've seen the wedding photos so I know it to be so! I can also remember my mother putting on weight over the years. I'm sure my mother will read this, so I must choose my words carefully! When I think about it though, I know why this can happen to a lot of mothers. Life gets in the way and fitness takes a side seat. It can be truly hard to find time for fitness as a mother when you have a child, or even two for that matter! The amount of running around and chores that need to be done can make you really tired at the end of the day and the last thing you're thinking of is fitness. If you're a working mother, you can add a whole other dimension to the busy factor. Needless to say, with the build up of things expected of a mother, fitness is not on your mind at the end of the day. You get very limited time to yourself except for that cherished time once the gremlins are put to bed or are in school. That's a small window of opportunity if you want to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle and be a good mother to boot. Its tuff to get the time to work out but it's even tougher to be happy when your self image is at an all time low. Fitness makes mothers feel good about them selves. Your self-image plays an important role in how close you can be with your spouse also. I don't think I'll get into this too much, but things heat up between partners when they feel confident about their bodies. I mean, sometimes the spark can fade a little if a couple drops fitness and their bodies slide. You owe it to your self to have "me time" also. It's important to your well being as a mother. Schedule it in. Get fitness into your life. All activity in life involves fitness, and anything can be made into a workout. Go for a walk. Hire a fitness trainer to come to your home to put you through a workout. You should also talk to other mothers that are into fitness. I've found that in almost every situation that life can offer, that if you want to achieve something, the shortest route to success is to ask someone who is already there. The other thing is like my mother said, "You are who you hang around with". It's so true. If you want fitness in your life, hang around with mothers that think fitness is important. Making fitness part of your life is so easy when your friends are into it too. They eat healthy so you eat healthy. You can go for walks together, support each other and on and on. It's an upward spiral of fitness mayhem! Now that is a great thing. Ray Burton is a personal trainer in Calgary Alberta. He has trained for Golds Gym, World Health Club and the Canadian Military. Now running his own personal training company "Buildingbodies Personal Training" and promoting his book "Fat To Fit", Ray enjoys helping people live better lives through his fitness tips newsletter
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Incorporating Physical Activity into Your Daily Routine Not as Hard as You Think You already know that getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each and every day is good for you, but putting that assertion into actual practice is an entirely different matter, right? Contrary to what you might think, making physical activity an everyday habit isn't rocket science. There's no secret code for success waiting to be cracked. In fact, it's something that can be worked into your usual routine with minimal, sometimes no, interruption or adjustment. Lose Weight - Stay Fit and Stick With It! Health and nutrition experts continually advise us that the more we exercise the healthier we will be. In magazines, the doctor's office or on television we are never far from information showing us how to exercise, what to eat and how to lose weight. One constant rule, in the expert's opinion, is that regular physical activity is an essential element to successful weight loss and fitness maintenance. What is Pilates? Pilates is a system of over 500 controlled exercises that engage the mind and condition the total body by using a popular exercise regimen that uses special stretches and machines. Named after Joseph Pilates, Pilates exercise system has proven itself invaluable not only to the fitness user, but to the professional trainers as well. Pilates, a technique of exercise and physical movement intended to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. Super Charge Your Metabolism 1. Cardio in Combination with Strength Training- If you need to combine your cardio with Strength training then do your Cardio AFTER your Resistance Training workout. You need that extra energy for the Hi Intensity Strength training and you also want to pump blood into your muscles after you have just broken them down from a heavy resistance training program... So Pump it up first then do your Cardio. 2 Exercises to Avoid If you want a good night, then avoid two of these old school moves. Monitor Your Body Fat Levels For Results A very important aspect in really finding out if you're on the right track or not, is to monitor your body fat levels. Go to your local sports store and buy some body fat calipers to test your fat levels. Record these levels along with your body weight each week and start to monitor these changes. You want to make sure you're building quality muscle mass and burning that extra body fat. Workout Without a Gym You may also have no access to a commercial gym, home gym or are on business trip, but there can be a solution, a strength-training workout without the need of expensive machines. Top 3 Back Pain Risk Factors Lower back pain is an increasingly common problem in fact four out of five Americans will experience lower back pain at least once in their lifetime. The Bad Workout: Some Advice for Female Bodybuilders Bad workouts. We have all had them at some time or other. When you need to train so intensely to break the muscle down it is hardly surprising that the odd bad session occurs. After all, we are only human and we cannot be 100% consistent all the time. (I would question that when it comes to Ronnie Coleman but I am sure even he has had his bad days). 5 Mistakes People Makes When Doing a Workout Program When you start out with a workout program - whether the purpose is weight loss exercise or another - you have started a training process that hopefully is going to last for a while. It is important that you are aware of some factors that can decrease your motivation for the exercising or even damage your health - while you are executing your training program. Even a few minor mistakes in your workout can easily accumulate to bad habits over time, kicking you off track, and that is not the purpose with good exercise. Below I'll go through a few of these. Stay Mentally Focused When Training When you decide to exercise, try to really stick to your training routine and don't get sidetracked by too much socializing. When you socialize with friends, your mind usually starts to wander off and you really start to lose focus on your main objective, which is to train hard and get out of there. You can always meet up with your friends after your workout and catch up on old times. How NOT to Return from an Exercise Break Several sites, including this one, recommend that you take a break every 8 weeks after working out with weights. But how do you come back from that break and get back into your routine? Precision Abdominal Training It's almost impossible to turn on the television or open a magazine without being barraged by advertisements for washboard abs, the best abdominal training machine ever designed or a 'magic' pill specifically designed to remove fat from problem areas. In my previous articles I alluded to the fact that most machines do not work, in fact they actually can increase the risk of injury. Many of the most common machines and devices that are designed to 'scientifically' target the abs actually place up to 1000 lbs. of compressive forces on the spine. Weight Loss and Fitness - Facts not Fiction The world of weight loss and fitness is certainly vast, and the American consumer can absolutely get lost in the thousands of easy effortless and ostly useless ads if not careful. With my books and research I want to clear the air about the various myths and false statements regarding our health and fitness that have clearly muddied the waters for many Americans. 6 Things A Norwegian Fable Teaches Us About Healthy Perseverance Part 2 4. Ideas, goals and dreams have a shelf life. The man in the fable took years traveling the different roads, forgetting that his fiancée was waiting for him to arrive to get married. After years passed, she stopped waiting and ended up marrying another. Author, John L. Mason said, "Ideas have a shelf life; that's why we must act before the expiration date." Getting started on any new project is exciting because it's new. Persevering through the months ahead require holding on to the why of doing it and involving all of your senses to envision the victory now. Imagine how you will feel one year from now when you return for your annual physical and the receptionist does a double take when you sign in at the desk. Hear the accolades from your primary physician as he reviews your chart and compliments you on the progress you've made. Do you carry your head a little higher? Do you stand a little taller? Of course you do! "To everything there is a time and season under the sun." Seize your time today. Know what you want and stay focused on it. Exercise Tips: Move Your Body - Boost Your Productivity Do you find yourself setting a New Year's Resolution (every year) to get fit/go to the gym/lose weight/drink more water? If you could answer yes to any of those. I totally understand. I did that too for many years. But I also discovered two weeks into January I had blown my resolution and then would feel guilty for "not achieving my goals". What I discovered was it was more about making movement part of my everyday routine (notice I used the word movement not exercise)! Making little changes in your life can help you make exercise part of your life, rather than something you "have to do"! Your Guide To Exercise Even light exercise is good for you, so don't get discouraged! The New Discovery That Makes It Possible To Get An Effective Workout In Less Time The Art of Multifunctional Training Do You Have A Fitness Battle Plan? In fitness, as in war, you want to be on the offensive, not the defensive and this means that rather than reacting to maladies as they occur, far better to be in good general physical condition; preventive maintenance is preferable to remedial effort every time. One general rule of thumb I use is energy is the basic coin of the fitness realm and without it is damned difficult to mount any kind of serious fitness effort. Pilates Exercises ? Can They Give You The Body Youve Always Wanted? Pilates exercises are a favorite fitness choice for many people including movie stars like Danny Glover and Gweneth Paltrow, professional dancers, and even some professional baseball players. Why this fascination with Pilates? What can it do that other forms of exercise can't? ![]() |
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