Top 3 Back Pain Risk Factors

Lower back pain is an increasingly common problem in fact four out of five Americans will experience lower back pain at least once in their lifetime.

Properly training the lower back involves selecting the right exercises to work this area and using good technique to make sure that you are getting the most out of the movement. Listed below are three important risk factors that may be causing pain in your lower back.

1. Muscle imbalances: nearly every ache, pain, or injury people suffer from today are mostly caused from muscular imbalances. Over 80% of people have muscle imbalances that go undetected. Over time, these muscle imbalances will cause numerous muscle and joint problems such as wear and tear on the joints, which eventually leads to arthritis, bulging disc or back spasms. An imbalanced muscle is a weak muscle.These weak muscles cannot stabilize the joint in its socket causing the joint to become misaligned and move at a slightly incorrect angle or rotation. When these faulty movements are repeated hundreds of times, the joints, tendons and muscles begin to degenerate.

2. Poor posture: Today's diverse clientele with varied needs offers a unique challenge to health and fitness professionals. The one-size-fits-all approach to exercise programs is commonly unproductive and potentially dangerous. Many injuries and chronic back pain is a result of cumulative affects overtime.

Faulty postures and poor body mechanics will cause lower back pain and be at least partially attributed to these same faults. Improper movements will cause micro trauma to the joints and soft tissues. You may experience pain initially maybe pain comes and goes and doesn't get much attention but overtime the problem worsens and aching, pain, or stiffness begins more frequently.

Until you correct the problem not just the symptom your back will be prone to injury or re-injury. The problem (muscle imbalances) the symptoms (poor posture) the solution (Muscle Activation Techniques).

3. Not enough exercise: Inactivity can cause our muscles to shrink and lose strength. This is a natural process, but living an inactive lifestyle (no exercise) will accelerate the loss. Physical inactivity causes an average muscle loss of 5-7 pounds per decade. Strength training is a simple concept it involves briefly working your muscles, on a regular basis, a little more than they are accustomed to working.

This causes your muscles to become stronger and more toned. Also, your tendons, ligaments and bones will be strengthened. This strengthening will make your joints more stable and less prone to injury. Everyday tasks will become easier, such as picking up grocery bags or grandchildren, getting up from a low sofa or going up stairs.

A Call to Action

Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) combined with the corrective exercise program is critical for combating muscle, joint and lower back pain, for increasing strength, mobility, stability and for staying active and self-sufficient. Research has consistently shown the fitness and health benefits of MAT Therapy and strength training for injury prevention and recovery.

You don't have to live with lower back pain or any pain for that matter! You can control pain or even reverse it with MAT Techniques and strength training---it will have a great impact on the quality of your life.

Rich Lauro is a certified Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) therapist and one of the industries top fitness experts. To learn more about MAT Techniques and how to prevent and recover faster from your sports injury. Sign up for my free email mini course "How to Prevent and Recover Faster from Your Sports Injury at

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