Current Recommendations are 30-60 Minutes of Exercise, Everyday?

This is the latest advice to the public and many are surprised at the sheer quantity and confused as to what constitutes exercise.

Finding the time

For those of us with busy lives, fitting this into a day is not easy. Little time is left after a job, commuting, laundry, cooking and everything else. After a busy day do you feel like exercising anyway!? It is a struggle at first but many people are managing it and are reaping the rewards.

Dramatically reduced incidence of illness, you look and feel better, there are so many benefits to regular exercise it's worth making an effort. For a beginner 30-60 minutes everyday is far too much. You need to start much lower and build up gradually. Too much too soon will leave you injured.

What sort of exercise are we talking about?

Well, benefits can be obtained from nearly any activity that increases the rate of breathing. These can include gardening, brisk walking, climbing stairs. Any activity that requires a moderate effort and preferably one that can be done for a set period of time.

You could begin exercising for just five minutes a day, or every other day and slowly increase the minutes, or days, every week. After a month or so, the activity or exercise will soon feel easier to do. This is when you start to feel the benefits of regular exercise.

Take it further

Soon you may find you've established a regular routine. The exercise you're doing is becoming too easy or you want further challenges. This is the stage to experiment with other, perhaps more vigorous activities. Find your exercise strengths and see if there is a sport that matches.

The good thing about sports is having like minded people to play with. You may wish to test your ability by entering competitions or there maybe clubs you could join. Sports clubs and organisations can often open up a whole new way of life that can be very rewarding.

But, for now...

This may seem like a long way off today, but it's something well worth working to. However, when it comes to benefiting from exercise, even a small amount can do you good.

With regards to exercising everyday, even elite athletes would recommend one day off a week, you need to rest and recover at some time. Be sure to include exercise in your life and discover what it can do for you.

By Simon Gould author of - Fitness, health and weight loss... Explained!

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