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People Walking: How Some People Enjoy Their Exercise Walking
People walking regularly for exercise often walk for more than just that. They are those who have found their sweet spot in walking. When exercise begins to feel more like enjoyment, you can bet the person who walks will sustain the program against all odds -- and lose weight successfully. It's such an obvious thing to make your walking exercise enjoyable for greater motivation. Yet so many people walking go out of their way to make it feel like a chore, if only to feel as if they are doing a mighty lot for weight reduction. How do you add variety and fun? Here are some suggestions that have come to me from persisting "walkers": * Walk with a friend * Pick nice destinations or road loops * Walk at sunrise or sunset ?- enjoy the view * Walk at busy hour if you love looking at people * Have fun building a "walking wardrobe" * Wear a pedometer for the thrill of it * Walk in a totally new neighborhood * Take the postman's beat, or the policeman's beat * Walk along the shoreline There's no dearth of ideas for people walking who want to make it fun. If you make a map of your neighborhood, I assure you, you will suddenly discover so many new places to walk that you never thought of before. To walk more in life you need to first get rid of the notions of movement and distance you currently have. For instance, many of us imagine distances (like the corner store) to be longer than they are. Ask anyone how far it is from their home to some other landmark and you will get as many answers as there are people. If your imagination suggests it's a great distance, you will take that car, won't you? Question your judgment of distances from now on. "Is it walkable distance?" is what you may like to ask yourself. Also, if you look around there are so many local trips you could walk for ? the supermarket, the school, the library, the store, the post office, the park ? every neighborhood has these, and they will mostly be walkable. You can also discover new ways to walk by exploring places to walk you never thought of. For example, one friend of mine became a fan of "bridge-walking". She would get to some bridge at weekends and do laps across it for the sheer thrill. There are also so many walking tours -- and you may like to rediscover your city with new groups. You'd be surprised by the energy level among people walking. As you progress with walking, and start feeling the thrill of it, you may like to graduate from neighborhood walking to those "walking events" -- and become one of those people walking regularly for charity fund-raisers, going on walking treks and vacations, even maybe race walking ... Don't for a moment imagine these are only for the very advanced walker. Every such event almost always has an amateur round for the equally enthusiastic but less professional walker. You don't have to win any race or prove a point to anyone about your endurance and gumption ? but you'll still feel like a winner every time. In fact, you'll befriend whole new groups of joyous optimists when you just join the people walking. Laxmi Krishna is a bestselling author on weight loss. She succeeded in losing weight superfast - 30 kgs. in just 32 weeks, with no dieting -- through a unique walking program she has designed. She reveals her success secrets in her path-breaking guide. Visit Laxmi's site at http://www.walking-calories.com
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Sweating Vacation It seems like everyone is concerned about putting on the pounds over the annual holiday season, but what about summer vacations? We spend the greater part of the new year trying to shed the weight gained from an over-indulgence of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies and various other sweets in order to slip into that new bikini or eliminate the gut before shedding the shirt at the beach. What happens when you reach your destination of summer frolicking? Toss your diet out the window and reward yourself with excess? Stay loyal to your eating and exercise plan? Somehow manage to find a happy medium? I was faced with these questions when I embarked on a weeklong excursion of bliss to Kona Village on the Big Island of Hawaii. Exercise Motivation: 7 Sure-fire Tips So you've begun an exercise program to get in shape and loose weight. Congratulations! You've taken a big step towards making big improvements in your life. However, you may be faced with the challenge of waning enthusiasm for your exercise program after the initial thrill of starting something new wears off. Don't despair! Here are 7 sure-fire tips to keep your exercise flame alive! Top 10 Most Outrageous Exercises I?ve Ever Seen In the course of my experience working and training in gyms, I've seen people doing some incredibly "interesting" exercises. Unfortunately, it's usually because these people have not been properly instructed in exercise technique. 3 Great Weight Loss Exercises It's a given that effective weight loss is much more then simply going on a "diet". To really lose weight and (hopefully) keep that weight off, you need to add exercise to the equation. For Most people, weight loss exercise means aerobics ? running, jogging, kickboxing or some other type of routine where you get your heart racing for 30 to 45 minutes. How To Gain An Avalanche Of Energy! For many people out there trying to become more energised and active they are terrified of committing to daily activity. It is so engrained in their minds that they might over train that they literally shy away from daily physical training and instead follow the herd and train two or three times per week. The New Lover Approach to Starting an Exercise Program Approach a New Exercise Program Like a New Lover Physical Activity Versus Exercise: Is there a Difference? Quite often a client will come into the gym discouraged with their exercise program. The common complaint being lack of results. They give a list of activities they are doing but still do not see any changes in physical appearance. Yes this can be attributed to many variables but one of the key elements to consider is intensity. Flattening Your Stomach in Four Easy Steps You look at it every day and wish it would just go away; that little pouch below your belly button that keeps staring back at you. You do crunches, sit ups, the works, and yet there it is just "hanging around." There are all sorts of cute names for it: snack pouch, spare tire, love handles, and the list goes on. All you know is that you want it gone. 4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried 1. Lunges with a barbell. Properly executed, this exercise is the king (or queen) of total body reshaping exercises. Bodybuilding, Weight Loss, and Exercise Tips ? Goal Setting for Long Term Results My name is Greg Ryan. I am a fitness expert, professional bodybuilder, personal trainer to movie stars, former employee of Kathy Smith and have over 50,000 hours of paid personal training sessions under my belt. For the last twenty years I have been able to continually make progress, stay consistent and have some fun in my quest to be in better shape. Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the Office Many women's lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: "You can do this exercise in your office!" What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) that's not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube. Arthritis Exercise for All Levels Exercise can be very beneficial for arthritis sufferers, often relieving stiffness in joints, strengthening muscles thereby reducing stress on joints, keeping bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy, and increasing flexibility. A recommended 30-minute minimum of daily activity is the norm. Before starting any exercise program, it is vital that one speak to their doctor to ensure there are no unseen risks, however you will find that most doctors recommend exercise for their arthritis patients either on their own initiative or when asked. Exercise and Heart Health: A Life Giving Marriage Most people get their health out of a bottle these days, be it a bottle of vitamins or pharmaceuticals. However, with a little effort and dedication you really can get a hold on your life, turn it round and live it to the full! Arthritis Exercise ? One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 1) Exercise can be very beneficial for arthritis sufferers, often relieving stiffness in joints, strengthening muscles thereby reducing stress on joints, keeping bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy, and increasing flexibility. A recommended 30-minute minimum of daily activity is the norm. Before starting any exercise program, it is vital that one speak to their doctor to ensure there are no unseen risks, however you will find that most doctors recommend exercise for their arthritis patients either on their own initiative or when asked. Debunking the Myth of Spot Reduction Do you ever wonder how to shrink the fat on your thighs or reduce the flab on the back of your arms? Ever wake and up and dream about wearing your favorite pants from the glory days of college? Well, short of plastic surgery, there is no way to simply eliminate certain problem areas. Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts: Part 4 Welcome to article number 4 in our series "Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts". In this article we are going to talk about how bodybuilders tend to create massive muscle imbalances and what you can do to not be one of them. If you missed the first article, you can read it by clicking on the link below. Here's a breakdown of the articles to look for: 1. Article:1 - Choosing The WRONG Exercises 2. Article:2 - Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results 3. Article:3 - Targeted Stretching 4. Article:4 - Targeted Exercises 5. Article:5 - Rest, Recovery, and Injury Prevention Article:4 - Targeted Exercises What is a Targeted Exercise and Why You Need To Be Doing Them? While performing three different exercises for each area of the chest may sound "targeted" and it may work great for targeting the chest itself? this is NOT what we mean by targeted? What we are talking about is choosing exercises with more than just size increases in mind? remember, there is far more to muscle than just how it looks? You can be really big, but also weak, slow and inflexible. To drive this point home some more, remember the "Turtle Back Syndrome" we covered in article #1? So many body builders are plagued with this gruesome condition and they don't even know it! Are you? The Turtle Back condition is a direct result of too much focus on building up the pecs and lats and not enough focus on the upper back. Also, the lack of focus on flexibility in the chest and shoulders makes it even worse? Not only does this look stupid, but it sets you up for back, neck and shoulder problems like rotator cuff tears and the like? and I know you don't want any of those! So by targeted, we mean exercises that will not just develop muscle strength and size, but more importantly work towards correcting muscle imbalances which will mean less pain and missed workouts, better performance and function, and most of all better and balanced total body development! So How Do You Find Out Which Ones You NEED To be Doing? As we discussed in the previous article on "Targeted Stretching", it's very important to know before hand what stretches you actually NEED to be doing? the same applies to exercises? and the ONLY way to find out what specific areas you need to target is to perform physical evaluations so you can pin point the weak muscles that need strengthening and the tight muscles that need stretching. We have developed a series of simple assessments you can do yourself to identify the muscles imbalances you have? and while they are intended for people suffering from back pain or sciatica, as a bodybuilder you stand to benefit greatly because you train so hard, you are far more likely to experience injuries like bulging and herniated discs, rotator cuff tears, knee pain, etc? Plus, even if you don't have any pain or injuries now, it would be very wise to learn how to assess yourself so you can target your training now before you create an injury, which not only will slow down your training and progress, but it can also become a life-long struggle with pain and a serious loss of your strength, size and fitness. So be sure to check out our website to learn more about how you can quickly and easily identify and eliminate any muscle imbalances you have. Exercise and Losing Weight for Life ? Avoid the #1 Mistake Everyone Makes! Do you ever feel like you are working out so hard and nothing seems to happen? You just can't seem to lose that last few pounds, increase your benchpress or tighten up those triceps. Why? Do You Have A Fitness Battle Plan? In fitness, as in war, you want to be on the offensive, not the defensive and this means that rather than reacting to maladies as they occur, far better to be in good general physical condition; preventive maintenance is preferable to remedial effort every time. One general rule of thumb I use is energy is the basic coin of the fitness realm and without it is damned difficult to mount any kind of serious fitness effort. How Exercise and Beta-Glucan Help the Immune System It is thought that moderate exercise, such as speed walking, jogging, and aerobics may enhance your body's natural resistance to infection. This is due to that fact that this kind of physical activity activates the release of immunostimulatory factors, such as growth hormones, cytokines, and prolactin, which in turn activates various populations of immune cells. What is Pilates? Pilates is a system of over 500 controlled exercises that engage the mind and condition the total body by using a popular exercise regimen that uses special stretches and machines. Named after Joseph Pilates, Pilates exercise system has proven itself invaluable not only to the fitness user, but to the professional trainers as well. Pilates, a technique of exercise and physical movement intended to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. ![]() |
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