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The New Lover Approach to Starting an Exercise Program
Approach a New Exercise Program Like a New Lover How many times have you decided to get back to some type of exercise program? You've bought gear, new shoes, new clothes, whatever is needed. You've set aside some time, and off you go. A nice heart pounding workout or two and wham, you're right back to the couch, watching TV and thinking about starting an exercise program. What went wrong? Nine times out of 10 what happened was you simply tried to do too much too soon. It's just like dating. If you met someone you liked and wanted them to like you too, what would happen if you started calling them multiple times every day, leaving clever messages on their answering machine, and buying them cute gifts and cards. How might they react to being smothered with affection. It's an almost guaranteed way to drive that once interested suitor into performing a disappearing act. If you start your exercise program by doing too much too soon you'll soon tire of it entirely. It's far better to start slowly and like with a new lover, better to play it just a little cool, giving them a little taste, rather than the whole banquet. It's always wise to leave them wanting more. Amusement park rides last only a few minutes because studies found after a longer ride people said, "Wow, that was fun," but after the shorter ride it was more often, "Wow, that was great, let's go again!" Six Little Minutes is all it Takes So how does this translate into your exercise program? Give your body a taste of activity at first, rather than the full meal deal. When I first started "getting in shape" I rode the exercise bike at the gym for the grand sum total of six minutes. "Six minutes? You must be joking. What good would that do?" At 28-years old, suddenly deciding to "get in shape" was quite the surprise for my body and mind. Six minutes was simply as much as my legs could take without giving out, so that was where I started. You may start at four minutes or 10, it doesn't matter. For me even six minutes wasn't easy, but I kept at it, and after the first week or so, I started to notice my legs felt stronger, I was breathing deeper, and the short ride was getting me primed for the workout ahead. (I was also doing a very short weight lifting routine). It felt good. I was beginning to enjoy the process. Notice I said after a week or so, meaning it may have taken me three or more rides before I started to actually enjoy it. Don't expect to change your daily habits without some initial resistance, no matter how motivated you are, the instinctual brain response is, "That was nice, now let's get back to the couch." A progressive plan, such as this, will help you avoid that kind of thinking. I quickly discovered I wanted more of that invigorated feeling, so after a few more six minute rides I was ready to add more time. I decided to ride for 10 minutes, knowing I could drop back to six if it was too much. This felt great and for a month or more I happily rode for 10 minutes. What is 10 minutes out of your day? It's nothing. Anybody can give 10 minutes to increase their health and well being. Slowly, my bike riding time increased to 12 minutes, then 15, then 20. Once I hit 20 minutes I stayed there for quite awhile, and by now I was riding the bike before every workout. I went to the gym three days a week at first. It had become a new habit and one I looked forward to on workout days. Days when I wasn't going to work out I was just a bit anxious for the next day so I could go to the gym. You want to have that feeling of desire for the activity, but don't schedule yourself so heavily at first you can't keep it up or it becomes a chore. You'll know when you're ready to up the intensity because you'll feel ready. You'll begin to notice you feel like you could keep going forever, and that's when you might decide to add a few minutes the next ride. If you try more minutes and it feel too much like work, cut it back again. When Obstacles Get in the Way: Putting Yourself First Eventually I was riding for 30 minutes, and I wanted to ride even longer but couldn't tie up the bike at the club for that long, so I did what any reasonable person would do; I shopped for a bike of my own. I really wanted a Lifecycle, since that's what I'd been riding at the club, but they were way out of my price range. I decided to buy a Schwinn Air-Dyne and quickly discovered the downside: my shiny new bike was quite loud (the Air-Dyne sold today no longer has the noise). It made a huge racket when I'd ride, which whenever someone was home they'd complain about how it was interfering with their lives and why couldn't I ride later? I tried to be accommodating to my family but I quickly realized I was deciding not to ride at all because it would have inconvenienced them. I was putting their needs before my own which is the wrong approach. It may seem polite but it's foolish to set aside my fitness goals because it may be a temporary inconvenience for them. No one is going to bend over backwards to accommodate you, so why are you doing it for them? Stop it right now and get busy doing what's best for yourself first. Exercising or incorporating a new movement plan into your daily life is bound to create some friction. Fine. Expect it, deal with it and move ahead. Your kids may complain if you want to do an exercise video and they want to watch TV. What's more important? Your fitness program, that's what. Invite them to do it with you. There's no better way to get your kids interested in fitness for themselves than by watching you by example. A Happy Mom is a Healthy Mom, and When Mom's Happy, The Family is Happy I decided a happy mom is a healthy mom, so if riding a noisy bike for a short while each day makes mom happy, that's what mom's gonna do! Nobody complains any more. They just work around my schedule, and if it's too noisy, they can go do something else for awhile because if I say, "I'm going to ride my bike," that's what I'm going to do. It's too easy to say, "No, that will inconvenience little Billy, so I better not swim today," or, "I have to pick up the kids after football practice, so I don't have time to go to the gym." That's wrong! You are important, and you better put yourself at the head of the list from now on. No more excuses because it might be inconvenient for someone else. It's always inconvenient for someone else. If you share your living space with any other people, then someone else has always got something they need or want from you. We all get the same 24-hour day, and how you choose to spend your time is entirely up to you. Exercise is something I choose to do for myself, and when I'm in the mood to ride, I'm getting on the bike. Work out a schedule and then stick to it. Being consistent with the time of day and days of the week will help those around you realize you are serious. By slowly adding more time every week (or as often as you're able to increase it), you are on your way to establishing a new habit and working yourself eventually up to the minimum 20 minutes per day the experts suggest. Five minutes is better than zero, so no matter where you begin, just get started. ~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
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Warning! Lack Of Exercise Could Be Harmful To Your Health You know it's bad when the Surgeon General issues a warning that lack of exercise is hazardous to your health. And that was back in '96. Since then, the stats haven't improved much, either: 25% of the American population is still sedentary and 60% do not exercise regularly (Reference: http://www.cdc.gov). 3 Exercises for Good Posture and a Six-Pack These days many people spend a significant part of their day slaving away over a hot computer and as a result, their posture is not what it should be. Bad posture can result in short-term discomfort such as neck stiffness and headaches and also lead to more serious problems in later life. It is therefore worth spending some time to counteract the damage we may be doing to ourselves every day. But how about this - did you know that some of the same exercises that you can do to maintain good posture are the very same exercises, which if done regularly, can help you to achieve a six-pack? I am totally serious ? this is something I discovered recently while looking at different exercise routines because I wanted to do something about my own bad posture. As well as sitting and standing up straight, you will also look good on the beach next summer. Kill two birds with one stone! Tone Up While at Work I know better than anybody that sitting at a desk all day can take a toll on your body. You don't get much movement and you can get what I like to call "spread butt" Home Gyms with Free Weights Having your own home gym with free weights is not only convenient but gives you the freedom to work out anytime you want. You save time and money, have no costly gym fees, no driving time, and no child care is needed. Exercising In Heat Summer is officially here. Finally you can pack away your jackets and get outside. Summer offers extras hours of daylight and with it the opportunity to spend even more time enjoying outdoor activities. For many, this means more time doing physical activities and playing sports. So, it's important to remember the potential dangers that also come with exercising in hot conditions. As long as you know the dos and don'ts of working out in the heat, then you can fully take advantage of all the fun of summer. When Exercising Right Looks Wrong For most of us we live in a black and white world. Good vs. evil, right vs. wrong. For a few of us the shade of grey is more appealing. In the world of fitness and exercise most people, novice and advanced exercisers (athletes) there is generally a correct and incorrect way to exercise. Just as in any other specialty or business there is much research that goes into doing the right thing from the wrong thing. There are consequences from doing the wrong thing and rewards from doing the right thing. How to Supercharge Your Energy Levels through Exercise Your energy levels will depend on several factors, including genetics, nutrition, sleep habits, and emotional stress. Some of these you have no control over But there is one VERY important factor that you do have control over and that is your ability to take part in physical exercise. Exercising With Kids -- Tips For Parents Making exercise a priority is a challenge for everyone. And for parents it can be especially difficult to find time to workout because of the full plates that they often juggle. When summer arrives the juggling act becomes even more tricky with kids home from school and involved in extracurricular activities. Calf Cramps - How To Get More Gain For Less Pain! I cannot imagine that there is anyone past the age of about 10, that has never had calf cramps. Let's face it, they are horrible. From having no pain and full movement to excruciating agony in a matter of seconds. I think that you can relate to that. If you are into sports though, calf cramps are far more common, and can stop you in your tracks. So what are calf cramps exactly? Anyone competing in sports know that they usually occur after strenuous exercise. But what about those poor folk who wake up with cramps for no discernable reason. So, how do they occur? VO2 Max- Exposing the Myth VO2 max is defined as the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to extract and use to support work performed by the body. It is therefore an indirect measure of the aerobic power of the body, which is controlled by complex interactions between neural (brain and nervous system), cardiovascular (heart and lungs) and skeletal muscle factors. The equation for VO2 max it is equal to the product of stroke volume (the maximum volume of blood the heart ejects in a contraction) and the arterio-venous difference (the difference between the saturation of the arterial blood and that of the venous blood). The aerobic power of the body will change constantly throughout a well-designed running program due to physiological changes and therefore its usefulness in designing a program and determining running capabilities is questionable. This article aims to explain the reason VO2 max is a better indicator of fitness levels than running potential and conditioning program design. Different Exercises Schedule to Combat Hypertension, Obesity, and Asthma! Different Health Problems generally do not allow us to do traditional exercises. Above all, one type of exercise cant be effective to each group facing different challenges. But despite all these different challenges, the general rule applies to all: Extra Effort and Persistence. 3 Great Weight Loss Exercises It's a given that effective weight loss is much more then simply going on a "diet". To really lose weight and (hopefully) keep that weight off, you need to add exercise to the equation. For Most people, weight loss exercise means aerobics ? running, jogging, kickboxing or some other type of routine where you get your heart racing for 30 to 45 minutes. Arthritis Exercise ? One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 1) Exercise can be very beneficial for arthritis sufferers, often relieving stiffness in joints, strengthening muscles thereby reducing stress on joints, keeping bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy, and increasing flexibility. A recommended 30-minute minimum of daily activity is the norm. Before starting any exercise program, it is vital that one speak to their doctor to ensure there are no unseen risks, however you will find that most doctors recommend exercise for their arthritis patients either on their own initiative or when asked. Exercise Tips: Move Your Body - Boost Your Productivity Do you find yourself setting a New Year's Resolution (every year) to get fit/go to the gym/lose weight/drink more water? If you could answer yes to any of those. I totally understand. I did that too for many years. But I also discovered two weeks into January I had blown my resolution and then would feel guilty for "not achieving my goals". What I discovered was it was more about making movement part of my everyday routine (notice I used the word movement not exercise)! Making little changes in your life can help you make exercise part of your life, rather than something you "have to do"! The Importance of Stretching Exercises Muscles and connective tissues shorten over time and that results in less flexibility. If your muscles have gone some time without being used, they tend to become weaker and quite stiff. The risk of injury is greatly increased when you start to use those muscles suddenly. If you are doing regular stretching exercises to lengthen and strengthen your muscles, injury can be easily avoided. Great Summer Workouts: Just Add Water With warm weather season now in full gear, exercisers want to take their workouts outside and breakout of their indoor fitness ruts. But, when temperatures reach record highs and humidity levels soar, traditional outdoor workouts become less appealing. So how can you stay cool while still enjoying outdoor physical activity? One word ? water. Water exercises are the perfect way to workout under the sun without overheating. You can get a total body workout without even breaking a sweat! Thirty Minutes of Exercise a Day Keeps the Doctor Away "Exercise is good for you!" If you had a dollar for every time you heard this statement uttered, you'd be rich by now, right? Well, proponents of everyday physical activity aren't just blowing smoke when they repeat this mantra. Medical research has uncovered resounding evidence to back up this "good for you" claim. In fact, the U.S. Surgeon General, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Centers for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion all recommend the same thing when it comes to regular exercise: American adults should aim for 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week. Thick Today Is Fat Tomorrow As we twentysomethings get further along in our twenties, we may start to notice ourselves gaining weight. It sucks, because at one time you could eat whatever you wanted and now it's like someone shut off your metabolism. But did you know that by not exercising to lose those extra pounds you are actually setting yourself up for heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis? I just learned that these are all lifestyle diseases and can be eliminated even prevented by exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. Who knew? Current Recommendations are 30-60 Minutes of Exercise, Everyday? This is the latest advice to the public and many are surprised at the sheer quantity and confused as to what constitutes exercise. 4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried 1. Lunges with a barbell. Properly executed, this exercise is the king (or queen) of total body reshaping exercises. ![]() |
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