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Struggling To Keep Your Workout Schedule? So am I!
Sometimes following a fitness program or workout schedule is not quite as do-able as the folks writing the advice make it sound. I suppose the idea is to tell you what you should be doing to achieve your fitness or weight-loss targets, but you know sometimes life gets a bit in the way of all these plans, and there is just no way you can follow your intended program. I know, because I am in exactly that position myself right now, and it is very easy to get derailed or discouraged and start to wonder if it's all just a bit too much to keep up in the face of uncontrollable obstacles. My difficulty is that the local pool has closed for six weeks, and that's quite a blow to a training program designed to take me into the World Top Ten Swimming Masters again this year, so I've tried to find somewhere else to get in the necessary daily workout routine, but it seems everywhere I turn, I find the same refurbishing going on and pools closing all over the place; so what do we do? Well the point of all this personal story stuff is to say, "yes we have a real problem in sticking with the training plan but we can, and have to, adapt just to keep the ball rolling to our benefit". The last thing we want to do is give up or say, "let's forget the whole thing". I guess I sound repetitive, as I say this in several articles, but you must, "keep on keeping on". That's the key to maintaining weight loss or maintaining fitness. It's so easy to get discouraged by the events and obstacles that life puts in the way, but the "can't beat me" kind of feeling can be nurtured by finding an alternative to your workout, and I bet that most of us have some aspect of our program that we have been meaning to work on, but have been too tied up in the regular main activity to focus on. For example, here's what I have done to combat the lack of pool time. I'm doing some sit-ups, heaven knows I've been avoiding that pleasure for ages now, and I'm getting in some push-ups and a little work on the arms with some light weights, or if you have no weights, try two milk container jugs (the ones with the handles) filled with water, as barbells. Yes we all know that one, but you get the idea of what I'm saying, improvise, you don't have to have all the gear just to keep a maintenance level of fitness and you can also do all this stuff if you're on the road and in a hotel with no weight room. Now one of the things you don't hear much from the pundits pushing their fitness or weight-loss programs is how they are doing and, if we do, it's all upbeat and rah-rah. Well let me tell you, I went quite some distance to find a pool that was open, as it had been close to two weeks without any swim workout, and boy, oh boy did I feel pretty bad! Arms of lead and legs that reconfirmed to me that if you don't have those legs in shape, you're "cooked". This is the other area I'm always harping on about, but you know it is true that the legs are the key to core strength and if we don't get them in shape, it really doesn't matter how good the rest of the body is because the leg fatigue will suck all the power from the engine. So I struggled through my session and at the end it was a little better, but knowing I had at least put in a maintenance type session made me feel better and back on track, if not improving at least holding steady and not rolling backwards and that's my point. Whatever is temporarily disrupting your plans or throwing you off your schedule, work around it by adapting and using inventive thinking to keep you from slipping backwards. Like I've said in my articles before, the key phrase is, "keep on keeping on!" So keep on and don't give up! Good luck, all the best. About The Author Gordon Black is a world-ranked Master swimmer and Canadian national record holder. A member of the British swim team in the late '60s, after thirty years out of the pool, last year Gordon returned to competitive swimming in the Masters forum. He offers an online weight loss, fitness and motivational coaching service through his web site www.gordonblack.com where his competitive comeback is chronicled. Gordon is currently working on a book based on his own weight management and fitness system - publisher's enquiries welcome!
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What the Philosophy of Tai Chi Can Do For You Taoist PhilosophyTo understand the purpose of the form it is important to understand its basis and roots.The origins of Tai Chi go back over 5,000 years and are based in Taoist philosophy developed and refined by the great Taoist thinkers such as, Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.The core concept of Taoism and Taoist philosophy is that everything in the universe is subject to change and when dealing with this change we should act not to fight it but work with it and avoid conflict.The core Of Taoism is that action should always be effortless and come from spontaneous creativity, but this should not require mental or physical effort.According to Taoist philosophy change is constant but, by understanding change and acting in accordance with the laws that govern it, we can work effortlessly to achieve our aims.Taoism is about working within the laws of change, not struggling to oppose them, this is seen as futile and a waste of energy.In Tai Chi this manifests itself in that a posture will always be difficult and a struggle, unless there is union of mind and body, to make the move an effortless interaction.Yin and YangAnother concept in Chinese philosophy related to change is yin and yang.These two opposing, yet complimentary forces are constantly at work in the universe and in our lives.Yin and yang are the basis of change but they also come together in harmony to create a balanced whole.The simplest example of this is breathing. We breathe in and we breathe out - an opposing action that comes together to create balance and harmony. Change and harmony, is the basis of yin and yang and of Tai Chi.The principles of yin and yang are reflected in the form the sequence of movements that make up the Tai Chi discipline.The form is actually a sequence of movements that flow continuously representing both change and harmony. A movement begins, grows completes and empties then another begins until the sequence is completed.The Tai Chi PhilosophyThe aim of the Tai Chi form is to create streams of energy to flow through the body.In the philosophy of Tai Chi, it is said Chi (life energy) follows the mind; each posture and movement creates a different energy flow, which, has a beneficial overall affect on overall well-being.Tai Chi stimulates circulation, aligns the skeleton and joints correctly, stimulates the organs of the body and helps digestion.It increases muscle tone, strength, improves balance and co ordination and improves breathing.Tai Chi does not just provide physical benefits; by raising energy levels, it also affects the mind and the spirit.Tai Chi focuses thought, so that mind and body energy works together as one.Tai Chi reflects both Taoism in terms of effortless interaction and yin and yang in terms of reconciling two opposing forces, to create harmony and equilibrium. This combination is the very essence of the Tai Chi philosophy. Yoga Yoga traditionally conjures up images of long hair, loin cloths and incense burning in a darkened room with strange music playing! It had an almost cultish persona. Nowadays your gran is quite likely to tuck her Yoga mat under her arm and head on down to the local gym for an hour of Yoga and meditation. Yoga is coming out of the darkened room and is being embraced in it many forms by old and young alike. Reviewing Weider Home Gyms For most of us non-professional body builders the Weider Home Gyms can be a great addition to our exercising needs. Driving times, busy and active schedules makes this product a must have tool in the convenience of your own home. The Weider Home Gyms are not cheap but still priced much more aggressively than many of its counterparts. It may not be the best (not sure what that would require) but for most of us it provides all the features we need. 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This is the latest advice to the public and many are surprised at the sheer quantity and confused as to what constitutes exercise. Is It Safe To Start An Exercise Program? I think the real question is "How safe is it for you not to exercise?" Did you know that obesity has just replaced smoking as the number one cause of health related problems? That's incredible! Sorry to say, but that means we are a bunch of fat, inactive people! Back in the day when people milked cows and planted their own food for exercise, you would never hear of something like this. Think about that the next time you can't exercise because of a hard day at the office! O.k. before I tear off too far into a rant lets look at some of the real concerns you should tend to before you start an exercise program. Exercise Intensity "Physical Fitness" Exercise Is a Key to Good Health for All of Us There's plenty of evidence that an essential component of a healthy life is physical activity. It has been shown that exercise has a positive effect on both your body and mind. Get Fit From Home! -------------------- Things Around The House -------------------- Planning An Exercise Program When designing an aerobic or strength training exercise program, fitness professionals, such as personal trainers and gym instructors, invariably use the F.I.T.T. principle as their starting point. The good news is that with a little bit of knowledge anyone can use this principle in designing an exercise program that will help them to become progressively fitter and stronger, and help them lose or control their weight. Exercise Tips Exercise Tips Double Calories Burned With Five Minutes Of Exercise Each Morning! Recent studies have shown that if you perform just five minutes of reasonably intense exercise in the morning you can potentially burn up to twice as many calories you normally would during the day! When Exercising Right Looks Wrong III (Back) Hopefully, if you read my last article I got you thinking. Thinking about different ways to train, not necessarily using machines, but using your entire body with each exercise. We talked about the changes exercise science has brought about and the risks of continuing to train the way we currently do. Our bodies, as I alluded to, were not designed to be cramped into a one size fits all machine and forced to move in a specific pattern. That pattern unfortunately is single jointed, and those of us in the know understand that even putting food in your mouth requires 3 major and around 24 smaller joints. We need to train the same way that our body was designed to operate. Basic Abdominal Exercises If it's six pack abs that you're after, daily abdominal exercises are the key to reaching your goal. There are a variety of effective abdominal exercises that you can try out to find which one is best for you. Or, for maximum results, you can combine a few different abdominal exercises or alternate between your favorites. Core-Principles: The Function of Functional Training Okay?okay?okay! Enough already!!! It seems like with every new term, every new invention or just about anything that is seemingly not "Everyday" that we all become flustered and assume we know nothing, which is both a testament to our lack of faith in ourselves and also a reflection of our ever-growing dependence on externals to give us a little reassurance where our natural instincts should be in high gear. Weight Loss and Exercise in Tough Environmental Conditions Working out is working out, right? Mixing Things Up To say that the human body is an amazing machine is an understatement, especially when it comes to diet and exercise. Our bodies are constantly trying to achieve a state of homeostasis. The human body over time will make adjustments to try and adapt to its current environment. ![]() |
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