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Lesson #4: Six Powerful Places to Advertise Your Autoresponder!
Once you set up your autoresponder account, now you need to start promoting it! There are tons of places and ways you can do that... But let me give you at least six to start with. These six places are... On websites, The most popular place for advertising an autoresponder is on the web. You can post your email link or set up a form that triggers your autoresponder on your own website. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you use your autoresponder for providing more information on a product, your website becomes a 24-hour customer service person... Working around the clock for you, even while you sleep! One of the most useful ways of using smart autoresponders is to offer a brief synopsis of your website via autoresponder, particularly for those visitors who may be in a hurry. But there are many others. In fact, autoresponders have innumerable uses and advantages. For example (and this is just a partial list), autoresponders are great for offering... "Digital" catalogues You can also add attachments to your autoresponses. So, if you sell, say, digital products like software, then once a person buys on your website they get instant delivery! But that's not all... You can advertise your autoresponder not only on web pages but also on pop-ups (i.e., those small windows that pop-up when you enter or leave a website). Admittedly, pop-ups are annoying for some people. But when used for building an opt-in list (as discussed in lesson #3), such as offering a newsletter, they can be very productive! Do you practice reciprocal linking? In other words, do you exchange links with other webmasters? If so, why not use your autoresponder instead of a plain link to your website? People will seldom stay or buy the first time when clicking on a link. But if your link is for an autoresponder that offers a free report, a free newsletter or a free email course, you... ... Kill two birds with one stone! In other words, unlike a URL that people click and visit only once, people who get your autoresponder emails are exposed to your website, business, product or offer more than once! There are other places to promote your autoresponder. For example, you can use it with banners, some pay-per-click search engines or even with your own affiliate program! If you have an affiliate program, you can offer your affiliates a web form they can use to promote you - one that inserts and tracks their affiliate ID into their visitors' autoresponses! In Newsletters/Op-in Lists We discussed the benefits of creating an opt-in list, building your database and publishing your own ezine quite at length in lesson #3. In here, I'll discuss other people's ezines. First, realize that promoting your product in front of targeted, eager prospects is probably one of the most effective and productive form of online marketing currently available. Very simply, "opt-in" email is made up of people who have asked to receive information on specific topics. By its very nature, opt-in email marketing is highly targeted. But what about other people's ezines or opt-in lists? In fact, there is a vast array of ezines and opt-in lists now available. The beauty of advertising in other people's lists is that you know, in advance, what type of audience they are. There are ezines on pretty much every topic imaginable out there. For example, you can target magazine collectors, pet owners, French cuisine lovers, businesspeople... You name it! By the way, while I'll return to this in a future lesson, keep in mind that you must avoid SPAM... Spam is NOT opt-in email. You can lose your account, your website and your business! Sending opt-in email is also called "permission marketing," since people are giving you the permission to promote to them. Stick with permission marketing at all times! Nevertheless, find those newsletters or opt-in lists that target people that fit YOUR target market. Check out online ezine directories or buy a list from a reputable opt-in list broker. Nevertheless, you can do a little research and find websites that publish ezines (or maintain opt-in lists) where you can: Buy classified ads in, Just make sure to include your autoresponder's email link or web form URL either in their content or in the "signature file" section at the end (I'll return to "signature files" later). Classified ads vary in terms of size and length, depending on where they're published. Online, most ads are 65 characters in length, and about four to five lines deep. You can promote your autoresponder in a classified ad like the one above... But often, your ad will appear among many other ads. So, being clear, highly visible and compelling is critical! Having a top spot is one important step. But another is to have great copy. Your ad must beg people to click it. Your choice of words can make the crucial difference... ... Between a winner and a dud! First, find ezines and opt-in lists that target your audience. They should be #1. Find them through search engines and directories whose topics would appeal to your market. Then, seek out the major online services, like Prodigy, Juno, AOL, Compuserve and so on. They have popular classified ad boards. Many online "malls" have classified ad sections, too. And finally, some portals, communities and directories (not to be confused with directories like search engines) will publish your "listing," which can also be a classified ad. In "Signature Files" A signature file is what you add at the end of every email message you send - basically, a few lines to advertise you, your website Depending on your email software, you can have a signature added to each message with your software directly, or as a separate file (text or HTML) - hence a "signature file." You can add a signature file (also called a "signature tag") to all your emails, newsgroup posts, message board postings and discussion lists contributions... It goes wherever you go! Place your autoresponder email address (or website address that carries your web form) in your signature file. Typically, they are between three to five lines long... But no more! Why? By keeping your signature short and sweet it doesn't look like an outright ad. It should identify you, your business and your link. Also, keep it under 60 characters in length. But you can use it to briefly and subtly promote a special offer, a free report, a website address, a free newsletter and so on. Like classified ads, the copy is VERY important. Once you've created a signature file with your autoresponder address, add it to all your emails, newsgroup and message forum posts, and article and discussion list contributions. On Business Stationery Add your autoresponder address on all of your offline printed materials: on everything, from business cards, letterhead, yellow page ads, brochures, you name it! If you have collateral materials such as brochures, if you advertise in print publications such as trade journals, and if you do direct mail marketing such as with postcards... Then maximize your autoresponder's visibility in them! Don't forget that some people don't usually respond to online ads during company time for a variety of reasons. But if you promote your autoresponder offline, many will respond! For example, I know of a few offline manufacturers who use print catalogues and brochures, but supply more detailed product and technical specifications via autoresponders. I also know of an "elder law" attorney who offers a free report on estate planning tips through autoresponders... But he advertises mainly in senior citizen print publications. The possibilities are endless! Nevertheless, don't forget to promote something for free (like a free ezine, a free report, a free course or a free ebook) in order to encourage your "offline" prospects to email you. Remember, since they're offline they have to go through the extra effort in emailing you. So, a plain email address won't cut it! (If it were the case, they would call you instead!) Finally, Digital Products (or "Viral Marketing") One of the biggest trends right now is a process called "viral marketing." It's not complicated... All it is, is a message that spreads from email to email, or email to web, like a virus. If you create a certain "buzz," your message will be passed around from person to person like wildfire. But you can make it even easier by incorporating your message into a digital file. Why? Because with computers, it's so easy to simply copy and paste! For example, you can create an electronic book (or "ebook"), or a piece of software (also called "freeware"). The goal is to get the people who read the book to visit his website. He barely does any advertising at all, and from the book alone manages to receive thousands of unique visitors. Whether you use an ebook or software file, hopefully your message will contain your website address. So, when it's passed around, people know where to go to get more! Learn more about internet marketing, search engine marketing, email marketing go to internet marketing and website promotion.
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Fishing For Ezine Subscribers The Bible tells the tale of the fishermen who were just not catching a thing. Jesus came along and told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, which they did. Surprise! They caught so many fish their nets began to tear. The News About Newsletters "A newsletter is the paring knife of communication tools. It seems simple and is easy to take for granted. Handled well, however, it's a highly capable tool." --Al Czarnecki Communications How to Make Your Newsletter Have Raving Fans! Would you like to have a newsletter with barely satisfied subscribers who take a look at each issue and then remove it, or loyal readers who can't wait to get your next issue? The Public Speaking List Machine Do you do public speaking? Then you've got an automatic list machine! Five Ways to Energize Your Newsletter Whether distributed via e-mail or printed and snail-mailed, newsletters are a great way for a business or an organization to keep in touch with employees, customers, prospects or association members in a cost-effective manner. The trick, however, is to come up with a strategy to keep readers engaged and the publication's production and editorial adjustments in line with current budgets. Lesson #4: Six Powerful Places to Advertise Your Autoresponder! Once you set up your autoresponder account, now you need to start promoting it! There are tons of places and ways you can do that... But let me give you at least six to start with. Is Your Ezine Being Zapped? About a year ago I wrote an article titled 'Winning The War On Sp^m'. Unfortunately, the war on sp^m is not being won at all. Ezine Promotion, The Three Forgotten Tactics If you are like most ezine publishers you want more ideas that work. 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Advertising in Newsletters In this article we will discuss advertising in other companies' newsletters and how it can be as equally beneficial. Surefire Ways to Pack a Punch With Your Ezines & Newsletters Newsletters, or ezines, can be extremely effective marketing tools for your business. They put your name in front of your potential clients, regular clients, and peers while showing your expertise and professionalism. They are an excellent means to both market and grow your business and also show your existing clients your creative abilities. Now the only drawback is to ensure your newsletter is worthy of being read. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, but find I regularly only read a few upon their arrival. When I decided to create my own newsletter, one of the first things I did was to look at those newsletters I regularly read and determine what it was about them that made me want to read them. 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Did you know that most people find it difficult to write sales copy that works? Learn the Five Facts Why Ezine Is the Ultimate Promotion Tool! What you are about to read will change your way of promoting your products or services. Now that I got your attention, I will share to you six facts why ezine is the ultimate promotion tool. Practical Strategies To Boost Your Ezine Readership Do you have a fresh ezine ready to start taking subscribers but don't know how to attract them? ![]() |
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