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E-zine Promotion: 10 Smart Reasons To Charge A Fee For Your E-zine
You publish an e-zine, you may consider to start charging a fee. Here are some e-zine promotion reasons: 1. You will create residual income. For example, if you charge a monthly subscription fee, you will get recurring income every month. 2. You won't have to spend all your time marketing to gain new subscribers. Just get and keep enough subscribers to reach your monthly income goal. 3. You can figure how many subscribers it'll take to meet your income goal. Note on your ad that you'll only accept a limited number of subscribers. 4. You won't have any shipping or materials costs like offline subscription publications. You'll just have your internet access and web site expenses. 5. You can sell back end or upsell products inside a fee based subscription ezine. It could be your own products or affiliate programs you've joined. 6. You can start an affiliate program that will give people residual commission. People will want to join because it's residual instead of one time sales. 7. You could publish a free ezine and allow people to upgrade to your fee based ezine. If they like your free one, they'll likely subscribe to your paid ezine. 8. Your ad copy automatically builds itself into an order pulling machine. Each issue you archive gives you new benefits to add to your sales letter. 9. You could transform your fee based content into another product to sell. It could be an ebook, video, audio book, report, book, etc. 10. You could become known as an expert on the topic of your fee based ezine. You may get hired by other businesses to do speaking engagements. May you succeed in your e-zine promotion and make a lot of money. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System", (work from home) program, which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash"?
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Convert Your Newsletters into Immediate Cash One-Page Newsletters can do more than help you keep in constant touch with clients and prospects and educate them to desire your products and services. Each issue can also generate immediate sales! How to turn your Newsletter into a Web Page...in 45 seconds! Do you place back-issues of your Newsletter onyour website? The End of Email, Ezines and Online Marketing? Ok, it's time to bring out my soapbox. The Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base 1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine. Offer them a freebie if they subscribe. It could be a free e-book, free report, free advertising, etc. Make sure the freebie will attract your target audience. 2. Joint Venture Joint venture with a similar e-zine. Combine your subscriber bases together and publish one e-zine. Edit and publish each issue together. You both will be promoting the e-zine which means more subscribers. 3. Allow Archiving Allow your subscribers to archive back issues of your e-zine on their web site. They may need content for their web site. If people visit their web site and like your e-zine, they will subscribe. Emerging Trends in Web Content and Web Publishing Content is King but the web pages are still littered with writing that does scant justice to the word content, least of all creative, useful and valuable content. Why Arent You Writing Ezine Articles? I'm amazed! Ezine Advertising Strategy Exposed-15 Tips to Boost Your Profits In my opinion, Electronic Magazine (Ezine) advertising is the greatest, untapped source of online advertising available today. Making Money Online With Web Publishing Who doesn't want to make money online? Internet is here to dominate our lives and spreading its tentacles very fast. Every month millions of pages are added to the web space and more and more people are getting online for almost everything ? from shopping to e-learning. Would you believe there are even online beggars with payment gateways where you can donate through your credit card if you are feeling charitable. If you do not exploit the internet for marketing your services or products you may as well be living in prehistoric times. Word Newsletter Templates - How to Easily Create Them You can use Word newsletter templates for both Word and PDF newsletters. PDF is one of the most popular newsletter formats because it is easy to read and user-friendly. Producing Ezines for Growing Your Business What an ezine is ? An ezine is an electronic newsletter sent out by email at intervals of your choice to a list of subscribers. An ezine is a mutual bargain, a kind of compromise between editor and his subscribers. How comes that ? Let's see : Every ezine has a topic : marketing, humor, gardening, sports, etc... An ezine can and should contain lots of helpful information and resources related to its topic. Everyone interested to receive these information, subscribe to ezine. On the other hand, besides all above information and stuff, the publisher delivers and materials promoting his business. The bargain I've spoke before is simple: subscribers agree to receive promotion materials altogether with other information they are interested in. An ezines is an excellent recruitment tool for your business. Let's say you sell books online through your website. If you chose 'new issues' as topic for your ezine, you will recruit more prospects for your venture saying "come here to see the newest books" than saying "come here to buy the newest books". Ezines are very efficient in business development. From the very beginning I can say that they target the market(s) you are trying to reach with your products and services. As I said before every ezine has a topic. By choosing this topic close related to your business you may be sure that your subscribers are interested by your business as well, because they enjoy the ezines' topic. I already told you above that ezines are perfect promotion tools by delivering advertising materials to subscribers. I can tell a day or two about ezines and how they can help to grow a business. I just want to tell you something very important. If you decide to publish an ezine, you must learn that there is a lot of work to producing a quality one. You should pay a special attention to the following items: How to discover your real audience - the ones who want what you have. If is better to write your own content than using someone else's. How to choose an attention-getting, enticing name for your email newsletter. What popular sections you can choose to include in your own ezine. Editing in plain text vs. HTML - what you must know before making this choice! Resources for building your subscriber base fast. Places to submit your ezine to gain more exposure and more subscribers. How to sell advertising and the amount of money you'll make. And the list may continue. Only by reading these 8 points you can see that publishing an ezine means work and abilities. It's hard but not impossible, you may learn by doing, from articles and books or talking with experienced publishers. Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. 5 Essential Online Tools for Writers and Publishers Writing a newsletter or article can be very time consuming. How to Make Your eZine Work for You Long After Its Published If you publish an email newsletter, do you convert the issues to HTML and archive them on your website? If you haven't been doing so, you should start now, today. Getting Subscribers For Your Newsletter Is As Simple As This... Having a newsletter is one thing but how many subscribers do you have? Or are you ok with the number of subscribers you have? If you are not satisfied with the answer, then this article is for you. This article will show you how a simple approach did it did it for me, so now is your turn. How To Use Viral Marketing To Grow Your Opt In Email List If you have read my article called "What is Viral Marketing" you should already have a fairly good idea of it's potential. Email Newsletters: Privacy and Unsubscribing As you likely know from personal experience, the value of email has been greatly tarnished by spam, unsolicited messages, online junk mail. So, many subscribers and would-be subscribers care very much about the exposure of their email addresses. Learn How to Choose a Great Topic for Your Newsletter Since you're going to write your newsletter on a regular basis, it's essential that you choose a topic you're passionate about. Otherwise, it will be too boring and difficult for you to keep writing a valuable, informative article every day, week, or month. Email Newsletters: The Header Managing Subscriber addresses: At the top of your email message you see the header, where you insert addresses and a subject heading. It all looks simple enough, but there are some tricks and tips you should know, and one very important warning. Let's start with that warning: The Five Deadly Fears of E-Newsletter Publishing 1. Fear Of Having Nothing To Say PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatised the word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those were the heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries. ![]() |
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