Learn How to Choose a Great Topic for Your Newsletter

Since you're going to write your newsletter on a regular basis, it's essential that you choose a topic you're passionate about. Otherwise, it will be too boring and difficult for you to keep writing a valuable, informative article every day, week, or month.

I speaking from personal experience. I once started a newsletter about a profitable niche, but I didn't enjoy writing about it. I spent a lot of time and energy choosing a name, designing a professional cover, creating an HTML template, and so on.

But after writing a couple of issues, I discovered I couldn't continue doing that for a long time. So I stopped publishing my newsletter.

If I knew this secrets earlier, I wouldn't lose that much of my time. But now you know it. I shared this secret with you so that you could save yourself a lot of time by avoiding the mistake I made.

Choose a topic you're passionate about, so you will have fun writing each of your issues. And be creative. You don't have to start another newsletter about making money online.

Here are the steps you should take for finding a good, creative topic for your newsletter...

STEP 1: Pick a pen and a piece of paper and go somewhere that nobody disturbs you. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can think of. Write down everything your mind comes across - even the craziest ideas. Because they will act like a path to more creative ideas.

STEP 2: Look at your list and choose the topics you enjoy writing about - no matter whether you think they're profitable or not.

STEP 3: Cross out the ideas you think you don't have enough information to write informative articles about on a regular basis.

STEP 4: Finally, pick the topic you think will be more profitable. Yes, I know you want to make money from your newsletter, but believe me, it's the last thing you should consider while choosing a topic.

Congratulations! Now you have a great topic idea for your newsletter.

About The Author: Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of http://www.FreeNewsletterIdeas.com/ where you'll find free newsletter templates, creative newsletter ideas, honest reviews, and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.

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