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Self Publishing At The Speed Of Thought
Publishing, both electronic and hard copy, from articles to books, has come a long way in recent years. I used to be fascinated by anyone who had become a "real" author of a book. For that matter, anyone who had been published in a magazine or newspaper! The whole thing seemed so validating for authors, yet getting published, so cryptic. How do you become "published?" How did you get someone to take your subject so seriously that they gave you a retainer to finish your project and then published and sold your books for you? These and many other questions always flew around my head in the years that it took me to figure out how publishing, the traditional kind, worked. Then came the internet. Then everything changed. And the changes today are more radical than ever before. You can completely publish your own work from the first sentence you write to the first time you flip through the pages of your book, all through the internet. In fact, self publishing your own book is verging on common place these days. And publishing your work entirely on the web, with blogs or through a regular website is almost old hat to many people. Some very famous people today are "bloggers." People who have a site that they constantly and instantly update with their articles and blurbs on politics and trillions of other subjects. If you don't have a blog in some circles, you are not even considered worth talking to. If you are an aspiring writer and are mystified by traditional publishing "rules" fear not! You can take the bull by the horns and publish on the web by choosing from all kinds of software and services that suit you best. If you want a book you wrote to be published, to hold in your hands and give to friends and family and even stock in Barnes and Noble or sell at Amazon, nothing is holding you back anymore! You can literally control the whole publishing process from start to finish yourself. There are print on demand services that cater solely to self publishers these days. You can have a batch of books printed in runs as small as 50 books at very reasonable prices. Here is just one source of valuable self publishing information I found with a quick search engine query: http://www.bookpublisher.com/publish-your-book.cfm There are myriad free sources of information on the web that teach you how to get your own ISBN and UPC codes so you can sell your book in major and minor bookstores anywhere in the world. I know people who have taken their self published books and gone to #1 on Amazon with them through savvy, guerilla-style marketing campaigns that really aren't that hard to learn and master. If you aren't into paper it is even easier to get published and become known through the internet. You no longer have to be a geek to figure it out and there and tons of resources out there to help you figure out which method of online publishing is right for you. If you are an article writer you can become an almost overnight success just by learning how to get syndicated all over the web, possibly being picked up by a very major online or offline publisher. I know people who's entire lives have changed over night, literally, after syndicating their articles to choice publishing "clearinghouses" on the net. Below are just a few of the hundreds of sites that can help you get started learning about publishing online and offline. Tale Chaser Publishing is a self publishing directory and information library on various self publishing topics for people looking into getting published online or off. http://talechaserpublishing.com EquipMint.com is an online promoter's Valhalla. Although there are many specialized marketing resources there for people to learn about marketing their websites, there are a few gems of information for self publishers including links to places that can have your work in front of every major online publisher you can imagine. http://equipmint.com You can also find some syndication and promotion tools at Webmaster Traffic Tools. http://webmastertraffictools.com Want to write the perfect press release for your website, blog, or book? Then take a free press release writing course at http://goodpressreleases.com. Bottom line is: There are no more excuses for not getting your work published. With some work and research into the new technology and avenues for publishing that are available to anyone these days, you can become known in a very big way without having to pitch to major labels. In fact, if you really do your homework, you can learn how to have the big publishers pitching YOU for deals! Jack Humphrey is an author and marketing consultant for http://webfoxmedia.com He owns Tale Chaser Publishing at http://talechaserpublishing.com
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Lesson #6: Six Simple Steps to Writing Magnetically Charged Email Messages! If you remember, the majority of people (i.e., 68%) need to see your sales message more than once before they even think about going ahead. This is applicable to every market. Making Money Online With Web Publishing Who doesn't want to make money online? Internet is here to dominate our lives and spreading its tentacles very fast. Every month millions of pages are added to the web space and more and more people are getting online for almost everything ? from shopping to e-learning. Would you believe there are even online beggars with payment gateways where you can donate through your credit card if you are feeling charitable. If you do not exploit the internet for marketing your services or products you may as well be living in prehistoric times. Why Self-Publish Your Book? When I meet an author with a great book concept, one who's definitely the right person to write that book, right away I'll often encourage him or her to self-publish. This is because I know that, if an author is thoroughly invested in what they have to say, and if they're determined to create a buzz about their message, they'll discover ... Are You Wasting Your Time With Free Ezine Ads? There are lots of ezines (newsletters) out there that offer free classified ads to new subscribers (and many even offer free ads on an ongoing basis). The Power of Personality Owning an online business and publishing an ezine can be very frustrating, AND rewarding! There can be 100's or even 1000's of websites and/or ezines that are almost exactly like yours. What can you do to make your online business stand out from the rest? 8 Effective Ezine Publishing Tips To Put You Ahead Of The Game 1. Swap sponsor, feature, or solo ads with other ezine publishers. Email Newsletter Format: HTML or Text An email newsletter is probably the most effective way to communicate with your target audience. One of the main considerations before you create and deliver an email newsletter is what format to use: HTML or Text. Why Arent You Using CGI? The very name CGI used to send chills up my spine. Foryears I put it in the 'too-hard-basket'. But like mostthings in life, CGI is not as scary as it seems. Ifyou have a cgi directory on your website and you knowhow to FTP files, chances are you can have a CGIscript up and running in less than 20 minutes. Coping With Those Dreaded Ezine Publishing Deadlines Time, of course, doesn't stand still and never did, and it's no wonder at all that in this highly pressurized modern world of ours, time is regarded as a valuable commodity or precious resource. Are We Dating or Married? You've convinced me that I want to sign up for your newsletter. Now that I'm ready, what do I do? I go to thesignup box on the current web page and complete the form.But wait... what are you asking for? If you're asking formore than my name and email address, I will hesitate. Email Newsletter Software Should I create my newsletter in a word processor or email program? Which email program should I use? Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. Newsletter Design Ideas - How to Get Creative Ideas for Your Newsletter Template If you want to have a successful newsletter, you need to have a professional newsletter design. And the more newsletter design ideas you get, the better layout you can design. Here are some tips on how to find creative design ideas for your newsletter... Why Do We Publish? WHY DO WE DO THIS? Ebook Rebranding - The New Ebook Marketing Power? Well, it is definitely yes! The Plain Truth About Branding for Newsletter Publishers and Web Designers Writing, Publishing, Self Publishing, Website Promotion, Blogging, Internet Marketing Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? Ezines, Ezines Everywhere! There are literally thousands of ezines being published online these days. Sometimes it is hard to know which ones are best for advertising in, reading, subscribing to and so on. What Makes An Ezine Worth Reading? What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands of ezines online today, how can yours stand out or is it doomed to stay in the junk mail folders?? Three Breathing Techniques For Any Ezine Article I subscribed myself to many ezines. I'd love to read articles in them. First thing I will do is going to article section of the ezine. ![]() |
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