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Start Your Own Ezine Newsletter & Profit!
The information listed here is worth more than gold. if you apply these simple list building plans and techniques, we guarantee you will see results. you may not get the results as fast as you want to, but don't worry. all list building strategies take time and when properly used correctly, will be more rewarding than you can possibly imagine. ONLINE Make your website an "attention grabber". With almost 4 million websites to choose from, the fact that someone found yours is something you shouldn't take for granted. With so much choice, how can you expect them to remember to come back tomorrow, and the next day? If you don't have an opt-in/sign-up form on your website, you are literally throwing opportunities away. This is the single most important thing you can do to build your database. But don't just put it on your home page - put it on every page, or make it part of your main navigation tool. Checkbox your forms. Every form on your website should ask for permission to send future emails. If someone makes an online purchase, include a check box on the order form to get on your mailing list. If they download something from your site, make the same offer. Get on other websites. Find a site whose product or service is complementary to yours and call them up. Ask if they'd add your newsletter to their opt-in form. Trade offers - add an additional check box to your sign up form so people can subscribe to your contact database and your partner's at the same time. Instead of advertising your product or service directly, consider placing banner ads (or do a banner exchange) for your newsletter on the sites your target audience is likely to visit. Team up with other email marketers. You may be just starting to build, but there are thousands of marketers who already own a contact list and are sending email campaigns every day. Advertise your newsletter or website (with its prominent sign-up offer) in their newsletters or promotions (or do a banner exchange). Use viral marketing. Even if you only send emails to a handful of people, make sure you include a "forward to a friend" link in each one - and equally important, a sign-up link for new readers. You'd be amazed at how often I get an interesting newsletter or promo from a friend, but can't figure out how to start getting my own copy. Don't forget to promote your sign-up offer at the bottom of your everyday email. Even if you're sending email to a friend or co-worker, include a link to your sign-up form to keep up the momentum. Remember, your email may get forwarded, so cover all your bases. Get listed in ezine directories and search engines. There's a ton of free directories out there that categorize email newsletters.Go online and submit your listing to as many as you can - but make sure you read their privacy policy first! OFFLINE Make it a part of your brand identity. Every piece of paper that leaves your office should have a link to your website and/or your email subscription information. Period. Equip your lobby or reception area. Post subscription information at your front desk - a little self-standing sign gets noticed. Place a fishbowl for business cards next to it, or better yet, let people sign up right then and there using a computer that's logged on to the opt-in form on your website. Equip your trade show booth. Do the same as above in your exhibit's reception area. If you rent a lead retrieval machine from the show vendor, be sure to customize it so you can capture email and permission information. Piggyback in-store purchases. When you ring up a customer, ask them if they'd like to receive email mailers from you. Be sure to let them know what they'll be getting and when. Ask people you meet. Even if you don't sponsor or exhibit at events, try to attend them. Talk to people face-to-face and let them know you have valuable information to share. Exchange business cards along the way. Create a special set of cards that include your subscription information. Promote after the sale. Let's say your customer didn't want to get on your email form when given the chance at checkout. They still go home with printed packaging of some form, whether it's a shopping bag, gift-wrap or the product packaging itself. Promote a subscription there, too, because (1) they might change their mind and (2) if they're giving it to someone else, you've gained another opportunity. Use direct mail. It doesn't have to be fancy. A simple postcard promoting your offer to a small, rented (permission-based!) group will do. Sometimes all it takes to get people on your list is to let them know about your offer - and that you can send it via email (instead of killing trees). Use print advertising. Placing an ad is almost as tricky as renting an email database, but realize that we're not talking about placing an ad in Forbes Magazine. Your local newspaper, your neighborhood newsletter, your Laundromat's bulletin board... start asking about promoting your offer in everything you read and everywhere you go. Get creative! Use the telephone. Ask everyone who calls in to your company if they'd like to jsign up to receive information from you. Use an existing contact database you already have. You probably have one, you just don't know it! Dig deep into your address book or database to find anyone you ever had a relationship with - anyone who ever bought from you, for example. Send them a one-time mailing (via email or mail, use whatever contact information you have) explaining that you are starting a newsletter or periodic emailing and ask if they'd like to sign up. Assure them that this is a one-time mailing, and then keep mailing only if they give you permission. ****************** You can promote your offer in every corner of the world; but there are a few more things you should do to ensure your email list contains well-targeted, opt-in, permission-based, low bounce/low unsubscribe names. Only use an opt-in or double opt-in subscription method - not optout. Double opt-in ensures highest quality, since you are guaranteed direct permission from the subscriber and a valid email address. Offer people relevance and value in exchange for their contact information, e.g., special discounts, monthly tips-n-tricks, white papers, etc. Giving away irrelevant freebies builds your opt-in list in the short term, but over the long run, those leads won't pay off. Qualify without scaring away the really interested people. Ask for more than just name and email - but not too much. Find the right balance, and the people who truly value your offer and want to hear from you will be the ones who end up in your database. Set expectations up front. Tell people what they'll be getting, and only the interested ones will sign up. The key to successfully building a high quality, opt-in, permission-based email contact list is to realize it's a continual process. Don't expect 10,000 names to appear from your opt-in form overnight. But the sooner you start, the sooner you can start building rewarding relationships. About The Author Steven Boaze is the President of Boaze Publishing with one of the largest databases on the internet. Come by Boaze Publishing and get your 50% off all advertising for the month of Dec! http://www.boazepublishing.biz/
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How To Write Effective Ezine Ads... And Then Some When writing an ezine ad, there is a big mistake that most people make when writing an ad. That is, they try to sell something in those ads, and there is a good reason why you don't want to do that. PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatised the word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those were the heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries. Email Filters Catch Dolphins Along With Sharks What's the point in spending hours preparing a newsletter, message or report if it's automatically filtered into the junk folder before the recipient even sees it? Create An Ezine To Get People Back To Your Site I know you've worked hard on your website. I know it looks pretty good - in fact, it's fantastic. However, you are facing one huge problem - getting people to come back. Subscriber Incentives: Are They Effective? How To Use Viral Marketing To Grow Your Opt In Email List If you have read my article called "What is Viral Marketing" you should already have a fairly good idea of it's potential. Newsletters ? Keeping Your Customers Informed Many businesses use email newsletters to introduce themselves to new customers and to maintain contact with existing and past clients. By sending useful and relevant information on a consistent, regular basis, you maintain constant contact without the risk of irritating and alienating your customers. Your email newsletter will also enhance your credibility and increase sales. 5 Essential Online Tools for Writers and Publishers Writing a newsletter or article can be very time consuming. Location, Location, Location The first thing you should consider in advertising is the first thing you should consider when buying real estate: Location, Location, Location. You want to focus all of your efforts on your intended audience. Once you know who they are, determine which publications they are most likely to read. Employee Newsletter Ideas - 7 Creative Ideas for Your Employee Newsletter Employee newsletters are an effective tool to communicate with your employees. Here are 7 employee newsletter ideas... Does Your Ezine Publisher Try To Rape Your Pocket? If you have been online for a while, one of the most well know ways of selling online is to build an optin email list or ezine. So now there are thousands of email ezines on just about every possible topic. 10 Ways, How To Get Significant Exposure For Free Ezine are one of the best source of information on the web today. They are generally free and can make a huge impact marketing success if used correctly. Ezines may include ads, articles, jokes, quotes, advertorials, business opps, brief up dates about the publisher's site or business, testimonial and much more. A Newsletter Publishers Main Task: Packaging Value Content The main task of a newsletter publisher is to select and package quality content of direct, practical relevance to its specific readership audience. 7 Useful Free Services For E-publishers If you want to have an online business, without doubt, you should have your own newsletter. Why is that important? Most people won't buy your product on their first visit to your web site. They need your advice to buy exactly your product because "it is the best, the cheapest" etc. You can tell them when you will make an update, to visit your site again, and so you get repeat visits. You should provide some useful content in your newsletter to make them stay as your subscribers. Writing, Publishing, Self Publishing, Website Promotion, Blogging, Internet Marketing Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? Talking Pictures Are the Go! A Tokyo day care company has begun marketing a "talking picture," which can play messages for up to 12 minutes by holding up a pen-shaped scanner on the photograph. The scanner uses invisible barcodes to activate the sound. The Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base 1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine. Offer them a freebie if they subscribe. It could be a free e-book, free report, free advertising, etc. Make sure the freebie will attract your target audience. 2. Joint Venture Joint venture with a similar e-zine. Combine your subscriber bases together and publish one e-zine. Edit and publish each issue together. You both will be promoting the e-zine which means more subscribers. 3. Allow Archiving Allow your subscribers to archive back issues of your e-zine on their web site. They may need content for their web site. If people visit their web site and like your e-zine, they will subscribe. Become an E-Book Author ... Make Money From Your Knowledge! "E-Book" is short for Electronic Book---an organized set of content delivered in an electronic format. There are many different types of e-books including packaged executables, PDF, and formats for the handheld computer. How to Choose a Good Newsletter Name Good newsletter names are usually 2-4 words. If shorter, they can't explain what your newsletter is about, and if longer, they will be hard to remember. Email Newsletters: The Header Managing Subscriber addresses: At the top of your email message you see the header, where you insert addresses and a subject heading. It all looks simple enough, but there are some tricks and tips you should know, and one very important warning. Let's start with that warning: ![]() |
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