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Ezine Publishing Information |
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10 Ways, How To Get Significant Exposure For Free
Ezine are one of the best source of information on the web today. They are generally free and can make a huge impact marketing success if used correctly. Ezines may include ads, articles, jokes, quotes, advertorials, business opps, brief up dates about the publisher's site or business, testimonial and much more. The word "ezine" is short for electronic magazine, also known as a newsletter. They are an excellent way to find detailed information about specific field on interest. At the same time they expose a gold mine of contact and possibilities! Ezines are delivered via email and 99 % of them are free. They can be sent daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly, it just depends on how the publisher of the ezine wishes to distribute the newsletter. Ezine is breakthrough of marketing solution today. We can promote our business with change banner, swap ad and write article. You can literally get hundreds of hits per day without spending a dime on advertising using ezines! There are ten techniques how to promote in ezine, although the impacts are indirect. They work and the potential is unlimited. 1. Write Testimonials! Most Internet business look for and need testimonials. Testimonials give a business credibility and businesses know this. So they are always looking for kind words about their company that they can show to new prospect of customers. Therefore, anyone that comes to site and sees testimonial may well check out the site. 2. Write Articles and submit them to Ezine publishers! Writing articles is really a great way to get free exposure. This particular method does take more time and some work but it can really reap huge rewards. I'm sure you've noticed when you read the articles in your favorite ezines , the author's information is listed at the bottom ( this is called a by ?line ). Of course if you wrote an article, you would also include your own by- line. This tells folks who wrote the article and a little bit about the author including your URL. By submitting your article to as many ezines as fit your criteria, you have the potential of getting thousands of targeted hits FREE. 3. Give Away a Freebie! Ezine publishers are usually looking for ways to keep their subscribers reading and interested contest are really a great way to accomplish this. A good way to get free exposure is to participate in a contest. For example: Let's say that you sell health supplement. Suggest to an ezine publisher that relates to health possibly that you will be willing to give away one bottle of supplement to one lucky winner each issue. The publisher can do the drawing and email you the lucky winner's email address. Of course an announcement would take place in that issue and your company name and URL would be credited for the generosity. Of course you are giving away something of value but at the same time you are building credibility with the readership, creating recognition for your name and product . 4. Some Ezines Accept Free Advertising! Do a search using The Directory of Ezines for ezines that accept free ads. This is a quick way to find them and is another way to get exposure at no cost. One thing to keep in mind, most ezines that accept free advertising are new and don't have many subscribers. Of course they are free you can place ads in as many as you have time for thus getting your ad in front of hundred of people. 5. Swap Ads ! This form of promotion may not apply to you unless you have your own ezine, another way to advertise free is to swap ads. Find other ezines that a circulation close to yours and who relate to what it is you are advertising. Offer to swap ads. Most will be glad to! This allows both of you to get fresh exposure. You will have your site being expose to hundreds of targeted. 6 . Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc. 7. Form an online community. It could be an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community they will regularly return to communicate with others. 8. Participate on message boards. Post answers to other people's questions, ask questions and post appropriate information. Include your signature file at the end of all your postings. 9. Post your ad on free advertising areas on the internet. You can post it on free classified ad sites, free for all links sites, newsgroups that allow ads, free yellow page directories, etc. 10. Start an e-zine for your web site. When people read each issue they'll be reminded to revisit your web site. They'll see your product ad more than just once which will increase your orders. ERNY SETYAWATI IS THE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER OF BALI GLOBAL MARKET. To know more visit us : http://www.baliglobalmarket.com
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I Finally Discovered The Secret To FREE Content No One Else Has! There are many tips and techniques to increase your search engine ranking. One of the most powerful, yet simple method is sharing content, as in, writing articles that you then feed to article directories. Done right, this technique will improve link popularity, and drive an enormous amount of targeted traffic to your offer. Want To Start a Publishing Revolution? Calling all publishers, editors, journalists and freelance writers. It's time to breathe more life into your copy. Turn your articles into living pieces that spark measurable debate, get closer to your readers and engage their mind and soul - we're talking revolution. How to Make Your eZine Work for You Long After Its Published If you publish an email newsletter, do you convert the issues to HTML and archive them on your website? If you haven't been doing so, you should start now, today. Ezine Publishing Donts When I teach ezine classes, I ask the students what they've disliked about the newsletters they've subscribed to. What makes them push that "delete button" or unsubscribe? Below are some of their answers. The Five Deadly Fears of E-Newsletter Publishing 1. Fear Of Having Nothing To Say Publishing Special Reports And Ebooks At No Cost So you'd like to start publishing special reports and ebooks to use as marketing tools and to sell as products. But you have no budget to get this new venture going. Here's a tip to help you get up and running at no cost. Some Things I Have Learned About the Exciting World of Ezines 1. Don't ever stop advertising for new subscribers. Create Your Own Ezine Traffic Machine How would you like to reach millions of people with your products and service for free? WHOOPS -- There Goes My List! (Are You Backing Up YOUR Biggest Asset?) Have you ever accidentally lost an important file on your computer? Perhaps your computer crashed (again) or your cat sauntered over a dooming sequence of keys. Remember that little pang in your stomach you felt when you realized that file was gone for good? Subscriber Incentives: Are They Effective? Producing Ezines for Growing Your Business What an ezine is ? An ezine is an electronic newsletter sent out by email at intervals of your choice to a list of subscribers. An ezine is a mutual bargain, a kind of compromise between editor and his subscribers. How comes that ? Let's see : Every ezine has a topic : marketing, humor, gardening, sports, etc... An ezine can and should contain lots of helpful information and resources related to its topic. Everyone interested to receive these information, subscribe to ezine. On the other hand, besides all above information and stuff, the publisher delivers and materials promoting his business. The bargain I've spoke before is simple: subscribers agree to receive promotion materials altogether with other information they are interested in. An ezines is an excellent recruitment tool for your business. Let's say you sell books online through your website. If you chose 'new issues' as topic for your ezine, you will recruit more prospects for your venture saying "come here to see the newest books" than saying "come here to buy the newest books". Ezines are very efficient in business development. From the very beginning I can say that they target the market(s) you are trying to reach with your products and services. As I said before every ezine has a topic. By choosing this topic close related to your business you may be sure that your subscribers are interested by your business as well, because they enjoy the ezines' topic. I already told you above that ezines are perfect promotion tools by delivering advertising materials to subscribers. I can tell a day or two about ezines and how they can help to grow a business. I just want to tell you something very important. If you decide to publish an ezine, you must learn that there is a lot of work to producing a quality one. You should pay a special attention to the following items: How to discover your real audience - the ones who want what you have. If is better to write your own content than using someone else's. How to choose an attention-getting, enticing name for your email newsletter. What popular sections you can choose to include in your own ezine. Editing in plain text vs. HTML - what you must know before making this choice! Resources for building your subscriber base fast. Places to submit your ezine to gain more exposure and more subscribers. How to sell advertising and the amount of money you'll make. And the list may continue. Only by reading these 8 points you can see that publishing an ezine means work and abilities. It's hard but not impossible, you may learn by doing, from articles and books or talking with experienced publishers. Top 7 Techniques For Generating Subscribers To A Newsletter Imagine you are sitting at home relaxing reading a book and sipping on ice cold lemonade, your friend calls you up to tell you about a new product on the market.You can't help but get excited because you know your subscribers will be interested! Writing, Publishing, Self Publishing, Website Promotion, Blogging, Internet Marketing Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? How To Use Viral Marketing To Grow Your Opt In Email List If you have read my article called "What is Viral Marketing" you should already have a fairly good idea of it's potential. Write an Ezine? But I Dont Know HOW! If you've been promoting your business on the internet you've probably heard how important it is to have a list. And that it's also important to publish an ezine. Writing Effective Newsletters It's obvious but true that your newsletter can only be effective if people bother to read it. Nowadays we are all drowning in an excess of information that comes at us in all directions and in all forms so this really is the biggest obstacle you have to overcome. To persuade your audience to read what you have to say, you should follow some basic rules: 7 Useful Free Services For E-publishers If you want to have an online business, without doubt, you should have your own newsletter. Why is that important? Most people won't buy your product on their first visit to your web site. They need your advice to buy exactly your product because "it is the best, the cheapest" etc. You can tell them when you will make an update, to visit your site again, and so you get repeat visits. You should provide some useful content in your newsletter to make them stay as your subscribers. 5 Tips for Catching Errors in Your Manuscript What is your worse fear as a self-publishing writer? For many, it's finding mistakes after publication. Search Engines Can Be The Online Writers Best Friend It's an exciting time for online writers, with a wide array of options. With desire and well-directed effort, a good writer can end up with a variety of work. However, as we know, there is much more to the writing biz than the meat and potatoes of the actual writing. Research, record-keeping, finding markets, composing and sending queries, dealing with rejections and self-promotion all factor in, and it all takes up a great deal of time. But the actual money, and the greatest satisfaction, comes from the writing itself and seeing your by-line posted on some well-trafficked site. PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatised the word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those were the heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries. ![]() |
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