I Finally Discovered The Secret To FREE Content No One Else Has!

There are many tips and techniques to increase your search engine ranking. One of the most powerful, yet simple method is sharing content, as in, writing articles that you then feed to article directories. Done right, this technique will improve link popularity, and drive an enormous amount of targeted traffic to your offer.

Article writing can become a tedious, mind-numbing experience, for a number of reasons. One of the biggest hurdles is gathering content that is fresh, valuable, and not easily accessible. Yet, it is tremendously compelling to your target market. Where do you find this kind of information?

Corporate web sites!

I've used this technique for several niches, and it's fairly simple to do. This also works well for product creation, which I'll explain in a moment.

You are going to do a little digging at first, but once you repeat this process, it becomes fairly simple. Find the corporate web site for the companies that make the products your target market is buying or have an interest in. You might have to do a little 'link dancing' to find them.

Once at their site, look for the "press room or media center." There, you will find current and past press releases or white paper releases full of fresh, valuable, and not easily accessible content. (because your competition doesn't know where to look for it)

What is a white paper? ...Here, let me give you the corporate answer to that question:

White papers are documents released by companies,organizations, and government agencies to authoritatively describe products, technologies, and policy. Though a white paper is not necessarily an unbiased report, it will typically provide a more detailed overview than press releases and many other forms of documentation.

White papers CAN be book length long...with nuggets of great content you can use for article writing, your e-zine, or to create an information product geared toward your specific niche. Just dive in and look around. Each press release or white paper, always has contact information included.

Most will mention a person in the corporation to contact for additional information..(are you getting any ideas?)...teleseminar?....an ebook?...a special report?...which you can use as a lead generator, or as a bonus to compliment an existing product you are already marketing (affiliate products). Their credentials will establish even more credibility for you in your customer's eyes.

I'm confident, you can think of numerous ways to utilize this FREE information... found in corporate web sites... to write articles or many other uses...in your quest for improving link popularity and driving targeted traffic to your site.

Mark Kessler is the author of "Search Engine Tantra - The Path To Heightened Rankings!" His web site, http://www.toptenoptimizer.com provides a wealth of information and resources to increase link popularity and improve search engine rankings.

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