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7 Ways to Self-Promote Within Your E-zine
We all know that an e-zine won't attract and keep subscribers without offering insightful, practical content. If you only drone on and on about how wonderful you and your services/products are, your readers won't stick around for long. But let's think about WHY you began your e-zine in the first place. It was likely to use it as a vehicle to promote you and your services/products, right? You have every right to toot your own horn in your e-zine, as long as you don't drown out the useful content your readers are looking for. You work hard on your e-zine, so let's make your e-zine work foryou! Here are 7 simple ideas on how to accomplish this: By having a main article as the foundation of your issue, readers will feel they got what they came for - helpful information. Try a list of top 10 tips, a "how-to" article, a list of resources, a review of a trend in the industry - that sort of thing. So remember, if your e-zine is tonight's meal, your main article should be the entree. Any promotional info should be your side dishes! I began doing this during the fall of 2001, and have found it's the perfect place to let readers know about what's happening with me and my business, give them a taste of my personality, and announce any upcoming events or workshops. Because this is a personal message from you to them, and because it's NOT your main content, you have more leeway in being direct and self-promotional. Your readers will appreciate the additional information and resources, and it's one more chance for you to demonstrate your expertise and credibility. Why right after the article and before anything else? If someone reads your article and says to themselves, "Gee, that was great information!" They'll be ready to hear what else you have to share on that subject. A great lead-in for your blurb is: "Did You Like Today's Article? If you did, you'll LOVE my [e-book, report, upcoming workshop, etc.]..." I saw another e-zine publisher doing this last year and thought, "What a great idea! She's giving her readers further reason to try her services." I now also do this by featuring a short testimonial in each issue from someone who has bought my book and loves it. At the end of your ezine, take at least 10 lines and give a concise description of YOU and what you have to offer your readers. For example, here's what I put at the bottom of every "E-zine Queen" newsletter: Marketing writer and consultant Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of "Boost Business With Your Own E-zine: 283 Secrets to Planning, Writing, Publishing, and Promoting an E-Mail Newsletter That Gets Results." It's a step-by-step manual that walks you through the entire process. It's available, along with "The E-zine Queen Resource Report" (more than 219 e-zine promotion resources!), at http://www.ezinequeen.com/ |
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Search Engines Can Be The Online Writers Best Friend It's an exciting time for online writers, with a wide array of options. With desire and well-directed effort, a good writer can end up with a variety of work. However, as we know, there is much more to the writing biz than the meat and potatoes of the actual writing. Research, record-keeping, finding markets, composing and sending queries, dealing with rejections and self-promotion all factor in, and it all takes up a great deal of time. But the actual money, and the greatest satisfaction, comes from the writing itself and seeing your by-line posted on some well-trafficked site. 10 Valuable Tips For Ezine Publishers 1. Write your own articles. Newsletter Software Newsletter Software 5 Tips for Catching Errors in Your Manuscript What is your worse fear as a self-publishing writer? For many, it's finding mistakes after publication. Free Ezine Advertising That Works! When I say free ezine advertising, I'm not talking about the free ezine ads that some publishers offer, this technique is FAR more powerful than that. Lesson #6: Six Simple Steps to Writing Magnetically Charged Email Messages! If you remember, the majority of people (i.e., 68%) need to see your sales message more than once before they even think about going ahead. This is applicable to every market. Medium and the Message A debate is raging in e-publishing circles: should content be encrypted and protected (the Barnes and Noble or Digital goods model) - or should it be distributed freely and thus serve as a form of viral marketing (Seth Godin's "ideavirus")? Publishers fear that freely distributed and cost-free "cracked" e-books will cannibalize print books to oblivion. Finding the GOLD with Ezines and Google! Hi The Disintermediation of Content Are content brokers - publishers, distributors, and record companies - a thing of the past? Understanding Ezine Publishing! I can remember my first reaction to word "ezine". What is it? The word "ezine", (pronounced ee-zeen), is a shortened version of "electronic zine", which is a word used to describe short self-published "electronic magazines". The Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base 1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine. Offer them a freebie if they subscribe. It could be a free e-book, free report, free advertising, etc. Make sure the freebie will attract your target audience. 2. Joint Venture Joint venture with a similar e-zine. Combine your subscriber bases together and publish one e-zine. Edit and publish each issue together. You both will be promoting the e-zine which means more subscribers. 3. Allow Archiving Allow your subscribers to archive back issues of your e-zine on their web site. They may need content for their web site. If people visit their web site and like your e-zine, they will subscribe. An Embarrassment of Riches - Part II The DOI Foundation has unveiled the DOI-EB (EB stands for e-books) Initiative in the Book Expo America Show 2001, to, in their words: Email Newsletters: The Header Managing Subscriber addresses: At the top of your email message you see the header, where you insert addresses and a subject heading. It all looks simple enough, but there are some tricks and tips you should know, and one very important warning. Let's start with that warning: How To Publish Your Own Highly Demand Ezine Ezine is an electronic newsletter that is published through internet. As a home based business owner, it is important for you to have your own ezine. Coping With Those Dreaded Ezine Publishing Deadlines Time, of course, doesn't stand still and never did, and it's no wonder at all that in this highly pressurized modern world of ours, time is regarded as a valuable commodity or precious resource. How To Make Money Online With A Newsletter Many online internet marketers tell us "its all in the list" and many people lap up stories of guru's emailing thousands in their online list and making a huge profit in the process. Actually you too can start your own email list and make money from it as well. This article will highlight six tips on how you can make more money from your own email list. Ezine Publishing Donts When I teach ezine classes, I ask the students what they've disliked about the newsletters they've subscribed to. What makes them push that "delete button" or unsubscribe? Below are some of their answers. Email Newsletter Software Should I create my newsletter in a word processor or email program? Which email program should I use? Ezines and Newsletter Software - How to Drive Traffic and Improve Your Business Cashflow So how do smaller businesses use the internet to drive traffic and improve their cashflow? The End of Email, Ezines and Online Marketing? Ok, it's time to bring out my soapbox. ![]() |
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