Fashion & Style Information
Eyewear Lens Technology Makes Wearing Eyewear a Pleasant and Fashionable Experience
Modern eyewear technology gives more eyewear lenses and eyewear frame options. Whether you wear fashion eyewear, designer eyewear, prescription eyewear, non-prescription eye wear, sport eyewear, sport specific eyewear or discount eyewear there is a pair of eye glasses and eyewear lenses to suit your every need.
Tips To Expressing Yourself With T-Shirts
T shirts can provide a lasting impression on your life and those around you. Through simple illustrations and slogans they immediately show your current feelings or opinions.
Thrifty And Fashionable
Growing up with three sisters, it was important for us to be
well-groomed. We were always borrowing clothes from each other
then returning them clean and pressed. It was a way of streching
our wardrobes and to the outside world we had an endless supply.
We were thrifty without realizing it and no one was the wiser.
Take Advantage of Hot Weather Before It Ends ? A Swimsuit For Your Body!
Instead of sitting indoors in the air conditioning, get outside and enjoy the fresh air ? take advantage of the beautiful summer days before they are all gone! A day trip to the beach is the perfect solution.
Freshwater Pearl Necklace Sets Foundation for the Perfect Look
Have you been searching for that certain piece of jewelry for that one special occasion? Or that certain necklace to top off your outfit for a day out? Pearl Jewelry is not only known for its timeless qualities but also for its versatility. Pearl jewelry can be worn with any style and comes in many various colors and sizes. A stunning freshwater pearl necklace can set a great foundation for the elegant look that pearl jewelry can offer.
How to Find the Perfect Swimsuit for Your Body Type
Finding the best swimsuit is something that we all struggle with! Who hasn?t tried on every style and tried to figure out which ones are the best and hide a little of this or that? This article will take the guess work out of shopping and make finding that perfect fit happen a little easier. Think of al the time you?ll save in the dressing room next time your shopping.
Copper Jewelry in Action!
Copper Jewelry is very nice-looking, but also it?s a very healthy jewelry. Do you know much about how much copper is needed to our bodies? It?s a highly important element for balancing other elements in our body. It keeps our blood vessels elastic. It is really important for bone formation and healing, skin formation and repair.
Copper Jewelry is very good to wear with autumn-colored clothes. Yellow, beige colors are signs of soon to come winter, which always brings spring after it. Try also wearing copper beads with black t-shirt or any other dark top.
Since the dawn of civilization people used copper because of its unusual strengths. Wise people engraved prayers on copper stones or copper plates to deliver a strong message to other worlds. Is it believed that copper stimulates energy flow to itself, so when copper jewellry is on body ? it helps to accumulate more energy. It also seem to help with avoiding lethargic tendencies and as a result of wearing it you may feel re-vitalized and stronger. It helps you to concentrate your thoughts.
As you might have already read ? copper is absorbed through skin and has pain-relief effect, that?s why copper bracelets are so popular. It?s not an urban legend ? this has medical background and some proofs from Eastern countries, where people know many things from past. Knowledge slowly fades away in nowadays if it has no big commercial value, but Eastern countries cherish comprehensive historical facts. So in a talk with a lady from East ? there was a confirmation that copper jewellery has strong effect on people suffering with arthritis. Copper (especially magnetic jewelry) is known to increase blood circulation and reduce pain in muscles. Many people suffering with arthritis will not leave home without a bracelet.
Besides copper bracelets you can find some copper beads, strings, and earrings. Most of them are amazingly beautiful and not expensive, since copper isn?t a precious metal. Despite it?s dollar value ? it?s very precious to our health.
Wearing copper jewelery you might notice green stains on your skin under the place of contact with copper. Don?t panic. It?s all right, it will come off in a day or two ? it?s just copper entering your body. It usually happens in warm days. If you want to avoid it ? paint inside of a bracelet with a transparent nail polish, but as you might figure out ? it prevents health benefits of copper too. These stains aren?t known to do any harm for you. There are recommendations to wear copper jewelry while you are sleeping, which is time for our body to rest and to restore, that way you can wash it?s traces in morning.
Copperjewelry, like many other metals is known to tarnish over time. To clean jewelery, made from copper ? just put it in a small solution of lemon or limejuice with a dash of salt, it will shine as new. Alternatively you can keep it in copper jewelry box, preventing from continuous air exposure, which causes copper jewelry to tarnish.
If you are still not convinced that copper bracelets are a great way to help your health ? well ? go to the nearest pharmacy and continue to buy pills helping pharmaceutical industry to grow and sell you even more.
After all ? it?s not always about how it works ? sometimes it?s about how it looks ? and copper jewelry is sometimes amazingly beautiful. Try to find some and you?ll be amazed too!
Bling Bling on a Budget
A nice piece of jewelry can brighten up your entire day. It can bring together an outfit and make you feel great. Paying a lot for that piece of jewelry however, doesn?t make you feel very good. There is a lot of variation in the jewelry industry, and prices can fluctuate greatly between vendors. Your job as a bargain shopper is to find the best quality pieces at the lowest prices. Here you'll find a few tips to get you started in your bargain jewelry hunting journey.
Kennith Cole Shoes
The Kenneth Cole men?s shoes Reaction collection offers men everything from thong sandals to stylish dress shoes. This grandiose collection of footwear comes in all different varieties, shapes, sizes, and colors. The Kenneth Cole Men?s shoes Reaction collection is loaded with trendy choices for men. Let?s start with the casual.
Leather Jewelry - a Touch of Forbidden (and Friendship)
Most people will agree that leather jewelry is great. Whether it?s a wristband or an ankle bracelet ? it has a touch of style. Even though it?s often a small detail ? it?s always very noticeable on anyone who wears it. Short skirts, shorts, bikini, anything fits to be worn with leather jewelry.
Fashion trend to wear leather started long time ago with first rockers on tv-screens. Yet those days it was pretty prohibited kind of decoration, because it was associated with rebelling against rules. Today, every kind of jewelry is ok ? leather becomes less extravagant and more of ?okay-type? jewelry. Still it has a little of being forbidden feel. Even now people are very attracted to these kind of decoration. Since the beginning of ages, people tend to love forbidden fruit.
Typically leather jewelry bracelet is a collection of string-shaped parts, tied together with some kind jewels on it (but usually not too much, as leather itself is really amazing). Sometimes it?s thick, sometimes it?s thin, but it?s always nice and attractive on any women or men to wear it. Yes, leather bracelets are unisex, both men and women can wear this.
Leather necklace is other type of leather jewelry. It can be easily done by yourself. It?s just a leather-string with decorations on it. It can be simple rocks or costly precious rock beads; it all depends on what you?re trying to show.
Are you going to look as a vamp-type or gothic women? Wear leather with shiny metal! Trying to seem friendly? Leather string with any kind of polished rocks will fit you!
Don?t forget about friendly leather bracelets that can be handmade. Just tie a few leather strings of similar colors to each other ? here is your simple but warm gift to a friend.
A nice thing to wear is a leather ankle bracelet. There are numerous fashions of leather ankle bracelets ? try to find your own. Wearing an open shoes and skirt with those in summer is guaranteed to magnet attention of men (it draws even more attention than a ?sport-bar with free beer? sign). Sometimes. It?s always adjustable for your legs and has a tie to easily slip it off, but once it on ? it?s on, no matter how much you move around.
With a little bit of search you can find fascinating flower-decorated anklets (ankle bracelets).
Do you want something more customized for you? Seek for a place to engrave letters on your leather bracelet. Wearing a leather bracelet with your name on it is a nice idea to meet people ? they already know your name and won?t forget it ? it?s rare when people wear jewelry that has their name on it. Maybe you?d even like to engrave someone?s name to show how much he (or she) means to you and how deeply you care for that person ? to carry his name always on your hand.
Leather jewelry becomes very popular with celebrities these days. Those guys know what?s hot (eh, they have a whole team of stylists to tell them what?s great and what?s not), so watch closely ? you might notice what kind of leather is popular these days. And, of course, it?s not only about leather ? any kind of jewelry celebrity puts on ? immediately becomes fashion trend, cause often each part of their costume and jewelry is well-thought by a big-name stylists.
How to Shop for Comfortable Pilates Workout Wear
Studies show that an estimated 60% of Americans do not receive the recommended amount of physical exercise per day. It is also estimated that of those 60% who are not active enough, there are 25% who are completely inactive on a daily basis. Being active is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and living a longer life. Perhaps, that?s why so many people have showed interest in Pilates. Pilates has taken over the workout world and has received so much hype because of the wonders it performs on the body. So now that you?ve decided to become a part of the whirlwind, let?s figure out what you?re going to wear.
Stockings ? Getting a Leg Up, Again
It hasn?t been all that long since vintage stockings became a staple in women?s attire. Leg wear has been around for longer than we have been alive, but it wasn?t until the early part of the twentieth century that the fashion hit the mainstream. The twenties were roaring with a newfound freedom and independence. Women took the initiative to make the world their own. By doing so, fashion forward apparel hit the main stage, and opened up new lifestyles for women around the world.
Keep Your Flair of Style with Designer Reading Glasses
Reading glasses can be stylish and fashionable. There are many options in reading glasses today to give you that designer look. Well known fashion designers are even getting into the reading glasses design market. With today's designer reading glasses you will always be on the cutting edge of what is hot.
Sterling Silver Jewelry -- Classic Simplicity
Sterling silver jewelry is synonymous with class and style in the world of fashion. Its versatility and flexibility make it a welcome and useful addition to any person?s wardrobe. Sterling silver jewelry epitomizes classic simplicity in itself, but as the setting for gemstones or combined with other precious metals, the aesthetic value it lends to the wearer is inestimable.
Teen Jewelry Fashion Exposed
Teenagers are a fickle bunch. At that stage of physical and psychological growth, they are constantly experimenting with things to improve their image and their look. Teen jewelry fashion plays a major part in the development of their identity and efforts to either blend in with the crowd or establish their own unique persona. Any parental endorsement of fashion accessories is akin to the kiss of death, and adolescents look to other influences when it comes to teen jewelry fashion.
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Diamond Earrings: Superiority and Endurance
"A diamond is forever," as the old saying goes. The late actress Marilyn Monroe said it best: "a diamond is a girl's best friend." So much tribute has been paid to the everlasting glory of the diamond, which is among the most valuable (and expensive!) precious stones in existence. Is it any wonder then that diamond jewelry is so fashionable? Diamond earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets ? many of these are regarded as works of art.
Gemstone Treatments
Though not common knowledge to the public, most gemstones are treated in some way to enhance their color and clarity. An untreated gemstone is a rarity. These treatments are common and widely accepted in the industry and normally do not de-value the stone.
Are You Good-Looking Enough For Your Job?
Beauty has muscle. Beauty captures our attention and pulls us in?
Nina Ricci - How She Came to be A Top Designer
In 1883 in Turin, Italy Maria Nielli was born. In 1895 when Maria was 12, her family moved to France. When she was 13, she apprenticed to a dressmaker. At the age of 18 Maria had become the head of the salon and at the age of 22 she was their chief designer. In 1904 she married a jeweler named Luigi Ricci. In 1905 she gave birth to their son Robert. In 1908 Nina joined the house of Raffin as a designer where she stayed for 20 years.
Helpful Suggestions for Purchasing Sunglasses
There are so many styles to choose from, just how do you pick the best sunglasses for you? Following are some important points to consider.
Fads and Fashions
"Following the crowd" is something that we have all been guilty of. But new investors are more likely to "follow the crowd" and fall in love with the latest fad. This is a great risk, and a dangerous one. Newer investors tend to be particularly attracted to fads and fashions in investing. Remember the internet bubble back in the 90s? So many people lost money buying in at the end of the cycle. Of course, those who bought in early made great profits, but these investors often bought in on fundamentals, not hype.
Why Weight Train During Pregnancy?
There was once a time that a pregnant woman was thought of as "fragile". Any form of exercise was strictly prohibited by doctors and feared by concerned fathers. We've now come to realize that a pregnant woman is capable of doing nearly everything that every other woman is capable of doing (and even most men).
Mens Fashion Coordination on Solid Colored Mens Dress Shirts
It is common to find men choosing white for their solid colored mens dress shirts. They believe that it is the easiest with other outfits as well as creating a formal appearance. There are people who feel that white dress shirts projects radiance onto mens face.
How to Spot a Fake Designer Purse or Handbag
When you finally decide to dish out a large amount of cash for a handbag, you'll want to make sure it's the real thing you are purchasing and not a cheap knock-off. With the popularity of handbags at the present time, its no wonder so many companies are eager to produce knock-off versions of Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other high-fashion handbags. We want to make sure that you know when you are being ripped off so you can spend your well-earned money on something that is truly authentic. Here are some hints which will help you spot a fake designer handbag when you see one:
Vintage Costume Jewellery Sparkles Again
Men and women have worn costume jewellery since the Romans developed the ability to cut glass imitations of precious gemstones. Jewellery was worn to enhance appearance, display wealth and affirm love, friendship and loyalty. The reasons for wearing jewellery remain the same today, but the popularity of styles changes. Vintage costume jewellery is experiencing a revival these days as sparkling vintage rhinestone brooches are roaring back in style. Here are a few things you'll need to know to help you pick out the right pieces.
Kennith Cole Shoes
The Kenneth Cole men's shoes Reaction collection offers men everything from thong sandals to stylish dress shoes. This grandiose collection of footwear comes in all different varieties, shapes, sizes, and colors. The Kenneth Cole Men's shoes Reaction collection is loaded with trendy choices for men. Let's start with the casual.
Fashion Marketing 101
In a nutshell, fashion marketing is a profession that takes the latest trends and designs in clothing and communicates them to a target market in such a way that the consumer is not only aware of the product, but wants to and ultimately does buy the product. A target market is a sector of the consumer market to which a company wishes to sell (i.e. market) its clothing. To fully know what fashion marketing is, it is important to understand that marketing does not stop at ads in magazines or commercials on TV. The world of marketing is just as dynamic as the world of fashion. Marketing clothing includes elements such as determining which stores the apparel should be sold in, what price the clothing should be sold for-all the way to how the in-store displays should look. Fashion marketers often are as savvy about business as they are about fashion and popular culture.
Rhinestones Have A Glittering Past
Rhinestones have a glittering past. Originally rhinestones where referred to Czechoslovakian or Bohemian glass dating as far back as the 13th century in Bohemia and the Czech Republic. Both have a history steeped in beautiful hand blown glass as well as molded and cut glass.
Dolphin Jewelry Promotes Environmental Awareness
"And when the day comes that we can communicate intelligently with dolphins, they may introduce us to the concept of survival without aggression, and the true joy of living, which at present eludes us. In that circumstance what they have to teach us would be infinitely more valuable than anything we could offer them in exchange." -- Horace Dobbs
Looking for a Sexy Handbag? Check Out the Balenciaga Handbag!
Balenciaga handbags are known for being one of the sexiest designer handbags straight out of Europe. Every woman is sexy in her own way, and a Balenciaga handbag is designed to complement and enhance that sexiness. Now that sounds like a handbag worth spending your money on!
The Uniqueness of Missoni
To Uniqueness of Angela Missoni stands her alone and away from any other designer. A garment designed by Angela easily is picked out of a line of impressive fashions.
Body Art
There are several forms of body art. Body art can be temporary, for example, body painting, or permanent, such as shaping, dyeing, and scarification, tattooing, and piercing. This article will provide some insight into body art.
Fashionable Silver Earrings for Anytime and All the Time
It's been said that silver jewelry makes a person look youthful and energetic, while gold makes a person look sophisticated and mature. Hence, silver is a popular choice of the young for their adornments. It is also more practical, as it costs less than gold jewelry and is more widely available. There are more specialty shops that sell silver earrings, rings necklaces and bracelets, for example, than those that specialize in gold jewelry.
Vintage Costume Jewelry: Yesterdays Fashion Today
Jewelry, whether fine or costume, has been a part of human culture since the earliest times. People wear jewelry to satisfy their vanity, to indulge their love for beautiful things, and to look good to others. Vintage costume jewelry fulfills all these criteria, but at a fraction of the cost of real or fine jewelry. It is an inexpensive alternative that does not sacrifice taste as well as style.
The Pearl Necklace -- A Timeless Beauty
It has been said that of all the pieces of jewelry in the world, a pearl necklace is the only thing that a woman should not be without. And that's no wonder, for a pearl necklace is the embodiment of classic sophistication and timeless elegance. It goes with a variety of outfits, from casual day wear to formal evening attire. And depending on the type of pearl and color, there are various pearl necklace styles suitable for the very young, those enjoying their golden years, and almost everyone else in the middle.