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Communications Equipment in the Wilderness
For Hunting, fishing, hiking, boating or cycling in all kinds of weather Communication in the wilderness is a matter of survival, as well as convenience. Before even leaving home, communications must begin. In fact, our first two communications tips do not even require equipment or gadgets. "Make sure that somebody knows when you leave, when you expect to return (or get to your destination)," advises Chad Brown, owner of Farm & Field fishing and hunting equipment, a website geared to hunting, fishing and farming. "Provide as much information about your route as possible. Things can happen. Rocks can fall on your head while hiking. Boats can tip over while fishing. Firearms can malfunction while hunting. Somebody needs to know that you are late in arriving...and where to send search parties to go fishing for you. In fact, this is the same advice I used to give drivers in winter weather when I was spokesperson for CAA Ontario. The second tip is to never head into the wilderness alone. Just as one should never go swimming without a swimming buddy, nor should one go long-distance cycling or hiking, nor hunting, camping or fishing in a remote area without a buddy. My wife's uncle took the business end of large falling branch on his skull while out in the forest, knocking him unconscious and cracking his skull down the middle. Eventually his skull will heal, but only because he had companions to get him into town. Otherwise, he might still not be found. Here is another report, this one from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation about a fall from a tree stand: "The subject had no communications equipment with him. No phone or radio. If the subject had left word of where he would be and approximate hour of return, a response may have been quicker. Cause of Death: The subject suffered a broken shoulder, multiple broken ribs on one side, a punctured lung, and a punctured spleen." This is fishing gear? Assuming you are still conscious, it helps to have some communications equipment while out hunting, fishing or camping. Of course, there is the ever popular cell phone, which brings instant communications to almost everywhere in the world. Except maybe your wilderness trek. But there are many places where cell phone range covers your fishing lake or hunting woods. The best part about a cell phone is that, even by your favorite wilderness stream, you can have utterly normal conversations with pretty well anybody. "Yes, nice weather we are having lately. OK, darling, on my way back into town I'll pick up some milk and peanut butter and...wait! Was that an orca?!? Gotta go." Click. Not only that, with a cell phone you can even catch up on your email while crouching in your tent or scaling a cliff, with an email to phone service. A two-way radio is a much surer piece of equipment, because it does not depend on the cellular phone network to connect. The downside is that you get to speak to a much narrower range of people: other two-way radio owners. "Hi there, Big Bear, do you read me? Can you get a-hold of my wife to see if I have to pick up milk and peanut butter on my way back into town? Do you copy? Oh yeah, you got the weather forecast there, by any chance?" Before you leave on any outdoors trip, it is wise to check your weather forecast. But the weather forecast can change quickly, so a cell phone or radio serves another purpose. "Whaddaya mean thunderstorms and hail?!? I just got here, darling, I don't want to come home just yet. Oh...alright..." Of course, you could just have someone email the weather forecast to you on your cell phone. Chad Brown also suggests another piece of hunting equipment - keeping a very loud whistle hanging from your neck. If you are trapped under a tree, pinned down by a boulder, or wrestling a grizzly bear, you might not have the reach or the attention span to dial a number. If anybody is within earshot, they will come running...if not to help you, at least to capture the scene for America's Funniest Home Videos. Our final tip might seem obvious, but make sure you know where to call. Have the emergency number taped to the back of the cell phone (ignore your wife's idea of tattooing it to your forehead; where would you find a mirror in the middle of a ravine?) and make sure you know what frequency to call for help on the two-way radio. There you have it. You are prepared to go out into the wild and communicate. Make sure to prepare, to have the right hunting equipment or fishing gear for communicating, and know how to use them in an emergency. And if the animals don't understand what you are trying to communicate to them, you might not be any worse off than in the city. David Leonhardt is a freelance writer and a website marketing consultant who loves the outdoors.
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Organization is Key to Successful Fishing Talk to a professional angler like Kevin Schweder(2003 PWT Rookie of the Year), and you will quickly find out that organization is a major part of their game plan. Keeping rods and equipment organized provides many advantages, not the least of which is allowing the angler to spend more time fishing. How Do You Bring The Freshest Fish to The Table? Fish is one of earth's natural wonders and has satisfied our palates since the beginning of man. Their flesh is light and delicate, lean and is packed with protein, the anti-oxidant vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. All play a role in keeping our hearts and immune system functioning as it should. The most popular fish we consume is tuna, salmon, flounder, Pollock and cod. But considering there are about 25,000 species of fish, there is enough variety of edible fish for the most discriminating taste. But how do you know when you are bringing the freshest fish to your table? Where To Find 10 Fly Fishing Tips In A Single Paragraph When looking for information on how to fly fish, fly fishing tips or fly fishing techniques, many anglers, or anglers to be,who limit their search to books or material written ithin the last few years or decades are short-changing themselves. The Old Man And His Bluegills I started fishing a little lake just south of Somerset, Ohio, called Clouse Lake about 35 years ago. Matter of fact, when I first started fishing it, I fished with a fly rod. One day, I was fishing and noticed this older gentleman trying to get a little plastic boat on his car after a hard day's fishing. He was using a fly rod too. We began chatting and discovered we lived about 10 miles from one another. He lived in Pleasantville. As the conversation closed, he said he would call me sometime and we would go fishing together. I thought "Yeah, I bet he calls me". Imagine my surprise when he called two days later and wanted to know if I wanted to go fishing with him the next day. Introducing The Two Guys With Flys Just when you thought you had seen it all. Just when you thought what in the world can I get for a unique and different Christmas present,Fathers Day gift,or executive gift-- along comes a fun and unique gift just in time for this years' Christmas season. FLY TACKS, a new product from TWO GUYS WITH FLYS, INK, previously the makers of nothing!! FLY TACKS are handsomely, hand-tied flies from Oregon, that are PUSHPINS. That's right, no more boring bulletin boards around the office. Who wouldn't like to have the latest company memo held in place by the ever present ? GREEN BUTTED SKUNK? Everyone will notice the latest pay scale increases when they are posted by the always popular ? EGG SUCKING LEECH. Got a co-worker that always claims he couldn't find your message? Stick it to his pile with a MUDDLER MINNOW, and he is sure to get the point!!!! Are You Holding Your Mouth Right To Catch More Fish? My young stepson and I was fishing at Rush Creek in Ohio and using the same rod and reel, line and lure. Everything was exactly the same, the problem was I had caught about a dozen bass and he hadn't caught any and we were only standing about 10 feet apart. Fancy Catching Something Slightly Different? How About an Angler Fish? The true Angler Fish lives in both shallow and deep water and there is regularly confusion over their identity as either Angler Fish or Monkfish. It is more a case that there is more than one variety of both and at some point the two species cross over. Some Angler Fish can legitimately be called Monkfish and vice versa, but then again, there are some Monkfish (although equally entitled to the name) which are actually from the Shark family. To go into that further would involve getting into the Latin names of the species which I'm not going to do here! Tastes Like Chicken! For the most part, I am an advocate for catch and release fishing. Night Fishing Preparation I have to admit this subject bores me to tears. Amazingly, the simple fact is that every time I interviewed a fisherman about night fishing tips he mentioned preparation at the top of the list. Fly Fishing for Largemouth Bass Like all bass fishing, bass fly fishing has exploded in popularity. The largemouth bass is considered by many the greatest of all gamefish. Once limited to just the Eastern United States, the largemouth bass has been introduced all over the continent. When most people think of bass fishing they think of, stiff fiberglass rods, heavy lines and large lures. But more and more fisherman are finding the advantage of fly fishing for this game fish. North to Alaska For many fishermen Alaska is the ultimate "mecca" of fishing. Early childhood dreams of Salmon choked rivers and Bears of every shape and size basking in the sun, their bellys full of fish- and the occasional "slow" fisherman- help to fuel the vision that is Alaska. A New World Record Bass Many people go to Florida to fish for that trophy bass but did you know that 4 other states have a bigger state record than Florida? Not only that but one of the states is said to have produced a new world record. Florida's record bass is 17.27 pounds, but others often cite an uncertified fish of 20.125 pounds (a fisheries biologist did not physically see the fish to certify it). Leaha Trew supposely caught a new world record largemouth in California. It weighed 22 pounds, 8 ounces, beating George Perry's 1932 record catch by 4 ounces. The problem is there was only one picture taken of it and it wasn't certified by a biologist or a California state fish and game offical. Do You Make Your Kids Fishing Experience Enjoyable? If you take your children fishing with you, they can enjoy something for the rest of their lives, as long as you make it pleasant for them. Catch More Fish - The American Way These are busy times we live in. Swordfishing in South Florida Southeast Florida Swordfishing ? "Purple Fever" Information on the Rainbow Trout Rainbow trout are a fresh water fish. They are aggressive fish in that they put up a great fight for the fisherman. Maybe because of this rainbow trout are one of the most popular types of game fish available. Rainbow trout tend to be one of the most sought after fish out there. Their meat is only one reason for this as the thrill of catching this fish is far greater! Choosing The Fishing Trip Destination Thats Right For Your Group Try doing a web search on the words "fishing lodge" and you will come up with hundreds of thousands of matches. Visit any major sports show and you'll find dozens of outfitters, each offering promises of the trip of a lifetime. How on earth do you narrow it down and find the fishing destination that's just right for you? Interesting Features of The Speckled Trout For those who are interested in speckled trout, you will be happy to know that these fish are some great catches. One of the most interesting features of this fish is the actual speckled trout fishing you will get to do. And, when you do hook the speckled trout, you will be surprised with the trout's ability to thrash and fight you on the way out. For many, a speckled trout fishing trip may be something that you are interested in doing as well. Trout Species ? Cutthroat Trout and Golden Trout Cutthroat Trout: Cutthroat Trout are generally found only in high alpine lakes or in some selected areas of the Pacific Northwest. Cabo Sport Fishing is Like a Box of Chocolates As Forrest Gump would say, you never know what you're going to get. ![]() |
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