Are You Holding Your Mouth Right To Catch More Fish?

My young stepson and I was fishing at Rush Creek in Ohio and using the same rod and reel, line and lure. Everything was exactly the same, the problem was I had caught about a dozen bass and he hadn't caught any and we were only standing about 10 feet apart.

He finally asked me why I was catching all the fish and he wasn't. I said "Well John, you're not holding your mouth right". He said "How A I suppose to Hold it?". I said "like this". I made some strange face and had my lip stuck out and my face all messed up. So, I looked over and seen him trying to mimic the face I made and just fishing away. I never thought any more about it.

About 2 months later, he went up to the mountains of California and was fishing for trout at his grandparent's cabin. He was standing by the stream and his grandfather came along to check on him. His grandfather kept watching and talking to him and finally said "John is there something wrong with your face? Are you sick?". So John explained I had told him to make his face like that to catch more fish. His grandfather tried not to laugh and went on his way to tell John's grandmother who told my wife and it got back to me.

Charles E. White has fished for almost 50 years for bass from California to Florida. In his lifetime, it is estimated that he has caught over 6,000 bass. His biggest bass is a 12 pound 14 ounce that hangs on his wall in his office.

Charles has fished with people who have never fished for bass before and taught them how to become successful anglers and also has fished with the Pros in Florida. His new website about fishing for bass is at:

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