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The Alaskan Experience
"FISH ON!!" I yelled, as my seven weight fly rod bent over and the line played it's magical tune of "zinging in the rain". It was hard to tell just how big the fish was or if it was a Rainbow or big Dolly Varden. Hooking a big upper Kenai river trout in fast water doesn't leave much time for species identification. "Hang on to it-we'll chase it and go land it in some calmer water." said Allen, who was behind the sticks of our 20 foot Willie drift boat. We had just entered the Canyon section of the upper Kenai river and while my three other compadres fishing with me on the boat had already hooked some BIG Rainbows and Dollies, I had yet to catch what I will call a "quality" upper Kenai fish. That of course means insulting every trout on every other river in North America, since the eighteen inch Rainbows and twenty inch Dolly Vardens I had already caught were hardly chopped liver!! It's just that I had watched numerous twenty-four inch fish caught in the morning and listened to Allen comment on how this was the best morning of fly fishing he had had on the upper Kenai this year. Again, don't get me wrong-I was catching my share of fish- but this was the kind of fish I was waiting for. Ziiiiinnnnggggg. I stood up in the front of the boat, and Allen gave chase in our wide bellied river pursuit vehicle. I held my rod high and reeled to keep a tight line on the fish. As we drifted towards the "river right" bank, we heard some crashing in the trees. In my peripheral vision I saw some movement, but kept my eyes fixed on my pulsating rod tip. Allen nonchalantly mentioned that we had a Brown bear over on our right, kind of like a guy mentions seeing a 1957 Chevy. It's neat-but nothing to get to crazy about.Keep fishing. Now, I don't know about you, but when I pass within twenty yards of meat eating carnivores-I like to give them more than just a passing glance.Especially, since most of us on the boat were seeing our first Brown/Grizzly bear in our lives, and not everyone gets to see a Grizzly when they come to Alaska. Not to mention that any one of us would make a delicious mid day snack for a bear with the munchies. Allen, trying to be the consumate Alaskan fishing guide, was trying to pass it off as an everyday occurence and make you feel like -"Heck, most of us guides sleep with bears"--but you could tell by his watchful back and forth looks--that he didn't get to see bears that often. As Allen lowered the boat anchor in a nice back eddy, I turned toward the fish and got back to the task at hand. Pump, reel down, pump, reel down. About that time, I started to hear some more commotion from the bank, and about the same time as my fish revealed his Rainbow identity by making an acrobatic leap into the air, I turned to see a bear clawing it's way up a tree. Good, that's what I like to see from man eating carnivores! I turned back at the fish--and then did a double take on the bear. OH @%$+ IT WAS A CUB... ... and we're not talking the kind that play in Chicago!! Faster then I could get the words " it's a cub" out of my mouth, mama bear went into protection mode. We all heard brush being knocked down like tackling dummies at the Chicago Bears training camp and then we saw "Mamas" round face,shoulders hunched, claws digging in as she made a charge at us towards the bank. We all looked over at the same time,and for a brief second, my first thought was: "Oh great, why does this have to happen when I have a nice Rainbow on? I hope I don't lose this fish." Of course, sitting twenty yards away in a boat- in the water- gives one a sense of security. A false sense of security. That bear took to the sky like "superwoman". Paws out and legs flying- without even breaking stride- she was IN THE WATER. You never saw ten eyeballs get so large in your life. I looked at my fish, I looked at Allen, and I looked at that Grizzly, and thought to myself; "Great, I have three other fishermen on this boat and they all match the criteria that I had required to fish with in bear country. They are all bigger and slower and at this point- between me and the bear!!" BUT, if we had to go overboard-I sure wasn't confident that I could outswim these guys. Plus, I had a rod in my hand, a fish on the line, and a natural fishermen's instinct- to not want to lose my trout!! The bear would certainly pick me, because he would get the bonus of having a trout for dessert after having his "Fisherman ala Gore-Tex" entree. I guess I shouldn't have been too worried,afterall, Allen wouldn't have wanted to return to the lodge without his "guests"--too much paperwork!! Right? Allen frantically grabbed at the anchor rope, while "mama" thrashed about in the water. Meanwhile the rest of us had that "deer in the headlights" look, waiting for either instructions from Allen-or the voice of God- to tell us what to do next. "I think we'll fight this fish somewhere else." Allen said, while grabbing the oars and pulling us away with Herculean strength. That- is what they call an understatement. Somewhere else indeed! How about Pennsylvania? Mama had done what she had intended, danger to cub-gone, fishermen white as ghosts, and Brown bear Peace and tranquility restored to the right bank. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! She turned, and splashed back to the shore... I don't know if it was the lowering of the anchor that had startled her, or the banging of the boat, or the splashing of my Rainbow, but we had just witnessed -first hand- how the Grizzly bear protects her cubs in the wild. Pretty much by going NUTS!! We drifted over to "river left", downstream about another 100 yards, and finally landed an exhausted 23 inch FAT Rainbow trout. Of course, the fish seemed an after thought now as all five of us checked our waders for "brown spots", but after all that, it would have made us cry to lose that fish. We all "high fived" each other and still couldn't help but looking back upstream--just to make sure "mama" wasn't still angry. Allen said that it was the first time he had seen a Brown bear jump into the water like that. Really. Then we sat there and all gave our accounts of how the scene "went down". It was great to hear everyones reaction and different version of the "thirty five seconds of drama". We took a picture of that fish- which will be forever on be referred to as the "Bear Fish", and even though it wasn't the biggest fish on that float--it will certainly be the one most remembered. There was no picture of the bear-since everyone was riveted on the real bear on not the Kodak moment. When we got back to our lodge, Allen told the story of our Alaskan experience and some of the older guides looked at him "sideways" like he might be working on a good fish story or nickname.I could see it now... "Who you going out with today? Grizzly Gillette? Allen the Bear Slayer?... Of course there were four witnesses that were ready to back him up and it wasn't exactly like we had said we had seen "bigfoot" or "aliens" for heavens sake!! All in all, I would say we got the true Alaskan experience that day. Nice fat upper Kenai Rainbow trout and Dolly Vardens on a fly, false charged by a Grizzly mom and an unforgettable day in incredible scenery. As the years go on--I am sure the"Bear Fish"will get bigger, the bear will get closer(maybe even into the boat!!) and the legend of "Grizzly Gillette" will grow tall. But not nearly as tall as that BEAR!! A.J. Klott
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Choosing Steelhead Gear Steelhead Gear The Sublime Pleasure of Fly Fishing Fly fishing has a history stretching back to the ancient Greeks, whose historians record people fishing for "spotted fishes" with fixed-line wooden poles. They used for bait wound with cloth and animal hair ?primitive fishing flies. More than 2,000 years later, people still fly fish, and they're still catching those "spotted fishes" and many other types besides. Fishing venues have expanded to include lakes, rivers, and even the ocean. With a continual flow of new adherents and constant technological advancement, fly fishing is likely to go strong as long as there are still fishes out there to catch. Night Boat Fishing Checklist Boat Fishing At Night Checklist 6 Things You Must Do If You Want To Have The Secret To Catching More Trout It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming. ~John Steinbeck A Simple Way To Identify and Catch The Big One in River! River dry fly fishing considered as the purest form of fly fishing inspired generations of writers, artists, poets and even philosophers to wax lyrical about its pleasures. Fishing Equipment Tips Cheap Sinkers Breeding Crayfish In the text below I shall try to give a short overview of some of the basics when breeding crayfish. Particular species may have other behaviours and demands. It should be said that my main experience as an aquarist is with relation to fish, but I shall try to convey what little knowledge I have. Swordfish and Swordfishing Generally an oceanic species, the swordfish is primarily a midwater fish at depths of 650-1970 feet (200-600 m) and water temperatures of 64 to 71°F (18-22°C). Although mainly a warm-water species, the swordfish has the widest temperature tolerance of any billfish, and can be found in waters from 41-80°F (5-27°C). The swordfish is commonly observed in surface waters, although it is believed to swim to depths of 2,100 feet (650 m) or greater, where the water temperature may be just above freezing. One adaptation that allows for swimming in such cold water is the presence of a "brain heater," a large bundle of tissue associated with one of the eye muscles, which insulates and warms the brain. Blood is supplied to the tissue through a specialized vascular heat exchanger, similar to the counter current exchange found in some tunas. This helps prevent rapid cooling and damage to the brain as a result of extreme vertical movements. A Guide to Non-Typical Catfish Fishing Techniques Part III Method 2 Four Fly Fishing Tips Good Fly Presentation The Truth About Night Fishing Why Night Fishing Beats Day Fishing Any Day of the Week Successful Fishing: The Mysterious e Factor..... Successful Fishing: The mysterious "e" Factor. The Wet Fly Swing The wet fly swing sounds like something one does at the square dance hall. Instead the wet fly swing is one of the oldest fly fishing techniques. It is used for all types of fish, where ever there is a current. Winter steelhead, salmon, big trout in big rivers, and even striped bass, are all prey that often require the use of the' wet-fly swing'. Cincinnati Catfishing Bait Some of the baits I have used for used for CATFISHing here on the Ohio River are, chicken liver, minnows, shrimp, Spam, French Fries and more. Lucky Hat Do you have a lucky hat? Fishing The Henrys Fork....Bobs Secret Hole... Meanwhile back at the Yurt... Catch More Fish - The American Way These are busy times we live in. Why a Blacklight Will Take Your Night Fishing To A New Level If You Have Never Used A Blacklight While Night Fishing, You're Missing Out A Technique To Catch Trophy Size Bass There is a craze going on that produces big bass, it's called flippin. Flippin puts the lure where the big bass are.....in cover! You will want a 7 1/2 to 8 foot rod with at least 20 pound test on your reel with the drag tightened. You will also want a 1/8 ounce to 1 ounce weight according to the cover you are trying to go through. Don't forget the big hook, 4/0 to 5/0 is best in my opinion. Colorado Fly Fishing ? Bait Huckin vs. Fly Fishin It was one of those fishing trips. You know, everyone catches fish but you, you loose six or eight of your most expensive streamers, it rains buckets, and you sink the boat. That's right; I got skunked at Steamboat Lake over Memorial weekend. ![]() |
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