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Satisfy Your Thirst for Fishing ? 3 Parts to the Fishing Cocktail
Everyone who fishes either for sport or fun knows that while fishing itself is simple, catching fish is not. There are times when we think we have it all figured out, then days go by without as much as a nibble. What has happened, did we lose our expertise? Are the fish getting smarter? Maybe it's the weather. In fact there are many factors that weigh into whether we are catching fish or just passing time. Even though there are many factors, I would argue there are only 3 main parts to pouring ourselves the perfect fishing cocktail. Since drink names such as "Sex on the Beach" and "Fuzzy Navel" have already been taken, may I suggest "Fish on a Hook?" The drink may be made with any combination of the ingredients. They do not have to be of equal parts, but to make a "Fish on a Hook" all 3 must be present. So put your barkeeper's hat on and let's start. The first part of our drink consists of bait selection. Now I can hear you out there, "I can think of at least 10 factors which go into catching a fish." This is true, but many are just sub-factors of choosing the main ingredients. For part 1 of our drink, we must ask questions like; "Who is our customer?" and "What do they like?" If our cocktail is being served in a high class restaurant or club, we need to use top-shelf liquor only. This will of course cost more, but that's what these customers want. On the other hand, if we're drinking at the local pub and money is of concern, cheaper brands of the same liquor may do the trick. Some will like their drinks made strong, others will want a better tasting, yet lower in alcohol version. Now, what does any of this have to do with the price of tea in china? KNOW YOUR FISH. Does it like jumping for top-water lures, or picking at slow moving soft baits across the bottom? What's its main source of attraction? Some fish are attracted by sight to bright flashy objects, while others tend to follow their nose. Not only knowing what the fish like, but knowing when they like it, as well as adjusting for water temperature and weather conditions are also important factors to consider. A little research goes a long way in picking the right bait. This is a great start but we're not quite ready to start drinking yet. Part two of the "Fish on a Hook" recipe is technique. There are many techniques available in creating the perfect drink; "Shaken not stirred" is just one. Drinks can also be made hot, cold, or frozen. Fishermen also use varying techniques in their efforts. Whether quick popping a top water lure, fly fishing, or slow reeling through the vegetation, many of the same sub-factors which go into bait selection are also relevant here. We must consider the aggressiveness of the fish, whether they are active or lethargic. Their location,in open water or along the bank,is important in choosing the appropriate technique. "What bait am I using?" is of course another important element. Getting thirsty? Some will say you don't need this final part to make a "Fish on a Hook", that if you poured the first two parts just right, number 3 is unnecessary. I beg to differ. The third and equally important ingredient is luck. There I said it. Good or bad, weekend warrior or professional angler, everyone needs a little. Ever been fishing with a buddy using the same bait and same technique, yet you are catching fish and they're not, or vise-versa? What's the difference? Is it that there's more fish on his side of the boat or a few feet down the bank? Perhaps, but I say it is luck. It's either good for you or bad for him, but it's luck just the same. Some need half a glass, some just a splash to take the edge off, but like I said, everyone needs a little. There you have it. Mix bait selection with technique,add some luck ,and there you have a perfect "Fish on a Hook". Tasty isn't it? "Wait a minute," you say, "it can't be that easy." "What about fishing gear?" "What about my fish finder and GPS?" "What about my rod selection and reel choice?" ? Valid questions all. I just make the drinks; you have to decide how to serve them. "Will that be in a tall or short glass?" "Straight up or on the rocks?" "With salt or without?" ? you get the point. Personally, I'll take mine any way you make it. M. L. Kilby is a part-time writer and website administrator for: HTTP://bluelaketackle.com. He along with his father are avid fishermen who own and operate Blue Lake Tackle, LTD.
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Lake Trout On The Fly The name Lake Trout lends a slight misnomer to the actual species of this incredible fish that is actually not a trout at all, but a char. The Lake Trout resides in some of the most spectacular places on earth and the trip that spurred this article is no exception. The Frugal Fisherman: Part II For those of you that don't know this, fishermen by nature are a frugal lot. The Secret About Night Fishing Line The Best Type Of Line For Night Fishing The Major Benefit Of Night Fishing Number One Benefit to Night Fishing There Is Bass In The Grass Did you ever plan that fishing trip to the big lake, then when you got there you realized you had no idea where to start fishing? Too much ground to cover, right? Let's break it down a bit to simplify it. A Big Fish Story Ketchikan, located in southeast Alaska, is a good place to fish for halibut. Sally and John Balch live in Ketchikan and have a favorite spot nearby to halibut fish. It's a secret spot, so don't ask where it is. No Boat? Join Your Local Bass Club Having been an avid basser for years, and not having the wherewithal to purchase a boat, I've often felt cheated and frustrated about not being able to get out to deeper waters (where I was certain the real bass were). Having succumbed to this delimma for some 40 years or more, I finally had something come my way that I never knew existed: my local bass fishing club. I mean, I knew bass clubs existed, but I didn't know they were for me. For one thing, how can you join a bass fishing club if you don't have a boat. Additionally, isn't it just the best bass fishermen that are in these clubs? These guys do tournaments and such. Not sure if I could measure up. Low and behold, the old saying "you won't know if you don't go" proved itself once again. Thanks to an Internet buddy, I was enlightened. I got the address and went to my first bass club meeting. It was simple, friendly, fun and I was fishing with them that weekend. First off, let's address the notion that you have to be a great bass fisherman to belong to one of these clubs. This is not true. In fact, most of these anglers are people just like me, only with a little more experience (remember, I didn't have a boat - I was bank fishing). Most of these people are happy to share that experience with you. Secondly, you do not have to have a boat. In fact, most clubs are looking for non-boaters to help share the expense of the trip with someone who owns a boat. Brilliant! That really surprised me. Why didn't I know this years ago? It makes perfect sense, yet somehow this information escaped me. Owning your own boat can be expensive. A decent boat purchased new can easily run you around $15,000. Ouch. Then there is the issue of storage, insurance, fuel, the trailer, something to pull it with, maintenance and a whole slew of other expenses that come with the package. But not for the non-boater. I paid my bass club dues (very affordable) and within 2 days I was out with the gang on my first local bass club fishing tournament - in a boat. My share of the costs was extremely reasonable compared to those in the last paragraph. It was a 3 day trip and we even shared the cost of a room. Don't ask how the fishing was; that's a whole other article. In this club, we go out once a month to a different lake and have our own little bass tournament. Each time we go out, the non-boaters are matched up with a boater (also a different one each time). This way, you get to learn a little something from everyone. So, if you are bank bound like I was, and want to head out for more exciting fishing, go online or open up the phone book and contact you local bass fishing club. You could be out on the boat in no time. Whether or not you catch any fish remains to be seen. A Guide to Non-Typical Catfish Fishing Techniques - Part II Method 1 The Wet Fly Swing The wet fly swing sounds like something one does at the square dance hall. Instead the wet fly swing is one of the oldest fly fishing techniques. It is used for all types of fish, where ever there is a current. Winter steelhead, salmon, big trout in big rivers, and even striped bass, are all prey that often require the use of the' wet-fly swing'. Fishing The Henrys Fork.... First Test All the books written on fly fishing all mention the Henry's Fork. Hawaii Sport Fishing If you're coming to experience Hawaii sport fishing, you have one heck of an adventure awaiting you! Anglers from all over the world journey to these deep blues waters teeming with trophy fish. This is where you come to get the big ones. In fact the biggest fish ever caught on rod and reel was a blue marlin caught just off Oahu, weighing in at a hefty 1805 lbs.! Hawaii is so legendary among sport fishing enthusiasts that several "big-game" tournaments are held here every year, including the granddaddy of them all, the Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament, luring fishermen from all over the globe. The Worlds Top Water Bass Fishing Champion And His Techniques I was fishing a small lake in central California back in 1980, I think it was that year. I had been fishing for a couple of hours and doing ok, catching some 1-2 pound fish and in a far I was fishing a small lake in central California back in 1980, I think it was that year. I had been fishing for a couple of hours and doing ok, catching some 1-2 pound fish and in a far distance I could see this man walking up with a bright red jacket. The closer he got, the more I noticed his jacket and all the patches on it, one said 1978 World Top Water Bass Fishing Champion, along with about 20 other patches. We began to talk, of course, I wanted to know all about him and he began to tell me about how he became champion. Now, I do want to say one thing here, I forget what he told me and I don't even know for sure if there is such a tournament for the World Top Water Championship but I watched this guy fish. What You Need To Know About Spinner Fishing Many people know just what type of lure they want to use in order to catch the elusive fish. In fact, one of the most common types of lures is called a spinner. Spinner fishing is a great way to get the fish you want. The spinner works by attracting a fish to the location by bumping into things in the water and spinning. This movement will attract your fish. But, what type of spinner fishing lure do you need? Where can you find the one that will work the best for you? Bass Fishing? Watch Out For the Gators! Lakes in certain parts of the country contain more than something you want in your livewell. Alligators. They can be no more obvious than a rock or a log, so be careful. You want to get a bite, not get bit. Let me share one of my bass fishing experiences with you. This is bayou country. When I go to the lakes south of Houston, I have to watch for gators. So I'm always keeping an eyeball peeled for 'em. But sometimes ... So last night I look and everything is clear so I walk down to the water and start bass fishing. After a few minutes, while I'm looking around I see this big log. This big log that gets oddly thinner at the end up on the shore and thicker in the water, and has odd bumps on it. Hold on .. that doesn't look right. I look further up the log to see how far it extends into the water and... It has 2 big ol' eyes ... lookin' at me!! And it's only 10 feet away (just a quick couple of steps for a gator). Ooookay! I slowly and calmly reel in my line (on the outside - on the inside, I'm in total panic) pick up my gear and move on. So I go over to this other part of the lake, and now it's dark so I get up on a pier. I'm sitting in the woods in the dark and I hear something walking down the pier towards me. Not heavy enough to be human footsteps. With what little bit of starlight there is, I can see something about the size of a medium dog coming at me. What do I do now? Well, I can't see what it is, but I can tell it's not a dog. So I get aggressive towards it to see if I can scare it away. Fortunately, it worked. I pointed the tip of my fishing pole towards it and it scampered away. As it left I thought it looked like a large raccoon. Probably nothing to worry much about after all, but they can be aggressive and rabid. But it's creepy in the woods in the complete dark not being sure what's around you. Then, in the water, I see the outline of this huge catfish swim right up underneath me below the pier I'm on. Wow! That's a big one! I've got to move bait up and fish under the pier and catch him! So, I decide to put a light on it and see if I can get a better look at this monster. I aim the spotlight straight down into the water and... Hey, look at that weed ... there were no weeds along this pier earlier. Hmmm. So I lean further over the pier to get a better look at this mystery weed .... YIKES! THAT'S NO WEED - IT'S A CLAW - A BIG CLAW! There is a gator right underneath me!! Apparently (and I was able to confirm this on follow up visits) the gator is savvy to the fact that people catch fish and put them on stringers around the dock; making a great free and easy meal for the gator. That's enough. I'm goin' home. Forget all about that macho stuff and learn how to play guitar. Fort Lauderdale Swordfishing - The Perfect Fix for the Experienced Angler If you are looking to do battle with the toughest game fish South Florida has to offer, evening swordfishing in the Gulfstream of the Atlantic is your best bet. South Florida has an excellent swordfish fishery, and swordfish are truly one of the toughest predators and hardest fighting fish in the ocean. Successful Fishing: The Mysterious e Factor..... Successful Fishing: The mysterious "e" Factor. Ice Fishing in the Wisconsin Winter It's late December... temperatures are racing towards 0 degrees. Ice is covering most of the lakes in Wisconsin and getting thick on the lakes in the Northern half of the state. Concentrate on Your Fishing I was watching a TV Show with Bill Dance and he was talking about concentration. I thought well this is going to be a boring show but of course, it wasn't. Matter of fact it made sense. Bill says Concentration not only makes you a better fishermen but also helps you forget your daily woes. Back To Fish School....Baitfish 101 Class Is In Session.... Baitfish 101 I Gave A Brand New Rod And Reel To An Alligator For Free One day a friend and I decided to go fishing in Florida. It was a beautiful day and we were going in my friend's boat, so we got up at 4 AM and was on our way for about an hour's drive. We finally got there and backed the boat into the water, I do want to say one thing, there are some primitive boat ramps in Florida. ![]() |
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