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Back To Fish School....Baitfish 101
Class Is In Session.... Baitfish 101 Okay. So you would think that in this information age we fishermen and fisherwomen would have all the knowledge of baitfishing at our fingertips. Evidently, some of us have been slow to enter this information age, so as a public service I am going to pass along some rather "common sense" information that apparently isn't being absorbed by the fishing world. This information is being sent, with the hope that if 200 people read this article and then they tell 200 people and so on and so forth,maybe, just maybe enough people will get the message. I have enlisted Professor R. O. Tenone, the famous expert on natural fish carnage, to explain the use of "live baitfish" and it's effect on lakes and rivers. We join the professor midstream on his lecture..... ......."Zo class, as you can zee ze Goldfish, why making a very nice pet for ze vindowzil and bringing zmiles to zee faces of zee many kids, makes a very poor choice when uzing it azz bait for catching zee big one!" "Vy you ask?" "Vell, if zee Goldfish zhould ezcape zee clutches of zee hook--zen der iz good chance he vill zurvive to dezzimate zee fishery he haz been released into!" "Are zer any qvestions?" "Yez--you zer vit zee plaid hat." "Professor, why are we talking about Goldfish? Are you actually telling us that people are using Goldfish as bait to catch fish?" "Abzolutely. Goldfish, Chubbs,and Zquawfish are all ze prime examples of live baitfish that have turned vhat vas once prime trout vaters into vatery vastelands devoid of any vorthvhile fish." "That's a lot of 'V's' professor. "Zat's not zee point." "Zee point izz, ruining zee fishing of an entire lake just zo one individual can "hang zee big von" zeems a little zelfish--NOOO?" "No--I mean yes--I mean is this a real problem?" "Vell, I did not become zee expert on fish carnage vithout having first hand knowledge." "Oh, yeah--your the guy that has to use that natural "toxic to fish" poison that kills off all the fish in a lake so they can re-plant fish, so fishermen can fish for trout or something other than trashfish." "In zee matter of zpeaking." "I don't conzider any fish trash, but I don't zink it is natural to have zee giant Koi pond out in zee vild either." "Vhat--I mean What can we do?" "Vell, first ve must educate zee fisherman zat zees fish are no good to use azz bait. Zpread zee vord in all zee fishing circles you know, vorms are o.k.,Rapalas vork vell,and of course zee flys, but no Goldfish!" "I don't know professor, seems like a pretty daunting task." "Fine, azz long azz you feel comfortable looking at zee grown men ztanding on zee cover of zee magazine holding zee mighty Goldfish--zen it iz o.k. vit me." "I guess that isn't very impressive." "In zee conclusion, I am going to give zee link to zee story I read zat made me give zis class" "Remember class, if zey have to call me--zen it is too late, and you know who pays ven Professor R.O. Tenone has to show up?" "Uhhh, ...let me see.... uhhh... the taxpayers?" "Class dizmizzed." the link to the story on Goldfish: http://www.mailtribune.com/outdoor/ A.J. Klott
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The Alaskan Experience "FISH ON!!" The Old Man And His Bluegills I started fishing a little lake just south of Somerset, Ohio, called Clouse Lake about 35 years ago. Matter of fact, when I first started fishing it, I fished with a fly rod. One day, I was fishing and noticed this older gentleman trying to get a little plastic boat on his car after a hard day's fishing. He was using a fly rod too. We began chatting and discovered we lived about 10 miles from one another. He lived in Pleasantville. As the conversation closed, he said he would call me sometime and we would go fishing together. I thought "Yeah, I bet he calls me". Imagine my surprise when he called two days later and wanted to know if I wanted to go fishing with him the next day. Do Fish See in Color Fish do indeed perceive color. Every fly fisher knows that or ought to know that. Like humans, the retina of a fish have rods and cones. Cones are used in the day and rods at night. Color vision evolved to help fish identify potential food. In the environment of the fish, the background will either be the bottom, the water itself, or if looking up for food it could be the sky. The bottom is normally tannish olive to green. When looking across the water, the background appears pale silver blue. But if the water is off color due to algae or high water one must take that into consideration as well. Skylight becomes more important at dusk and dawn when it contains more reds. No Boat? Join Your Local Bass Club Having been an avid basser for years, and not having the wherewithal to purchase a boat, I've often felt cheated and frustrated about not being able to get out to deeper waters (where I was certain the real bass were). Having succumbed to this delimma for some 40 years or more, I finally had something come my way that I never knew existed: my local bass fishing club. I mean, I knew bass clubs existed, but I didn't know they were for me. For one thing, how can you join a bass fishing club if you don't have a boat. Additionally, isn't it just the best bass fishermen that are in these clubs? These guys do tournaments and such. Not sure if I could measure up. Low and behold, the old saying "you won't know if you don't go" proved itself once again. Thanks to an Internet buddy, I was enlightened. I got the address and went to my first bass club meeting. It was simple, friendly, fun and I was fishing with them that weekend. First off, let's address the notion that you have to be a great bass fisherman to belong to one of these clubs. This is not true. In fact, most of these anglers are people just like me, only with a little more experience (remember, I didn't have a boat - I was bank fishing). Most of these people are happy to share that experience with you. Secondly, you do not have to have a boat. In fact, most clubs are looking for non-boaters to help share the expense of the trip with someone who owns a boat. Brilliant! That really surprised me. Why didn't I know this years ago? It makes perfect sense, yet somehow this information escaped me. Owning your own boat can be expensive. A decent boat purchased new can easily run you around $15,000. Ouch. Then there is the issue of storage, insurance, fuel, the trailer, something to pull it with, maintenance and a whole slew of other expenses that come with the package. But not for the non-boater. I paid my bass club dues (very affordable) and within 2 days I was out with the gang on my first local bass club fishing tournament - in a boat. My share of the costs was extremely reasonable compared to those in the last paragraph. It was a 3 day trip and we even shared the cost of a room. Don't ask how the fishing was; that's a whole other article. In this club, we go out once a month to a different lake and have our own little bass tournament. Each time we go out, the non-boaters are matched up with a boater (also a different one each time). This way, you get to learn a little something from everyone. So, if you are bank bound like I was, and want to head out for more exciting fishing, go online or open up the phone book and contact you local bass fishing club. You could be out on the boat in no time. Whether or not you catch any fish remains to be seen. How Do You Bring The Freshest Fish to The Table? Fish is one of earth's natural wonders and has satisfied our palates since the beginning of man. Their flesh is light and delicate, lean and is packed with protein, the anti-oxidant vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. All play a role in keeping our hearts and immune system functioning as it should. The most popular fish we consume is tuna, salmon, flounder, Pollock and cod. But considering there are about 25,000 species of fish, there is enough variety of edible fish for the most discriminating taste. But how do you know when you are bringing the freshest fish to your table? Why Water Skiing and Fishing Dont Mix With the fourth of July weekend freshly behind us, I am reminded of one of the darker moments in a long and illustrious series of dark fishing moments.... Breeding Crayfish In the text below I shall try to give a short overview of some of the basics when breeding crayfish. Particular species may have other behaviours and demands. It should be said that my main experience as an aquarist is with relation to fish, but I shall try to convey what little knowledge I have. Fishing For Bass In Deep Water When fishing for bass in deep water try a spinnerbait that you have confidence in and have used to catch fish before. If the fish are inactive try a slow study retrieve. Spinnerbaits as you know, produce a vibration that attracts bass. Use a spinnerbait that has tandem blades and fish from shallow to deep. You can also use smaller blades that will allow the spinnerbait to run deeper. Try a 3/4 to 1 ounce spinnerbait. Fort Lauderdale Swordfishing - The Perfect Fix for the Experienced Angler If you are looking to do battle with the toughest game fish South Florida has to offer, evening swordfishing in the Gulfstream of the Atlantic is your best bet. South Florida has an excellent swordfish fishery, and swordfish are truly one of the toughest predators and hardest fighting fish in the ocean. Spinnerbait Fishing Tactics for Spotted Bay Bass Like most fishermen my age I originally learned about spinnerbait fishing for largemouth bass with my Dad. My class room was the back of an aluminum rental boat drifting the brush flats and rocky points of Irvine Lake in Orange County and Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara, CA. Both lakes were renowned southern California bass fisheries in the 1960's and 70's. Later I refined my techniques from the business end of a Nitro bass boat fishing team tournaments in the waters of the mid west for Smallmouth bass and Muskie. The Old Heddon Meadow Mouse Have you ever fished with a Heddon Meadow Mouse? How did you do? The reason I ask is, I have fished with them until I lost my last one and did extremely well at catching big bass using them. I would throw the lure out and let it sit. Then twitch it once and watch it turn sideways, twitch it again and watch it turn the other way, then move it so slow it barely made a ripple and BANG. That's when the fish would hit it. I know I have caught at least a dozen bass on this lure over 5 pounds and hooked one of the biggest bass I ever had on but it got loose. Yeah, I know you hear that all the time. But I am telling you this bass was at least 10 pounds and since I have a 12 pound 14 ounce on my wall, I know what a ten pound bass looks like. I seen a 6 pound bass caught on one the first time I ever seen one about 30 years ago and also seen a 7 1/2 pound walleye caught on one. Drop-Shotting For Picky-Overfished Bass There is a fairly new technique when it comes to bass fishing but it works great especially when bass are under a lot of pressure, it's called drop-shotting. When you see other fishermen using worms and fishing the edges of creek channels, try this and fish the bottom of the channels instead of the edges. It's also good around boat docks and bridges and in shallow water when the bass are bedding. Finding and Catching Fish has Never Been Easier With the Garmin 250 Fish Finder The Garmin Fishfinder 250 is Garmin's latest addition to their family of marine chartplotters, handheld GPS, fish finders and GPS sounders and its already gaining a great reputation amongst the angling community. Local Bass Fishing If you are like me, you love to fish at the drop of a hat. While I do plan fishing trips, I also like to go on a whim. Fishing The Henrys Fork....With Jack Karpawack Jack Karpawack here. Interesting Features of The Speckled Trout For those who are interested in speckled trout, you will be happy to know that these fish are some great catches. One of the most interesting features of this fish is the actual speckled trout fishing you will get to do. And, when you do hook the speckled trout, you will be surprised with the trout's ability to thrash and fight you on the way out. For many, a speckled trout fishing trip may be something that you are interested in doing as well. 6 Things You Must Do If You Want To Have The Secret To Catching More Trout It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming. ~John Steinbeck Fishing on Your Pontoon Boat Fishing on your pontoon boat can be both a relaxing and fun experience. Fishing from a pontoon boat can much more enjoyable than fishing on other smaller vessels. While fishing on a pontoon boat, you are often free from worries regarding the sturdiness of your vessel, or tipping the boat over while leaning in for larger catches. Find and Catch Those Pesky Fish with a Garmin 240 Fish Finder Garmin 240 Fish Finder Depthfinder with Transducer - a review Back To Fish School....Baitfish 101 Class Is In Session.... Baitfish 101 ![]() |
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