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Used Treadmills, An Alternative For The Budget Conscious Treadmill Buyer
In the market for a treadmill? Finding that they are a little more expensive than you thought, at least to get the ones with the features you want? Used treadmills may well be what you need. Used treadmills are big business, and growing fast. First, I hear you ask, why should I buy a treadmill at all, let alone a used treadmill? Treadmills are the most popular of all the fitness equipment in use in the US today. The National Sporting Goods Association estimates that treadmill sales last year topped $750 million. That's big business. It is estimated that around 8% to 9% of the population own a treadmill. You do the math, but to me that's around 20 million people. That's a lot of treadmills that have been bought, and a lot of treadmills which may soon become used treadmills for sale. Why is exercising on a treadmill so popular? A couple of reasons. The first is that exercising on a treadmill is done indoors. No rain, hail or snow to contend with. No muggers. No-one to poke fun at your running shoes that aren't quite the latest fashion, or that tummy that you are trying so hard to get rid of. Treadmills mean that you can do your exercise anonymously. Single mum? Pregnant? No matter. Do your exercise while the kids watch tv. No need to find a baby sitter each day so you can go for a run. How about being able to cook the dinner while you do a little treadmill walking. It can all be combined. And treadmills offer a whole world of workouts. Gone are the days when you just walked, or ran. Now you can select from any one of a host of different workouts. Simulate all sorts of outdoor conditions such as undulating hills, varying workout speeds and more. You can have an interactive workout by connecting to various programs on the internet which track your performance, devise training regimes for you, and more. Or even interact with a personal trainer from the comfort of your own home. But that isn't unique only to treadmills, there are other indoor exercisers, such as stationary bicycles. And it certainly is true that stationary bicycles are popular too. However treadmills offer the best workout for your buck. But according to a study done by the Medical College of Wisconsin and the VA Medical Center in Milwaukee a treadmill burns more calories than a similar workout on a stair machine, a stationary bike or a rowing machine over the same time. Surprisingly it also burns more calories than a cross country skiing machine. As cross country skiing is often touted as the ideal workout this says heaps about a treadmill workout. Convinced? Now it's time to consider the next question, how much do treadmills cost? Unfortunately they aren't cheap and, as with everything, you get what you pay for. Whilst you can buy a new treadmill for around $500, it will be the most basic one on the market, lacking most of the features of the best ones. And of course those are the features you want. And then you're talking big bucks, thousands. That's where used treadmills come in. Used treadmills are readily available at a price that is much more likeable than the price of a new one. But, don't you take a risk when you buy a used treadmill? Ordinary used treadmills for sale, yes. You don't know how they've been treated. But there is a better way than ordinary used treadmills. Enter re-manufactured treadmills, often called refurbished treadmills. Re-manufactured or refurbished treadmills are used treadmills which are taken in by a treadmill manufacturer and reconditioned. A new motor, a new belt, a complete physical. These remanufactured treadmills are the perfect alternative to a used treadmill. They have been lovingly restored to an as new condition, but sell at around half the price of the same model new. And they come with a guarantee, or should. If they don't then don't buy them. So if you are in the market for used treadmills because new ones are too pricey for you, then consider re-manufactured or refurbished treadmills. You may be able to find used treadmills for sale at better prices, however you have no idea what you are buying. Buy a used treadmill that has had too hard a life and you may find yourself paying for a new motor in a months time, and that cheap used treadmill isn't looking so cheap any more. So if you are looking for used treadmills, do yourself a favour. Look at re-menufactured treadmills first. You'll be glad you did! Find out more about Re-manufactured Treadmills as well as Cheap Treadmills and treadmill maintenance at Peters website, Terrific Treadmills © 2005 Peter Clark.
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Elliptical Exercise Machines Provide Low Impact, Total Body Workouts While Improving Cardiovascular Elliptical Exercise Machines Provide Low Impact, Total Body Workouts While Improving Cardiovascular Health Ever since their introduction on the fitness scene several years ago, elliptical exercise machines have become increasing more popular and sophisticated. Estimates indicate that over six million people now prefer elliptical machines as their choice for home exercise equipment. The main reason elliptical exercise machines have become so popular is that they provide a low impact, total body workout that is challenging enough for serious athletes but safe enough for beginners and even expectant mothers. And when it comes to cardiovascular workouts, elliptical machines are tough to beat. The Reebok Elliptical - A Brief Review When considering the Reebok Elliptical for your workout, there are a few things that you should be aware of. Horizon Treadmills Offer Top Features For the Lowest Price Highly rated by numerous experts in the fitness field, Horizon treadmills offer a well-constructed piece of excercise equipment for a reasonable price. Created by the Johnson corporation, Horizon treadmills are aimed towards the commercial, and middle range home use markets. The Horizon company strives to build quality treadmills and distribute them at conservative prices. Speed of Movement & the Mighty Metronome. Tempo refers to the speed of movement and is usually represented by a 4-digit number: eccentric (negative) contraction - isometric (pause between negative and positive) contraction - concentric (positive) contraction - isometric (pause between positive and negative) contraction. For example, a tempo of 3-1-2-0 means to lower the weight for a count of 3, pause for a count of 1, raise the weight for a count of 2, and do not pause before starting the next repetition. An "X" designation denotes eXplosive, meaning to lift the weight as fast as possible. Use of Lifting Belts During Strength Training Workouts The decision of whether to use a lifting belt during exercise should be guided by the following information: What?s So Great About A Trampoline? Looking for a fun way to exercise and stay healthy? Doctors say that rebound exercising is one of the healthiest, safest kinds of exercise for your joints and heart. It's aerobic, it's fun, and it doesn't put the same stress on your joints and tendons that impact exercise like jogging does. What's rebounding? You probably know it better as 'jumping on a trampoline'. Target Your Personal Training Zone With StarTrac Treadmills StarTrac treadmills offer high quality and numerous features. Consumers generally rate StarTrac among the best treadmills available. StarTrac treadmills offer a prominent display and easy to use features. StarTrac treadmills give you the ability to target your personal training zone, program your training selections, and record your distance, time, speed, and number of laps. Some StarTrac models feature a built in towel rack, water holder, and a stereo. Up to 50 different user id's can be stored in the more expensive StarTrac treadmills and the quality and ease of use is equal or better than most brands. What?s The Big Deal About Treadmill Ratings? If you're contemplating buying a treadmill and you don't know which brand is the best one to buy, treadmill ratings would be of great benefit to you. You can read what consumers have to say about each brand and model of treadmill on the market and find out the safety statistics regarding each one. The treadmill ratings usually give details about the features such as a heart rate monitor or whether the treadmill is an interactive model where you can download computer fitness programs and levels. Choosing A Home Exercise Equipment Technology in the 21st century has made life much easier to bear. Everything can be done with a mere touch of a button, whether the item is sitting right in front of us or some ten feet away. With such modern conveniences, is there any real time to get some real exercise done, or is mashing buttons the only exercise we get to build up finger strength? 6 Features Found in All the Best Treadmills Are you just plain fed up? If you have spent any time researching online for a treadmill, every site you visit tells you that they have the best treadmills, buy from us...we are the best...blah, blah, blah!! Treadmill Buying Tips These treadmill buying tips will make you aware of important considerations before you go treadmill shopping. A treadmill is the most popular piece of fitness equipment today and will last for many years. So you want to look for everything you want now as well as everything you'll need as you become more fit. Choosing an Elliptical Cross Trainer Elliptical cross trainers have been around for several years and their popularity grows continually. Elliptical cross trainers give you an impact-free, complete workout that seems less stressful than with other types of fitness equipment. You will expend just as much energy using an elliptical cross trainer, but you will feel as if you are not working quite as hard due to the minimal impact on the joints and the level of comfort you will feel while training. An elliptical cross trainer combines the benefits of a stair climber, treadmill, and a rowing machine. You can effective work several areas of the body at one time and expend less effort than if you did the exercises separately. What Is A Heart Treadmill? A heart treadmill, used by physicians to determine their patients' heart health, is not always an accurate cardiac problem indicator, according to some studies. Treadmill Reviews ? Helping You Find The Best Treadmill For YOU! With a multitude of different treadmills available today, it can be extremely difficult to know which one might be the best one for you ? it can be so overwhelming that you simply don't know where to start! If you go to one of the wide variety of treadmill manufacturer's websites, you will be greeted by a whole array of different models that include a variety of features and characteristics that simply boggle the mind, and inevitably enough, each manufacturer is going to say that theirs is better than all the rest. What you need to help you navigate your way through the overabundance of information is a helpful and unbiased informer, and thankfully, help is not too far away. Treadmill reviews. Treadmill reviews are here to help you make the right choice for you. Mobility Scooters: An Introduction Mobility scooters are designed for people who have some mobility but are challenged by slopes or distances. A wide variety of mobility scooters, in various price ranges, are available to fit your needs from leading manufacturers such as Invacare, Pride, Sunrise Medical and Drive Medical. Mobility scooters come in a number of styles which can accommodate a wide range of user needs. When selecting a mobility scooter one should consider where the scooter will primarily be used (indoor, outdoor or both), how often the scooter be transported in a car and any specific seating/accessory needs. Questions You Must Answer Before Buying a Treadmill Who is using the treadmill? Find the Best Home Tanning Bed Package Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could find a cheap used tanning bed for your home. Have you ever wondered how to buy tanning beds and what would be the best home tanning bed package? Well you've come to the right place. Free Weights vs. Exercise Machines Anyone who has ever been in a gym before is familiar with the gleaming banks of shiny exercise machines. Coming in all shapes and sizes, they are usually cause for the newcomer to the gym to pause and ask, "What IS all of that stuff?" Tips To Help You Find The Right Gym Taking those first few steps towards establishing a Fitness Lifestyle can very well be intimidating, especially if the decision is made to sign-up for a gym membership. In fact, deciding on even using a gym can be a double-edged sword of sorts. On one hand, there are many of us who feel that we'll become more motivated towards exercising regularly if we do sign-up for a gym membership. After all, you're now investing more money into your health so you certainly don't want to just throw that money away. Additionally, there are typically many more people working out at the gym than anywhere else, so you'll probably be more likely to get caught up in the ambience and energy of others exercising as well. However, on the other hand, because there can be so many people working out at the gym, you may feel intimidated beginning those first steps towards getting back in condition in front of others. When you stop to consider all of the pros and cons with signing up for a gym membership, you may find that making this decision was a more daunting task than you first thought. Create Your Own Fitness Center with Home Exercise Equipment! If joining a fitness center is not for you, and you're not the outdoors-y type, home exercise equipment is a smart choice for staying fit. Before you buy, you should do your homework in order to prevent your new exercise machine from becoming an over-sized clothes hanger. ![]() |
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