Spare A Thought For Redundant Exercise Machines

I have an exercise machine that I've used once. Did I hear you say 'Me too'?

Hey, I'm not proud of that, but I make this revelation with more confidence today than I would have done yesterday.


Well, last night I was watching a TV programme about us - the public - and our attitude to exercise.

Guess what?

I am not alone.

In fact, the presenter went down one average street here in the UK and nearly every household had unused or nearly-new exercise equipment. One lady had enough to equip a gym, plus work out videos galore - BUT - all untouched and gathering dust - if not mould - in her garage.

No wonder there are so many TV channels selling this gear - we can't get enough of it - but at the same time, use the exercise bike as a clothes hanger, and dumbells as doorstops.

I'm in the wrong business!

The thing is that all this equipment does get bought with good intent in mind - so what goes wrong?

We all have those moments - you know the ones - Right!! I'm going to get fit. I'm going to lose weight. AND you mean it (at the time).

Those fleeting moments usually coincide with New Year or when hiding in an X-Large t-shirt on the beach.

Just had a thought - maybe I'll sell exercise equipment from a stall on the beach.

Now if you are like me, you struggle with this whole thing of weight and exercise.

For years, I have grappled with why I can't keep some modicum of exercise as part of my daily routine. An even bigger dilemma is why I can't keep my weight down.

For goodness sake!

I know the theory and consequences of eating poorly and failing to exercise. A large part of my adult life has been spent nursing. Add to that the critical intimidating Health Visitor 'once over' that my wife gives my torso, as I derobe for whatever.

You'd think that I had motivation enough.

The formula is simple enough:

Eat healthy diet within a daily calorie limit and exercise for twenty minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. At least, that is what I thought.

But no ....

There is one additional and probably much more important element to consider.

The complete formula is:

Healthy controlled calorie eating + Exercise + CHANGE OF MINDSET.

I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with a guy called Adam Eason, a hypnotherapist. My company built his website, and I was gradually more curious about the wide range of physical and mental conditions that Adam was successfully involved in.

The penny dropped one weekend, when I filmed a video of Adam speaking at a weekend seminar about hypnosis.

I discovered that the chatterbox in our head is often our own worst enemy. Talk about a traitor. Our own mind fed constantly from the subconscious, with garbage which we have collected over the years and is now holding us back.

Just think about it for a moment - think of the excuses you make to yourself - think about the internal arguments in your head - think of the things you think, and what you actually say.

Not worth thinking about, is it?

Hypnosis can help replace a lot of the nonsense that is coming out of the subconscious. It takes time and a bit of effort, but a few short weeks can replace completely a poor mindset with basically a new programme to run our mind and thoughts.

A new healthy orientated mindset. That's my target.

I am getting my exercise bike out for action again.

How about you?

Keith Watson - 25 years as a registered nurse. Now writing about and promoting a holistic approach to health issues. To find out more about how hypnosis can help your confidence levels go to

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