The Fruits Of Summer

News Canada

Peaches, plums and nectarines are a rite of summer - and a must for healthy summer skin

NC-Its a sure sign of summer: mounds of sweet, juicy peaches; plump, flavorful plums; and aromatic nectarines that seem to arrive with the warm days of late spring and leave with the first cool autumn breezes.

Perhaps its just a coincidence that these same peaches, plums and nectarines - long considered a delicious source of nutrition like most fruits and vegetables - are also important sources of antioxidants, essential for maintaining healthy skin. When the sun begins to shine, these fruits begin to work their magic.

A recent study conducted by the University of California - Davis found that these three summer stone fruits are rich in phenolic compounds which act as antioxidants, and include ascorbic acid Vitamin C, carotenoids orange or red colored substances found in many fruits and provitamin A/beta-carotene.

Heres how antioxidants work to protect the skin. Photoaging - skin cha

Spinach Salad with Mango and Papaya
This is a great summer salad, leaving you refreshed even on the hottest days. For those who like to have a little protein with there salad, both grilled chicken or shrimp go well with this dish. Don’t let the number of items scare you, this is a simple recipe and well worth the extra time. Great for the family or summer parties.
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Plum Good Apple Pie
Flaky Crust:
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Chicken recipes that everyone enjoys!
Chicken recipes are a stable in many people’s diets. Many of them are recipes we have made time and time again and others, are special recipes, maybe a favorite Christmas recipe or even a special fondue recipe using chicken. Americans consume more chicken then any other meat, but we still want new recipes to use! Spicing up old recipes or creating new ones is easy when you have the right tools. Finding new free recipes is easy if you are using the Internet. Simply searching for recipes in your favorite search engine will produce many sites you can choose from. Within those sites, you can search for chicken recipes or any other that you may be looking for. Most of the time, you will receive many choices to choose from. Choose those that you have the ingredients for or are willing to purchase. If you do not have the ability to search online, check your local library for books and magazines on chicken recipes.
The Fruits Of Summer
Peaches, plums and nectarines are a rite of summer - and a must for healthy summer skin
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Best Recipes: Pina Colada Smoothie
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Bananas: All That Potassium And Carmen Miranda Too!
Bananas: All That Potassium And Carmen Miranda Too!
A Note To Food Manufacturers...
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Sandwich Rolls
2 3/4 cups 675 ml Five Roses All Purpose White Flour or Never Bleached, or with Wheat Bran
Food Safety 101
NC—Bagged lunches are healthy, economical and nutritious. But they also pose the threat of hosting harmful bacteria, unless food is handled and packed properly. Use the following tips as your study guide for "Food Safety 101":
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Functional Foods: What They Are And How They Work
In the brain, a typical protein can live for approximately ten days. The thoughts, feelings and memories of a human being are made up of what was in the stomach only a few days before. As you can see, in choosing ones diet, you actually can determine who and what you are going to become.
Parmesan Crusted Sole with Lemon Beurre Blanc
Sole/flounder is a refreshing sweet and mild flavored fish which allows it to be used in a variety of ways.With its long thin flesh, sole is often stuffed or used in other extravagant plate presentations. Because this fish is very thin it’s a great choice to pan fry for a quick meal. Parmesan crusted sole is the best of both worlds, it’s eloquent and fast. You can make it look even better with some fresh chives, tarragon or basil. Even if you don’t like fish, you’ll love this recipe.
Chilean Wine History and Style
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Easy and Healthy Snacks
In our house, snacks are almost a way of life.Particularly in the summer, while we travel to the creek by day and out of town on the weekends, snacks take a central roll in getting us where we want to go in a healthy way.A good snack can help alleviate the afternoon blahs as well as prevent low blood sugar after a meal that was hours ago.
Spanish Food - The Tasty Tortilla
It certainly is a poor man or woman who cannot find a few eggs, a couple of potatoes and an onion in their store cupboard!

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