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Dealing with Grief & Loss |
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Whats It All About?
For most people life is a fairly ordinary existence - and when I say ordinary I mean a contented, 'far from perfect' way of life. And that's okay? until something major happens to rock the boat. Divorce, illness, redundancy, an accident or the death of someone close ? any one of these events is enough to get you thinking about your own morality. When you realise how thin the cord of life is you begin to contemplate the meaning of your life and the direction you're currently heading. Life becomes more precious and you ask, 'What's it all about?' or 'What's my purpose in life?' You may be disillusioned with work. You may come home from the day tired or grumpy and unenthused after another day when your natural gifts have been unexpressed and passions thwarted. You may feel stressed or be under your doctor and on medication for depression. Other areas of your life may also be far from perfect and although you've decided to change things, you have no idea what you might change things to. It is here that many people become stuck and opt for the status quo. If you are one of these people then the rest of this article will help you. Believe it or not a growing number of people are restless with life. They are shifting gear to accelerate away from difficulties at the first signs of trouble and finding that after an initial period of getting their heads around a new perspective on life, that life actually can be a magical experience where things that kept you back before ? like a lack of confidence or money ? are no longer a problem and very few things become major issues. I bet you'd like some of that, wouldn't you? So, how do you create this? Finding purpose in life holds the key ? and when I say 'purpose' I mean 'Life Purpose' There are a few principles to this and I've listed them below in very general terms to help you understand how simplistic living, governed by your Life Purpose rather than the dictates of society, can be. Principle One - you were born with a unique talent and a distinctive way of expressing it. Principle Two ? at some level you already know your life purpose. Principle Tree ? Life Purpose is often hidden by day-to-day living. The problem is life got complicated and you forgot what it was you intended to do. The aim of this article is to help you understand what happens as a result of losing your way, so you can do something to change. Principle Four ? Life purpose is not just job specific. Most people think life purpose is all about your work. Work is a key element, but not the be-all and end-all. You'll find that your Life Purpose can be expressed through your work. For example if your Life Purpose is to work as a healer you could heal in a number of ways ? by providing massage therapy, nursing, counselling, coaching or writing. Principle Five - Without clarity of life purpose living becomes existence. If you don't know what you want you are like a ship without a rudder. You have no meaning or direction except necessity? and the direction others send you in ? usually those who are clear what they want and have learned how to achieve their goals getting you to do the workload while they put their feet up and take five. Principle Six - A Life Purpose will benefit others. Ultimately your Life Purpose will benefit the greater good. It doesn't have to be what Ghandi did for India. It can be much simpler. It could be the way you care for lame animals, the way you empower children or the beauty you create as a gardener. Principle Seven - Life Purpose links mind, body and spirit. When you work with your life purpose there is no gap between these essential elements of living. You take care of all three areas of your life. You mind is engaged, your body is energised and your spirit is raised. Once you're on the journey living your Life Purpose is like experiencing magic from morning through to evening. Jo Ball is a Life Purpose Coach. She'd love you to join up to her free monthly newsletter full of ideas, tips and stories on living life on purpose. What's more, when you join the fast-growing readership she'll send you a free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness as a thank you gift. Join Jo now at http://www.unstoppablelife.com
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Moving Beyond Grief and Loss In my work as a coach and therapist, I have seen many clients dealing with losses of all kinds-loss of loved ones through death and divorce, for instance. These experiences are difficult for everyone. And You Always Will I opened the dishtowel drawer for about the sixth time, hoping the towels had somehow magically appeared. How My Four Your Old Son Reacted To The Death Of His Great Nanny Biscuits My nan was called Margaret and lived until the age of eighty eight. Unfortunately she died in hospital and this article describes how my son reacted to the news of her death. His reaction basically put a smile back onto my face again. One Womans Way of Dealing With Grief All of us at one time or another have felt grief: perhaps over a lost job, lost love, or the most heartbreaking, the death of someone we loved dearly. Each of us goes about the task of grieving in our own distinct way. Grief & Loss - Healing Your Broken Heart What is it about Grief & Loss that upsets us so much? Is it the heavy duty emoting that we have to do to get through our suffering? Is it the fear we have about opening ourselves to all this pain? Because, let's face it, it's hard down there, in the land of grieving where all those emotions toss us around like a cork on a stormy sea. Handicapped From Suicide I am 23 years old. I come from a large family. I have 2 brothers (6 and 7), and 3 sisters (2months, 17, and 21). We are a very close famly, but I am especially close with my 17 year old sister. Like twins, with a very special bond. For the most part we all led very normal lives. I moved away got married and had two children, but we still saw each other every day. Tenderizing Recently, the magazine I own and edit got a hate letter that was so full of venom and hostility, it gave me shivers. The ultra-religious lady who wrote it is young and passionate about her beliefs. She was quite critical of those who express their grief pain, because she doesn't believe pain is necessary in grief. She evidently thinks that if we would just trust God, we would not be suffering. She is not bereaved, and it would appear that life has not yet delivered to her the kind of agony that so many of us have experienced. However, nothing is wasted if we can learn something from it, and the writer of this letter has opened my eyes to a truth I would like to explore with you, my friends. Physiological Consequences of Carrying Emotional Trauma Although many of us carry some form of emotional trauma in our bodies, and therefore in our energy fields, do we ever really stop to question the impact that it is having on our overall health? If you are like most individuals you probably just want to forget its even there. The thought of revisiting it probably just makes you feel sick. Dying? Not Me! Why You Should Plan for Transition Remember the Eulogy projects we had to write back in High School? Death is a tough subject to broach, and many would rather deny death then embrace it. Someone once said, "...There are only two guarantees in life: Death and Taxes." How true is this phrase? It is normally when we are faced with the imminence of dying or death that we only begin making plans or arrangements for our transition. Learning to Live Again Overcoming death and beginning once again to live is the one thing that we never anticipate can happen after we have experienced death. The truth is however, that whether we like it or not life continues on. The decision that we need to make is whether we wish to move on with life. Understanding Grief and Loss in Times of War and Disaster There are many different kinds of losses we can experience in our lives. Indeed, loss in human beings has its beginnings in the birth process that separates the infant from the comfort and security of the mother's womb into a world where survival is conditional and predicated on individual responsibility. The presumable final loss is the end of the human life cycle caused by death. There are many losses in between those polarities that relate to the developmental and aging process in each life. All of these losses are expectable losses and our bereavement and mourning of these losses are colored by their expectability Made in Heaven Consumed by my loss, I didn't notice the hardness of the pew where I sat. I was at the funeral of my dearest friend - my Mother. She finally had lost her long battle with cancer. The hurt was so intense; I found it hard to breathe at times. The Grief And Belief Connection "Grief is healing: To take away our grief is to take away our healing. And learning about life after death helps us heal with greater hope, comfort and peace." ~ Bob Olson Dying at Home ? A Precious Gift Few of us care to think about the inevitability of our own demise. We except that we are not immortal, however for the most part, we are successful in putting thoughts of our own death from our mind. When those close to us die, we painfully become aware of the fragility of life and as we contemplate our own mortality, two things become very clear. 1. We do not want a painful death, and 2. We do not want to die in hospital. The Walking Wounded When my phone rang the other day, it was a call from one of the "walking wounded," not unlike many that I have received during the years I have been interacting with the bereaved. I have often spoken with people who are feeling much like this caller was. We are the Reflection of our Lives: How to Survive Loss & Humility Everyday, I look in the mirror to see the face staring back at me. Sometimes it is lined with stress, sorrow and grief. Other times, it simply smiles in humbled reservation. But the reflection of our lives... that, is who we are -- who we represent ourselves to be. For some, it is wearing hearts upon their sleeves; for others, their thoughts and words go unspoken forever. Suicide in the Church Part 1 Recently, several suicides have occurred right here in my own hometown of about 16,000 people. The latest of these involved a friend of mine who was, among other things, the leader of a Christian Business Fellowship which I attend. He was a lawyer with a terrific wife, two young kids, very prominent in his church, coached little league baseball. As one can imagine, speculations abound - everything from possible chemical imbalances to unfair, unfounded comments which...well, small town gossip can be so mean-spirited. Suicide in the Church, Part 3 Suicide strikes...AGAIN! Sympathy Flowers Sending a floral tribute is a very appropriate way of expressing sympathy to a family who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Flowers express a feeling of life and beauty and offer much comfort to the family. A floral tribute can either be sent to a funeral service or to the family's residence. Here are some suggestions to assist you in sending sympathy flowers. Whens Sarah Coming Home? Helping Your Child Understand Death For most children, their first experience with grief comes with the death of a beloved family pet. When Zoe the eight-week old puppy dies of parvovirus or Tweety the budgie stops singing his morning song, a child experiences profound and lasting loss for the first time in their young lives. ![]() |
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