Learning to Live Again

Overcoming death and beginning once again to live is the one thing that we never anticipate can happen after we have experienced death. The truth is however, that whether we like it or not life continues on. The decision that we need to make is whether we wish to move on with life.

It can often help to remember that although our loved ones have left us in this life they are still there watching over us and guiding us through the rest of our lives. They will never stop loving us and will never fully leave us. As long as we need them they will be there.

Taking the first step is always the hardest and this is where sharing your feelings can help, be it sharing with someone close or a stranger or even through writing, expressing how we feel is always the first and hardest step in the recovery from death. I know that I say recovery but let me assure you that you will never fully recover, once you have been touched by death your life changes and you as a person also change. Your outlook on life changes and you finally understand that life is but a pathway to death.

Life will always continue to progress and a new day will always follow night. Even after death, life be it the one thing we wish we could control is just like death itself uncontrollable. Learning to live again is one of the hardest things we face after death but like life it is something that happens. Through writing and expressing what we feel we help to deal with the emotions we are feeling, the grief, the pain, the anger and the loss, all these feeling can be spilled out onto the paper and can help to ease the suffering. These writings just like the ones in this book may in turn help others come to terms with their pain and suffering.

This is an abstract from a new book titled "From Those Death Left Behind". A book to help promote suicide awareness. This book has been written by a family who have survived suicide and they hope by sharing their inner most thoughts and feelings they can help to educate and promote a greater understanding of the suffering caused by Suicide. This book can be purchased as both a downloadable ebook or a paperback from Lulu.com. http://www.lulu.com/content/120733 All proceeds from this book are to be donated to the various bereavement and suicide organisations worldwide.

Amanda Evans is webmaster for http://www.amandawrites.com a website dedicated to helping others achieve their dreams of becoming writers. You can subscribe to the free monthly newsletter Writers Passion.

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