Trial by Fire - 9 Tips for Grieving Couples

You will often hear that grief and loss bring couples together, but it can actually do just the opposite. It is possible to emerge on the other side of grief with a closer marriage, but it does take work.

Here are some tips adapted from the book "Hope is Like the Sun: Finding Hope and Healing After Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Infant Death" that can help your marriage survive the stress of loss:

1. Give each other the freedom to grieve in an individual way.
Resist the temptation to feel that your way is the only way to handle loss. Do not be fooled if it seems that your spouse has not been affected by the loss.

2. Remember the good times.
Think about activities you enjoy as a couple and make time to do them- even if you do not feel up to it yet.

3. Expect tough times.
Be tolerant with your mate and understand that you are both going to fail each other during this turbulent time.

4. Do not lash out at one another.
In a weakened state of grief, this will only push you apart. Find constructive ways to release the stress and anger of grief.

5. Prepare for change.
Loss and grief change people and it will change the face of your marriage. Decide together that this trial will bring you closer and commit to your relationship.

6. Reach out.
Resist the urge to spend time away from your mate or reach out to others who better understand your grief.

7. Avoid placing blame.
Tossing accusations at your spouse will only place a wedge in your relationship. Understand that feelings of guilt, anger, and confusion are normal during this time.

8. Love each other.
Be sure to offer the hugs, cuddling, and love that each partner needs to feel secure and supported. Be sure to resume your physical relationship as soon as possible.

9. Seek information and support.
Educate yourselves on grief and try to understand one another. If you are having difficulties resolving your grief as a couple and you feel your marriage is in trouble, get help immediately! Do not wait until it is too late to seek help.

There are no easy answers for couples dealing with pregnancy loss. It is crucial that you make the decision to put your marriage first and then do it!

Hope is Like the Sun: Finding Hope and Healing After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death is available online at, and Barnes& or by calling HopeXchange Publishing at 757-826-2162.

Lisa Church is author of "Hope is Like the Sun: Finding Hope and Healing After Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Infant Death" and founder of HopeXchange, a company dedicated to helping women and their families facing miscarriage.

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