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How to Stop Attracting Negative People to Your Life
Placing your attention, energy and focus on the negative aspects of some people in your life brings you more of the same. Simply put, that's the Law of Attraction at work. When you shift your attention to the kinds of people you DO want in your life, that shift, coupled with your clear desire to STOP attracting negative people into your life, will set the energy in motion for new results to show up. When you shift from what you don't want, to what you do want, your vibration changes. And know this-you can only hold one vibration at a time! The Law of Attraction is always matching your vibration in any given moment. The Law of Attraction can be used to ensure that you are always in vibrational harmony with the people you are attracting into your life. If you plot your vibration on a scale that measures from 1-100, with 100 being the highest calibration, you are currently attracting other people into your life that match your score on this scale. In other words, if your vibration measures 75 on this scale and a person in your life measures closely to that, you are a close vibrational match. It is also important to realize that if your vibration measures 30 on this scale, you are a close match to another person whose vibration is at 30. Your feelings always tell you if you are in vibrational harmony with another person. When you meet someone who is offering a significantly lower vibration than yours, you often feel dragged down by that person, i.e. the experience just doesn't feel good. On the other hand, when you are with someone who vibrates closely to your score, it feels good to be with them. You are in vibrational harmony with that person. Suppose you are the one with the much lower vibration. If you experience a person with a significantly higher vibration, you may feel uplifted and raise your vibe to match theirs, or you may feel uncomfortable being around them. In short, the distance between your score and the score of another person, equals the extent to which it doesn't feel good. We call that resistance. The greater difference in the scores, the greater resistance there is. Here's a great tool to help you next time you experience a negative person in your life. While you are having a conversation with that person; perhaps listening to them describe (in great detail) what they don't want and how negative their life is, ask them the following question: "So, what do you want? How would you like it to be different?" In their response, they will stop talking about what they don't want, and start talking about what they do want. In that very moment, their vibration will shift and they'll start raising their vibration to match yours. Remember too, people treat you the way you allow them. In Law of Attraction, this means that you can set your vibrational boundaries so that you will only participate in and maintain positive conversations. Feeding into somebody's negative conversation will bring your vibration down. Decide today to maintain your high vibration and stop feeding into other people's negative vibes. This will go a long way to maintaining your high, positive vibration, which will in turn, attract other people with high, positive vibrations into your life. Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience. For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit http://www.LawOfAttractionBook.com.
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Divining your Number of Destiny Your Destiny Number, which describes all of the talents and potentials that are at your disposal in this lifetime, is calculated from the letters that compose your full birth name. This is not your married name, but rather the name that is found written in full on your birth certificate. If your name is misspelled on your birth certificate, use that to configure your destiny number. Seven Steps to a Better Day Are you tired of the same routine day after day? Do you feel as if today is only a speed bump in the road between yesterday and tomorrow? Well, you're not alone! Many people live day-to-day with little hope for anything getting better. Some are trapped in corporate jobs where they are little more than rats in a maze. Others have routines at home that leave them uninspired and unchallenged. Happy Buttons What makes you happy? What are the simple pleasures that bring you great joy? Review the following list slowly, taking time to savor each one and remember the emotions it evokes. Health and Happiness - Self Test First of all, examine yourself outwardly. Common Scents For Emotional Well Being Aromatics which include essential oils, perfume, centred candles and incense, have been used for centuries to affect the mind (and also, ultimately, the body) in a positive way. This practice finds its origins in religion and primitive beliefs. Aboriginal Australians burned the leaves of eucalyptus to fumigate an area from viruses. Aboriginal Americans use sage and cedar and the Slavs, such plants as sunflower, pine and garlic peels for the same purposes. This was done because occult powers were thought to be sensitive to fragrances and could protect against fever, sorcery, epidemics and demonic charms. Happiness. Its Between Our Ears! Happiness is something we all seek, yet few of us find Choose To Integrate Body, Mind, & Soul Our bodies were made in such a way that everything is integrated. The mind appears to control everything. When something happens to the body whether good or bad, it registers in the brain and the brain then dictates the bodies response. Scientists has found that it also works that way within the body. Biofeedback has shown that the mind can direct the immune system to fight various infections in the body includ- ing the dreaded strains of cancer. For the average person this is a wonderful idea, but biofeedback costs money and besides not everyone has a life threatening problem. Imagine being able to do this for yourself in the comfort of your own home, office or anywhere else you can go to be alone for a few minutes! There are another kind of science that is telling us that the body listens when we talk. Think about that for a minute. When we talk we are saying what the mind is thinking; we are just saying it outloud. So, it follows we can do our own biofeedback anywhere we want. A very simple illustration of this will prove this to you. Hold your arms out in front of you extending your two index fingers. Shut your eyes and repeat our loud, "fingers come together". Think it and say it and within two minutes your fingers do come together. When I first tried this it was very exciting to me that it worked because for me it opened possibilities in my mind! Since then I have become a talker to myself! A self whisperer if you will. I talk to my body and to my sub conscious even and I have gotten amazing results. This is one thing that I think will work for everyone because this is one of the functions of the body, mind and soul that was part of the design, just as blood running through everyone's body is the same. But, you must have an open mind! Your mind accepts that blood runs through the body in a specific manner and so it must accept that the body, mind and soul will listen when it is spoken to, no matter who is speaking, yourself or someone else. Could Your Thoughts Sabotage Your Happiness? Take This Quiz And Find Out Women are conditioned to be people pleasers. Women are taught to be "nice" even if that's means comprising their happiness, and often times that is exactly what happens. We have a tendency to do, and say things just so the other person's feelings don't get hurt. How many times have you wanted to say something, but thought, you can't say that, they might think you're too harsh, or unpleasant. Times have changed, and now women are accepting their authenticity with grace and happiness. How did they do it? They changed their internal thoughts to reprogram their conditioning. Are you still playing "old tapes" that are in your head? The Art Of Happy Living What do you think about happiness? A philosophical approach to life; an intellectual activity or an academical pursuit. No, not at all, nothing of the sort. 10 Fun Ways To Live An Enchanted Life Today! I am often asked how I can live the way I do. Who pays me to be a real-life Merlin? It's not as if you can open the paper and read a want Ad for such a position. I live an enchanted life because I created it that way. Using the principles taught to me by the fey and my own stubborn refusal do anything else. You can too... Many Blessings "Reflect on your present blessings of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Charles Dickens Happiness What is happiness? If we mean by it a state of fulfillment, when everything is going our way, in terms of results as well as efforts (which requires a providential combination of pluck and luck), then it cannot simply be willed; it is partly, if not largely, a gift of fate. Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness Author Tristine Rainer wrote "Happiness within a diary has less to do with the events you encounter in life than with the way you experience the process of living." Because a diary mirrors how you perceive and deal with events, it can be used for developing the capacity to more fully experience joy. 5 Keys to Understanding Why Your Life (probably) Sucks! #3 The outcome of Reason # 2 is that you become your own worst enemy. That, in turn, leads on to Reason # 3 where Colors: How Do They Make You Feel? One of the most important colors in advertising is the color blue. Calm, comforting, soothing, and peaceful are all feelings evoked from this color. The color blue is also often used in a smooth way, many night clubs and upscale stores will use this color to provide a sense of an icy ambiance and a cool feeling. When you touch blue you can feel the calmness yet smooth and cool feeling that it gives. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. This color is also the color of water when advertisers want to place a visual for something that is technically clear. Pepsi, Aquafina, and several other drink makers rely heavily on this color for their advertising. This color can also be used to promote cleanliness as well as air and sky related products. Blue is also often used in high-tech product companies such as IBM and INTEL. How To Be Happy Happiness is a state of mind, so your state of mind at this moment makes all the difference. Happiest Person In America: Whats Sex Got To Do With It? Who is the happiest person in America? USA Today featured Happiest Person in a cover story in its USA Weekend magazine. Bad news: it's not you. Nor is it me. Principles of Human Misery / Happiness Sometimes we are so occupied with our daily routine in life that we forget that "we" are the most important element of our existence. We need to be nourished in order to grow. Discover the 10 Golden Rules on How To Conquer Your Fear We all want happiness and peace of mind. In the search for these blessings, millions of people take "happy pills" which they hope will relieve their tensions and make them feel more cheerful. Have Fun, Make Friends, Be Happy I always marvel at the way people shine when they break through a roadblock in their lives. It's brilliant and it's also incredibly attracting. There's a sense of joy and freedom that is almost palpable. ![]() |
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