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Information on Finding Happiness |
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Flow as in Flower
The seeds you sow determine the crop you reap. This is pretty common knowledge. Knowledge, unfortunately, is only productive in its application, not in its accumulation or ownership. We desire peace but sow seeds of violence and are surprised when violence is the crop. We desire abundance but sow seeds of limitation and are surprised when lack is the crop. We desire meaningful lives but sow meaningless acts and are surprised to reap meaningless lives. We desire more time and longer lives but sow wasted moments and are surprised to reap time slipping away. We desire prosperity but sow seeds of scarcity and are surprised when scarcity shows up. We desire love and sow indifference. We desire freedom and sow security. And so on and so forth. Ah, but, things are the way they are and it is best/easiest to go with the flow rather than fight it. This is the common wisdom...go with the flow. Society is overwhelmingly materialistic, so we just go with the flow and become avid consumers. The leaders we allow and the media we believe preach fear and war, so we just go with the flow and march off to do battle. Economists and prognosticators talk about lack, limitation and scarcity so we just go with the flow and compete for a little piece of the dwindling pie. Lemmings all, going with the flow to the cliff's edge. There is another way to go with the flow and that is to be natural as nature exemplifies. A seed sown, grows into a plant, blooms and produces flowers, things of beauty and wonder. Flowers go to seed and more flowers result. Stars go supernova and more stars result. Do you want more beauty in your life? BE more beautiful. Do you want more peace in your life? Be more peaceful. Do you want more love in your life? Be more loving. Do you want more abundance in your life? Be more abundant. Do you want more time in your life? Be more present in the here and now. Become as the flowers; check out the lilies of the valley. Prosperity in those things desired is the result of sowing the appropriate seeds, nurturing the seedlings, removing the weeds that crop up and hanging around (or persisting) to catch the blooms. © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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It?s Good to be Goofy To paraphrase a saying my mother liked to use occasionally, "The whole world is goofy ? except you and me. And sometimes I'm not too sure about you!" Sunny Days Are Here To Stay Yes, this is correct. Sunny Days are here to stay, that is, if you want them to be. What's that mean? Well, let me explain it this way. Suffering and Happiness The one feature that sets life on Earth apart from a paradise is suffering. It poses a problem for humanity and calls for a solution. This problem relates to human desires, the satisfaction of which is often difficult and uncertain, if not impossible, and always transient, in need of renewal; it is doomed to end sooner or later in death. Our Feelings and Attitudes Around Happily Ever After Our feelings and attitudes have a huge impact on our ability to achieve 'happily ever after.' Are feelings and attitudes the same thing or different? Does one cause the other to happen? Which one has more power over how we respond? Does the person experiencing them have any choice in the matter? What if they are in conflict? Happiness Versus Pleasure We are a pleasure seeking society. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing this, we will feel happy. Yet deep, abiding happiness and joy elude so many people. Most of Your Unhappiness in Life is Due to... I want to share with you today one of those great moments, when you suddenly experience a life changing burst of clarity. When suddenly the answer you're searching for becomes so obvious ? it's right there in front of you, and all you can say is "Wow! Why didn't I realise that before?" 7 Unique Ways To Make Someone Smile Do you want to put a smile on someone's face? Maybe make their day a little bit brighter? It doesn't have to take much time or money on your part. In fact, many things can be done as a part of your normal routine and cost little or nothing. You won't know how many people are encouraged by your kindness because smiles are contagious. Try out one or more of these 7 ways today to put smiles on their faces. What is Happiness and How to Achieve It? True happiness is such a rare commodity that the whole of the world is continuously seeking it and failing to find it. All the people, who we consider to be the best in their fields, are seeking it too and failing to acquire it. The most brilliant of the scientists, the most gifted of artists, the most talented of poets and authors, the wealthiest businessmen, the most powerful rulers, the greatest achievers in any field - all of them have been striving for it all their lives and failed to have it. Why is happiness such an elusive thing? Is it that it cannot simply be achieved? Or is it that it is not where all of us have been looking for it? Laughter and Your Health Did you know that according to research, children laugh about 400 times a day while adults only laugh about 15 times a day? Some how we lost the ability to laugh, as we got older. Could it be that putting more humour and laughter into our day will improve our health and wellbeing? Love Yourself First ? Im Happy. Youre Happy. Were All Happy! As a teenager growing up reading 'Blue Jeans' and 'Jackie', it occurred to me that just one piece of advice was the answer to all the problems in a teenaged girl's world: Love yourself and everything will be fine. Problem was, I didn't really 'get' what that meant. By 16, I'd worked out that it was all to do with self-acceptance and being happy with who you are. But that's not the whole story, is it? The penny finally dropped a couple of years ago; a tad embarrassing since it seems so obvious now. Then again, I see so many people who clearly aren't loving themselves, that perhaps I'm not alone. It's simple: Create a Balanced Lifestyle and Begin Living a Happier, Healthier and Enriched Life Are you living a balanced life? Giving Attention To Happiness When I left England in 2000 there did not seem to be much happiness around. People in modern western society tend to be self focused to the extreme, prone to criticise rather than support or applaud, and with little time or inclination to devote to others. Relationships can be a battleground rather than a haven of mutual support. Thinking about it now, I did not know anyone who I could say was really happy. I was acquainted with a few who might have been in a state of happiness, but I did not know them well enough to be sure. Life Management Skills for Greater Happiness "Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise." -Samuel Lover Life Purpose: How To Be in Love with Life Falling In Love with Life Where do we Find True and Lasting Happiness? For the longest time I was convinced that I was not happy unless I had a partner to share my life with. I just knew that having someone to share glorious sunrises and romantic sunsets would make me happy. I even came close to marrying someone who made me feel as if I was the happiest person on the face of the earth only to find out that it was not actually him that made me happy. This is the mistake most all of us make when we are dating and even more so when we have been married and have become accustomed to having someone around all the time then suddenly we are thrust back into this crazy dating world that has changed so much since we were gone that we need to go to Dating College to get educated and learn the lingo not to mention the new rules to even be a player in the game. OK, so you think you know the answers, what makes you happy, what will keep you happy and that special something that will attract you and keep you attracted? I think you are going to be surprised at what I have to say. Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life A friend once said to me, "There is no meaning in life, except what we create". At the time, I thought she was nuts. Now, I understand. The Happiness of Others Is there any necessary connection between our actions and the happiness of others? Disregarding for a moment the murkiness of the definitions of "actions" in philosophical literature - two types of answers were hitherto provided. Happiness Increases Longevity...Where Do We Find This Gift of Life? According to U.S. research, you can add seven and a half years to your life just by being happy! A Shortcut to Happiness -- Vote with Live 8 Did you see any of the Live 8 performances in support of stopping poverty in Africa? Here's your chance to create a shortcut to your own happiness by voting to help others. You can support the creation of the happiness of survival for them. Creating Happiness Whatever we want in life, a partner, more money, good health, a fulfilling career, or enlightenment, it all comes down to the same thing: behind all the wishes, behind all the desires, and beyond every symbol, we want to feel happy. After all, if we feel completely happy, what more do we need? And if we don't feel happy, there is not a relationship or career that can satisfy us. ![]() |
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