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Information on Finding Happiness |
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Got Play?
Passion Love Action You! Playing with your own divinity, spirit, heart, and spreading it around you. YES! When I share with people that I'm a play activist, most people look perplexed. Totally cool, I get that. What thirty year old says "I LOVE TO PLAY" while doing kart-wheels endlessly? It's not common, yet it's getting there. Most of us are looking at our lives and sensing something shifting. Maybe we are noticing that we crave more quiet time, or we are watching kids and feeling the urge to just BE without the rules or requirements we have set upon ourselves. What are these rules? Who wrote them and why are we following them really? So, we can't color outside the lines anymore? Run around naked on the beach with a shovel to dig in the sand? Drool, mess up, speak out, say no, fall down and cry and then have it be over with. EXPRESS and then release. Stick our tongues out when something is boo- boo stinky. Say yes without hesitation or time limits. BE playful. The relationship we have to playing is very important to remaining true to ourselves. Play is the very essence of our spirit. We all want to explore, let loose, and not be "perfect" for at least one moment. What does play mean to you? Maybe play means to skip down the street. Wear glitter underneath your suit. Buy outrageous big flowers and place them all over your house. Walk down the game aisle at any store and give yourself permission to BE there and explore. Blow bubbles out of your car window. Paint rocks and decorate your driveway with hearts all over it with chalk. Say hello to a stranger and mean it. Call a friend for a play date. Have slumber parties. Watch your children, learn from them, and play with them, for they are play masters. Draw in the sand, climb mountains, sniff flowers, roll around in your grass, buy a slurpie, explore what it means to just giggle. (I love that word giggle. How can you not giggle when you say it?) Write giggle 50 times in your notebook and look at it when you wake up. Learn something new. Put stickers on your bills. Get in touch with sharing play with others, and make this number one on your "to play" list. In what ways can you invite someone else to play with you? I know that it is hard to find the "time." I get the time thing. As a planet we have created such limitations on our freedom. So much to do, so many places to be, and so many roles to sustain. All choices.Playing is a choice that can lighten the load. It can remind you that you are a magnificent being of love, instantaneously. About The Author Jenny Ward is the owner of PLAYWARD. PLAYWARDS mission is to celebrate the magnificence of being alive. Jenny is a licensed coach, speaker, author and PLAY ACTIVIST!
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How To Achieve Absolute Happiness Everyone wants to be happy. When you decide to be happy you are opening the door to love and inner peace. Many people are ready to spent millions of dollars to find happiness. Some of the affluent people in the world have spent their lives searching for the key to a happy life. Happiness can be described as a feeling of joy, excitement, pleasure, serenity, calmness and tranquility. It is something which you experience within yourself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy or sad, miserable and poor. Your mind is a very powerful instrument. As you programme your mind towards happiness, your subconscious mind starts to believe them and sooner or later your negative thoughts become fewer and happiness becomes part of your life. 5 Fabulous B?s for the Happiest You! Sure it sounds easy? "Be happy." Let's face it there is a little art and a lot of personal measures you can take to reveal true and lasting happiness. Happiness is not just a series of warm fuzzies. It's a combination of simple know-how and energetic effort that starts from within. King Solomons Mind "Don't you understand, everything in this life is meaningless," cautioned the old man. Helping Happiness Along Happiness is worth helping along. How Can I Tell What Vibes Im Sending Out? The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you understand it or not, whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not. Choose Happiness It's a beautiful spring day in Beverly Hills, California. I'm looking out my window at elm trees in full leaf and roses in full bloom, and thinking about the people who helped me get where I am today. Getting To The Root Of Unhappiness Many people live in clutter, emotionally eat themselves into overweight, live in debt, hate their jobs and otherwise live unhappy lives, unable and seemingly unwilling to change. Why? What do these have in common? What is the core issue? Making Peace With Sloth: The Value of Natural Pace Though his racing speed is a maximum 6 feet per minute, the sloth has won the race against time. It's not that he's immortal, it's just that he's efficient. While we micro manage time and monopolize our schedule, sloth simply is. In his just being he shows us the value of natural pace. Lifes Like that It is now 5 years since I passed out of college and started working. I love working. I am not a workaholic but I love working. There is a lot of pressure in the work we all do. This era is all about speed. Everything around us moves at the speed of thought. And the wise guys from the big B-Schools would tell you to be there at the right time or else you'll loose the next big opportunity. All of us try to search for the next big opportunity so that we are not left of out in this race. We travel from place to place in search for that hidden treasure, success, happiness or whatever one may like to call it. I have closely interacted with hundreds of people in these years and one of my favorites activity is studying people and human behavior. In the beginning I used to get surprised (sometimes even laugh) when I hear a new kid out of college and starting his life say that he feels burnt out. But then if you look at it closely, the kid is right. He is burnt out before he even starts because he is always expected to perform beyond what his mind and body can take. There is always this sense of urgency within all of us that usually keeps us unhappy no matter what we achieve. I too was in this rat race till my mother taught me the most important lesson of my life and that is about being in the present and enjoying every moment of it. Sadly though I had lost my mother by then. I still remember that day on 18th December 2002 when I was thinking about my mother in the back of my mind but yet I stayed in the office as we had this requirement to get the ISDN up in our office. I was scared that if the leased lines goes down we'll not have an alternative. So I sat with the providers and did not listen to my heart. As a result by the time I went to see my mom it was too late. I wish I had followed my heart instead. That is when I realized that the ISDN connection had no real significance in my life and yet I gave it an unwanted priority. Here are some rules I live by now which I hope would help all of you. They say that it is best to learn from others mistakes. 6 basic rules that we must all follow to be happy - Live in the present - Most good books on better living talk about being in the present. You cannot afford to think and live in the past. Neither can you think about the future all the time. You do not know what would happen in the future. You do not have control over it. This does not mean that we should not plan. It just means that we do not need to over stress ourselves thinking about what would happen in the future. Let me explain with a simple example. You want to go for a vacation. You need to plan and buy the tickets in time. But it does not mean that when you are in the train or aircraft you start running inside it. You'll not reach any faster than all the other passengers who are traveling with you. However, do remember that you must learn from your past and improve upon it. The food from Pizza Hut is fattening. This means that it would remain the same, unless they do some major changes to the way pizzas are made. So saying that I cannot think about the past and I should keep going over and over again to Pizza Hut does no make sense. Also another important point is that you must learn to visualize about the future. When I was kid our swimming coach used to talk a lot about the power of visualization. He used to say that if you going for a competition tomorrow, the previous night one should visualize the entire event. It goes like this - I feel light and energetic. The weather is great for swimming. I am going to get the best place. My start is perfect. I have a perfect dive in the water. The water is not too hot neither is it too cool. It is just right for me. My breathing is perfect and my strokes are perfect and coordinated. I am the winner... Simulate the same situation when you are facing a client or an ISO auditor. Another aspect I'll like to point out here is that some people get into the urgency because they feel insecure about the future. They think "If I die my wife or family would face a lot of problems... " In the process they start taking insurance policies left and right, try to buy a house etc.. In many cases they are not able to keep up with all the liabilities and in that tension many do really die. One must plan and have a secure future but never over do anything. Take commitments only when it is possible to live up to the commitment. In short it all boils down to one thing. Be happy and live in the moment. Enjoy every moment of it. Because the present will become the past tomorrow and you need to cherish it then. Never have any anger - There are times we are unhappy because we have anger against somebody. That really does not help. All it does is make us sad. In no way does it effect the person who has angered you. As in my case I was angry with the providers for having given us a good for nothing ISDN modem. What I lost in return was a lot more. It is not possible for us to not get angry because the reason why one gets angry is when things do not work the way we want it to. When people do not behave the way we want them to. And this would continue to happen. The best we can do is focus on something else in such situations. That makes us more relaxed. Also, be grateful for what you have and do not think about what you do not have. There are many in this world who are less fortunate than we are. Never have an ego -Most of us have a big ego which makes us all worse than what we think we are. We are nobody to judge another person. We are nobody to justify our actions on others because of what they did to us. In most cases when we do something against a person it would due to some false ego we have inside us. "How could he do this to me. I'll show him who I am".... Like I said a little while ago. I am nobody. If somebody treats you bad it is his fault and there no need for you to teach him a lesson. He needs to have self realization about it. Most of our epics is about teaching a lesson to the other person. I remember as a kid watching Mahabharat and Ramayana on TV, most of times somebody would be testing somebody else's ego. When I do talk about ego, I feel it is necessary to talk about self esteem too.. Both these are very different. We all must have a level of self esteem and dignity. But we must not allow somebody else to treat us as a door mat. If you do not like what the other person did to you. Cut off the relation or remove the expectations. Take pride in who you are - Colors: How Do They Make You Feel? One of the most important colors in advertising is the color blue. Calm, comforting, soothing, and peaceful are all feelings evoked from this color. The color blue is also often used in a smooth way, many night clubs and upscale stores will use this color to provide a sense of an icy ambiance and a cool feeling. When you touch blue you can feel the calmness yet smooth and cool feeling that it gives. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. This color is also the color of water when advertisers want to place a visual for something that is technically clear. Pepsi, Aquafina, and several other drink makers rely heavily on this color for their advertising. This color can also be used to promote cleanliness as well as air and sky related products. Blue is also often used in high-tech product companies such as IBM and INTEL. Giving Attention To Happiness When I left England in 2000 there did not seem to be much happiness around. People in modern western society tend to be self focused to the extreme, prone to criticise rather than support or applaud, and with little time or inclination to devote to others. Relationships can be a battleground rather than a haven of mutual support. Thinking about it now, I did not know anyone who I could say was really happy. I was acquainted with a few who might have been in a state of happiness, but I did not know them well enough to be sure. Great Relationship Problem Solving Technique This is one of my all time favourite problem solving techniques, and I use it on a regular basis with clients who find it hard to get along with other people. But really, the technique can be applied to any problem at all, not just the ones that are about relationships. If you're going around in circles with a relationship problem, it can really help to step back and break the problem down into groups. Here's how to do it: Happiness. Its Between Our Ears! Happiness is something we all seek, yet few of us find Self Confidence, Happiness, and Posture Our use of body posture plays a key role in how we feel. When we are feeling "down", our bodies show this by hunching the shoulders, we stare at the floor, our heads hang forward. When we are seated we tend to be slumped rather than relaxed. Our walk is more of a shuffle, speech is slow and quiet. Increase Your Happiness - Look Forward With Hindsight Six months ago you had trouble finding your keys and were late for work. At the time, you felt agitated and upset. Chances are, you don't even remember the incident. Last year, at a business lunch, you spilled salad dressing on your shirt. You were so embarrassed when it happened but now you can just laugh at the whole episode. Happiness - Not Something To Pursue Perhaps the most sought after thing in the world is happiness. Our constitution even provides freedom for the pursuit of happiness. People seek out many things in that pursuit . . . power, money, love, sex, food, etc. The ABCs Of A Great Life: J Is For Joviality Laughter, humor, a lighthearted sense of being - all of these are an important part of a well-balanced breakfast, er, life. Without humor, there is no hope. Without laughter, no love. And with a heavy heart, we live only a life of sadness and despair. Our ability to laugh at our foibles and laugh with our friends is a key indicator for predicting how readily we'll bounce back from difficulties and how well we'll handle the curveballs that life throws our way, and a quick smile is always the best defense in a situation that's hit a sour note. Inevitable Changes and Changeless Connections Sometimes change is pleasant. A child is born. A new career begins. A goal is accomplished. At other times, a difficult transition brings tough but necessary growing pains. Mexican Living: What Makes You Happy? Many ask me this question: "Did moving to Mexico make you happier?" My answer to that question is a resounding "no!" Does that shock you? Does that concern you? Does that cause you to pause? Do more questions come to mind? Happiness is Yours for the Taking Happiness. The pursuit of so many. In fact, we are known in America as those who live for "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' ![]() |
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