Happiness - Not Something To Pursue

Perhaps the most sought after thing in the world is happiness. Our constitution even provides freedom for the pursuit of happiness. People seek out many things in that pursuit . . . power, money, love, sex, food, etc.

Happiness is not something to pursue. It's a decision we make for ourselves. Will Rogers may have said it best. He said, "Most folks are about as happy as they decide to be!" You have to decide to be happy. You may be amazed how everything else then falls into place!

My wife and I made that decision years ago. It works! But, you have to decide to be happy every day and regardless what happens. That's not always easy. Sometimes it can be a decision you have to make every other minute. You can always come up with "reasons" to be down, if you let yourself. Know what? You can learn to take even bad times in stride! As one 70 year old man said* concerning what he had learned in his lifetime, "Don't sweat the small stuff . . . and it's all small stuff!" It takes practice, but it can be learned. Try it! Make that decision right now!

The Lord can help. You can go to Him in thanksgiving and prayer anytime. Prayer works! It really does. For many people, the problem isn't believing in God, or that he can help. The challenge is believing that he will help. "Why should He help li'l 'ole me?" "I'm not important enough for Him to help." "That's such a little thing. Why would He help with that?" "Isn't He too busy with more important things?" "That's too much to ask!" The fact is . . . He is always there, like a loving parent, to help in any way, at any time. All He asks . . . is that you ask, with faith. Then miracles can happen!

When you decide to be happy, several things occur. The world suddenly seems like a better place to live in. People seem so much easier to deal with. They seem happier. Why weren't they like that before? Smile, and the world smiles with you? Your job becomes easier. Everything becomes easier! Dreams begin to come true.

Of course, there will always be some who will try to bring you back down to their level. Misery loves company? Perhaps. You may need to distance yourself from these people, if not physically, then at least emotionally. Something else to learn. Above all . . . BE HAPPY! Pray about it. He will help!

*as recalled by the author from one of the 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' books

© 2004 David M. Butcher

Dave Butcher works a musical ministry with his wife, Carolyn Richards. They are full time and travel the USA presenting their programs at churches, gospels sings, revivals, RV campgrounds, fairs, festivals, and other events. Carolyn is the #5 "Most Played Overseas Gospel Artist" according to a chart published in the Oct & Nov, 2004 issues of Glory Train Express. Carolyn was in the top three percent "Most Played" of mainstream and indie country artists in early September according to a chart compiled by Western Heart Promotions of Phoenix, Arizona WORLDWIDE MAINSTREAM "MOST PLAYED "MAJOR & INDIE" ARTISTS CHART" 01-15 Sept.2004 According to the chart, she got more airplay in that time period than Tim McGraw, Brooks & Dunn, and Loretta Lynn. She had at least one song on the charts every month in 2004. Dave & Carolyn ask that you remember this: The Lord is gonna see that Everything's Alright! Trust Him! http://CarolynRichards.net

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