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Information on Finding Happiness |
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What The Bleep Are You So Happy About?
Could you stand to have a lot more happiness in your life? I've tried all kinds of self-help techniques and have suddenly found much more happiness and fun than ever before. It's fast, it's easy, and you can see results within a week. I was inspired by two sources: the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know," and the Laugh Doctor, Dr. Cliff Kuhn. To find more happiness, let's take a look at FUN vs. FRUSTRATION. Amazing revelations in the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know" inform us that when we become frustrated our brains release "frustration chemicals" that attach to the cells in our bodies creating a supply and demand for frustration in the form of an addiction. Frustration is probably not what you'd consider to be your drug of choice, and yet we all keep demanding it. To break this cycle, the movie suggests that we begin to monitor our emotional reactions. After a frustration binge, monitor your emotional reaction by asking yourself these questions. "What am I resisting?" "Why do I have to be right?" "What am I telling myself about this situation or person?" "Can I give up being right?" "Do I really want to keep feeling this way?" When we take responsibility for our addictions and our reactions the automatic response cycle begins to dissolve and we can make new choices. We could choose happiness! Why not? Happiness feels a lot better than frustration. According to Dr. Cliff Kuhn, "To be happy, you're going to find out, you need to take your responsibilities seriously, but yourself less so!" Based on Dr. Kuhn's advice, I have become a Fun Addict. I have decided to be amused by every thing and everyone. Remember that people say what is true for them, and we don't have to agree. We can choose to be amused. By having fun with people instead of believing they are out to offend us, most of the things that would have been upsetting will just flow right by. By committing to being amused, we can experience fun instead of frustration. Occasionally we may falter in our goal to avoid frustration, but we can still monitor that reaction which will begin to dissolve the addiction. You can implement these 3 daily steps to immediately create more happiness in your life: *Smile. *Commit to Being Amused. *Monitor Your Frustration. It is spectacular to have good relationships in my life now, instead of the havoc and strain that I was causing because of my addiction to frustration. We can all stand to lighten up a little bit or a lot. What's incredible, is that the people around us will lighten up too, so we can literally change the world one person at a time. That's an enormous goal but I think it can be a fun habit. But then, what the bleep do I know? Try it for yourself! Recommended Resources: ©Dawn Breeze-George. Reprint rights granted with article and resource box intact. Discover powerful Health Enhancing information, and register to win a FREE trip to Tahiti at http://www.nonijuice.bravehost.com/dawn.html Dawn Breeze-George is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Holistic Practitioner and Reiki Master. Dawn has been practicing Holistic healing for more than 18 years, and is committed to healing the body, mind, and spirit.
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Happiness Increases Longevity...Where Do We Find This Gift of Life? According to U.S. research, you can add seven and a half years to your life just by being happy! Happiness Versus Pleasure We are a pleasure seeking society. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing this, we will feel happy. Yet deep, abiding happiness and joy elude so many people. Could Your Thoughts Sabotage Your Happiness? Take This Quiz And Find Out Women are conditioned to be people pleasers. Women are taught to be "nice" even if that's means comprising their happiness, and often times that is exactly what happens. We have a tendency to do, and say things just so the other person's feelings don't get hurt. How many times have you wanted to say something, but thought, you can't say that, they might think you're too harsh, or unpleasant. Times have changed, and now women are accepting their authenticity with grace and happiness. How did they do it? They changed their internal thoughts to reprogram their conditioning. Are you still playing "old tapes" that are in your head? Sweeten Up Your Life Sometimes life experiences can be like a lemon-flavored Tootsie Roll Pop. Hard and sour on the outside. Soft and sweet on the inside. Take getting dumped in a relationship for instance. Facing life alone can be tough for many people. Yet, there are behind-the-scenes benefits to every predicament! There's even a sweet treat hidden within the experience of losing a lover. Ways to Bring Play into Your Life 1. roll around in the grass, and don't brush the grass off. The Personal Cost of Shyness Has someone nearby been sending you emails rather than calling or meeting you face-to-face? When you do get together, does she or he stand back, avoid holding eye contact, or speaking up? Smile - A Look at False Happiness Smile... You'll make your brain wonder what your face is up to. Happiness Fleeting "You cannot capture happiness no matter how hard you may chase after it. Happiness is something that follows you." The words of the old sage echoed in the young man's heart, sounding a constant beat like the song that plays over and over without reprieve. "What does that mean?" he asked himself. "Time to walk," he continued, trapped in his own inner dialogue. Does Money Buy Happiness? According to researchers like Martin Seligman, Daniel Kahneman and Ed Deiner, money may be able to buy happiness, but only to a very limited extent. On the other hand, not having money - that is, a family income of less than 30,000 a year - is related to less happiness. But luckily, once your basic needs are being met, the increase in happiness from say, $31,000 to $131,000 a year, is really not that great! Hard to believe, isn't it? Think of all of the time and energy we spend trying to attain more money, and it really doesn't make that big of a difference! The United States is a very rich country, but the overall level of happiness there is lower than in many poorer countries. So, the question is, if money can't buy happiness, what can? Things that are hard to buy. Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness Author Tristine Rainer wrote "Happiness within a diary has less to do with the events you encounter in life than with the way you experience the process of living." Because a diary mirrors how you perceive and deal with events, it can be used for developing the capacity to more fully experience joy. Our Feelings and Attitudes Around Happily Ever After Our feelings and attitudes have a huge impact on our ability to achieve 'happily ever after.' Are feelings and attitudes the same thing or different? Does one cause the other to happen? Which one has more power over how we respond? Does the person experiencing them have any choice in the matter? What if they are in conflict? Achievement and Happiness the 80/20 Way If there was ever a principle that was responsible for the most happiness and achievement in the world, it would be the 80/20 Principle. Shhhhh? Like enough of the noise awready! Geesh, people? Magickal Baths Taking a Magickal Bath doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as running to your local drug or beauty supply and buying a product that is appropriately scented or contains an herb or essential oil. The important thing about taking one of these baths, no matter how humble or expensive the ingredients are, is to meditate on your intention while you are sitting in the tub. Happy Buttons What makes you happy? What are the simple pleasures that bring you great joy? Review the following list slowly, taking time to savor each one and remember the emotions it evokes. How Can I Tell What Vibes Im Sending Out? The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you understand it or not, whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not. Acts of Kindness Benefit Everyone Do you really want to be happy? Everyone says yes, but the gateway to happiness makes some of us frown. The gateway to happiness, is giving to others. Think about this: "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." - The Dalai Lama Hanging Out Right off the top: What is the difference between dating and hanging out? Conditions of Happiness: Happy vs. Unhappy - Do We Have A Choice? Everyone is in the process of seeking greater happiness. We are each involved in the search for feeling good inside our bodies. What may come as a surprise is in the midst of a binge, anorexia, bulimia, or other addiction process, happiness is essentially at the core of what is being sought. The individual is experiencing some feeling of unease in their emotional state and physical body and is attempting to seek an alternative state of feeling better. Happiness What is happiness? If we mean by it a state of fulfillment, when everything is going our way, in terms of results as well as efforts (which requires a providential combination of pluck and luck), then it cannot simply be willed; it is partly, if not largely, a gift of fate. ![]() |
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